2.8 - Références. IFREMER des habitats marins
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2.8 - Références
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Connor, D. W., Allen, J. A., Golding, N., Howell, K. L., Lieberknecht, L. M., Northen, K. O., et Reker, J. B. (2004). The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland Version
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Jenkins, G.O., et Morando, A., (2006). The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study,
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Liens vers des documents
Rapport sur la portée du programme : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Scoping_Report_pro-forma.pdf
Animation Flash
MD : http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1931
Scoping Report : http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1722
Scoping Report_Demo1 : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Scoping_Report_Demo1_Eastern_Channel_habit
Scoping Report_Demo2 : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Scoping_Report_Demo2_Central_Channel_Anne x_I_Habitats.pdf
Scoping Report_Demo3 : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Scoping_Report_Demo3_Brittany_oil_spill_sensiti vity.pdf
Scoping Report_Demo4 : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Scoping_Report_Demo4_Brittany_coast_baseline
L’exemple d’un sommaire d’analyse de l’existant : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Gap_analysis_pro_forma.pdf
L’étude de cas sur l’archipel de Glénan : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Case_Study_Glenan_Archipelago.pdf
Guide de la typologie E
: http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM1%20E
MNCR 04 05 introduction.pdf : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM1_MNCR_04.05_introduction.pdf
Catalogue des métadonnées de M
: http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1934
WebGIS de M
: http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1934
Technique selection v2.ppt : http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1725,
Mapping shallow coastal habitats.pdf.: http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_Mapping_shallow_coastal_habitats.pdf
Remote sensing coverage.pps : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_Remote_sensing_coverage.pdf
Sidescan pole_Wadden Sea.pdf : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM3_Case_Study_Sidescan_Sonar.pd
_Standards_&_Protocols_2nd Edition_26-2-07.pdf : http://www.searchmesh.net/default.aspx?page=1442
OAA worked example v1.doc : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_OAA_worked_example.pdf
Validating the digital terrain model.doc : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_Validating_the_digital_terrain_model.pdf
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Optimising intertidal zone field work.doc : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_Optimising_intertidal_zone_field_work.pdf
EEC Aggregates Case Study1.pdf : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_Case_Study_EEC_Aggregates.pdf
EEC nested survey.pps : http://www.searchmesh.net/pdf/GMHM2_EEC_nested_survey.pdf
Liens vers des sites Web
Portail OceanNET : http://www.oceannet.org/
British Oceanographic Data Centre : http://www.bodc.ac.uk/
United Kingdom Hydrographic Office : http://www.ukho.gov.uk/
Data Archive for Seabed Species and Habitats : http://www.dassh.ac.uk/
Sea-Search : http://www.sea-search.net/
British Geological Survey : http://www.bgs.ac.uk/data/home.HTML
Cefas : http://www.cefas.co.uk/data.htm
IFREMER : http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/index_UK.htm
CIEM : http://www.ices.dk/datacentre/data_intro.asp
Global Change Master Directory to Earth Science and services : http://gcmd.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Keywords.do?Portal=GCMD&KeywordPath=Paramete rs%7COCEANS&MetadataType=0&homepg
Commission océanographique intergouvernementale : http://ioc.unesco.org/
Échange international des données et de l'information océanographiques : http://www.iode.org/
Gestion de données océanographiques : http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=59&Itemid=42
Gestion de l'information maritime : http://www.iode.org/index.php?option=com_oe&task=viewGroupRecord&groupID=60&Itemid=43 ).
Cartes des sédiments marins : http://www.bgs.ac.uk/products/digitalmaps/home.HTML
GEneral Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans : http://www.bodc.ac.uk/products/bodc_products/gebco/
DigBath250 : http://www.bgs.ac.uk/products/digbath250/
Laboratoire océanographique Proudman : http://www.pol.ac.uk/
Répertoire européen des organisations maritimes : http://www.seasearch.net/edmo/welcome.htm
Métadonnées : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadata
IHO survey standards.pdf : http://www.searchmesh.net/PDF/GMHM2_IHO_survey_standards.pdf
NMBACQ : http://www.nmbaqcs.org/ http://www.jncc.gov.uk/page-2684

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