Channellock 911 1-2/5 in 4 in Aluminum and 2 in Copper Cable Cutter spécification
CUTTING PLIERS NOT ALL CUTTING EDGES ARE THE SAME... CHANNELLOCK BLUE® grips for comfort Poignées de confort CHANNELLOCK BLUE® Empuñaduras CHANNELLOCK BLUE® para mayor comodidadde las manos Laser heat-treated cutting edges last longer. CHANNELLOCK® uses high carbon steel for superior performance on the job, and an ultimate rust preventative coating. Les surfaces de coupe thermotraitées au laser durent plus longtemps. Los bordes de corte termotratados por láser dan mayor rendimiento. CHANNELLOCK® utilise un acier à haute teneur en carbone de performance supérieure protégé par un enduit antirouille idéal. CHANNELLOCK® usa acero de alto contenido de carbono que produce un rendimiento superior en el trabajo, con un recubrimiento de prevención superior contra la oxidación. CHANNELLOCK® uses precision machined knife and anvil style cutting edges to ensure perfect mating and superior cutting edge life. TYPES OF CUTTING EDGES Knife Anvil CHANNELLOCK utilise des bords tranchants de type couteau et contre-lame usinés avec précision afin d’assurer un ajustement parfait et une durabilité supérieure des tranchants. CHANNELLOCK® utiliza filos de corte de precisión con cuchillos de estilo “punto y plano” que aseguran el alineamiento perfecto y una mayor duración del filo de corte. ® Double Sharp VS. Channellock’s knife and anvil cutters ensure proper cutting edge alignment, resulting in a clean cut every time. Most manufacturers use two sharp edges which can become misaligned, losing their cutting effectiveness. La plupart des fabricants utilisent deux tranchants de coupe. Ceux-ci peuvent perdre leur alignement et donc leur efficacité. La mayoría de los fabricantes utilizan dos bordes afilados que pueden desalinearse, perdiendo su eficacia de corte. La conception couteau sur surface d’appui des tranchants assure un alignement correct et donc une coupe propre en toutes circonstances. Los cortadores tipo cuchillo de “punto y plano” Channellock aseguran el alineamiento correcto del filo, resultando siempre en un corte preciso. SUGGESTED WIRE CUTTING CAPACITIES (by Diameter) PIANO WIRE HARD WIRE MEDIUM HARD WIRE SOFT WIRE MIN. DIA. MAX. DIA. MIN. DIA. MAX. DIA. MIN. DIA. MAX. DIA. MAX. DIA. PLIER in mmin mm in mm inmm in mminmm in mm 317 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 326 0.080 2.032 0.080 2.032 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 336 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 337 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 338 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 350S 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 356 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 357 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 358 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 360 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 3610 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 367 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 368 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 369 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 436 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 437 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 447 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 449 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 728 0.063 1.600 0.080 2.032 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 0.080 2.032 748 * * * * * * * * * * 0.03410.864 2 0.080 2.032 758 * * * * * * * * * * 0.034 0.864 86 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 88 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 E41S * * * * * * * * * * * * 0.034 0.864 E42S * * * * * * * * * * * * 0.034 0.864 E47S * * * * * * * * * * * * 0.034 0.864 E318 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 0.080 2.032 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 326CB 0.056 1.422 336CB 0.056 1.422 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 337CB 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 338CB 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 E348 0.070 1.778 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 E388 0.063 1.600 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 Following pliers recommended for hard, medium hard, and copper applications only. 35-250 * * * * 0.047 1.194 0.070 1.778 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 Following pliers recommended for medium hard, and copper applications only. 148-10 * * * * * * 0.047 1.194 0.091 2.311 0.162 4.115 87 * * * 89 * * * 911 * * * * = Product not recommended for cutting this type of wire. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0.047 0.047 0.047 1.194 1.194 1.194 0.080 0.080 0.080 2.032 2.032 2.032 2/0 2/0 2/0 9.266 9.266 9.266 Following pliers recommended for copper and aluminum only. TENSILE STRENGTH WIRE CLASSIFICATIONS K PSI N/mm2 PIANO WIRE - Hardened steel spring wire 280 - 360 1930 - 2500 HARD WIRE - Tempered steel spring wire 240 - 275 1650 - 1900 MEDIUM HARD WIRE - Tempered steel spring wire 180 - 235 1240 - 1620 SOFT WIRE (Type 1) - Tempered steel spring wire 120 max. 825 max. SOFT WIRE (Type 2) - Tempered steel spring wire 70 - 90 480 - 620 COPPER WIRE 30 max. 200 max. e-mail: [email protected] 9 CUTTING PLIERS C E A B l l l l l l l l l End cutting plier Xtreme Leverage Technology Slimmer, lighter, better balanced design. Pinces coupantes en bout Xtreme Leverage Technology Modèle mieux équilibré, plus léger, plus mince. Alicates de corte frontal Xtreme Leverage Technology Diseño más ligero y equilibrado. H D Features A BC D E H OVERALL JAWJOINT JOINT CUTTINGHANDLE LENGTHLENGTH THICKNESSWIDTH EDGE SPANWEIGHT PLIER inmm in mm inmm in mm in mm in mm pounds grams 356 6.51166.35 0.34 8.64 0.39 9.91 1.06 26.92 0.93 23.62 1.93 49.02 0.41184.16 357 7.35186.70 0.36 9.14 0.45 11.43 1.22 30.99 1.06 26.92 1.95 49.53 0.59266.49 358 8.25209.55 0.38 9.65 0.45 11.43 1.36 35.54 1.06 26.92 1.95 49.53 0.66300.50 C,E A B D H Features l l l l l l Heavy duty construction Ideal for cutting large nails Construction robuste Parfaites pour couper les gros clous Fabricada para el uso industrial Ideal para cortar clavos grandes A BC D E H OVERALL JAWJOINT JOINT CUTTINGHANDLE LENGTHLENGTH THICKNESSWIDTH EDGE SPANWEIGHT PLIER inmm in mm inmm in mm in mm in mm pounds grams 148-10 10.00254.00 0.62 15.75 0.87 22.10 2.19 55.63 Features l l l l l l l l l l l l Improved alloy steel construction Cable cutter Cuts up to 4/0 aluminum and 2/0 copper Not for steel or ACSR Construction améliorée en acier allié Coupe-câble Coupe jusqu’à des épaisseurs d’aluminium de 4/0 et de cuivre de 2/0 Ne coupe pas l’acier ou l’alu-acier Hechas de acero aleado mejorado Cortador de cables Corta aluminio de hasta 4/0 y cobre de hasta 2/0 Herramienta no adecuada para ACSR 0.87 22.10 C B,E 2.05 52.07 1.25 566.99 A D H A BC D E H OVERALL JAWJOINT JOINT CUTTINGHANDLE LENGTHLENGTH THICKNESSWIDTH EDGE SPANWEIGHT PLIER inmm in mm inmm in mm in mm in mm pounds grams 911 9.50241.30 1.40 35.56 0.51 12.95 1.61 40.89 1.40 35.56 1.89 48.01 0.90408.23 C E B A D H C E B A D H Features l l l Concretor’s nippers Tenailles russes Tenazas rusas A BC D E H OVERALL JAWJOINT JOINT CUTTINGHANDLE LENGTHLENGTH THICKNESSWIDTH EDGE SPANWEIGHT PLIER inmm in mm inmm in mm in mm in mm pounds grams 35-250P 10.00254.00 0.83 21.08 1.06 26.92 1.38 35.05 1.38 35.05 2.01 51.05 1.02462.66 35-250 0.83 21.08 1.06 26.92 1.38 35.05 1.38 35.05 2.01 51.05 1.04471.74 10.00254.00 “P” indicates no grips. e-mail: [email protected] 11 ">

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