| . DC N Ei in
| Power Pg Power Vol Voth Ps
EN Press the POWER button to turn on the speaker system. The
= Power/Pairing indicator LED is flashing that means the power is ON
bi and waiting to be connected to your Bluetooth audio. source.
a Prepare Zu source |
Using: with. your Bluetooth mobile phone | |
The Bluetooth: Multimedia. Speakers can be Used with a Bluetooth,
Mobile Phone. (equipped with A2DP-Bluetooth stereo), 7
_1. Enable Bluetooth on your mobile phone (refer to eu mobile
phone user manual). à
. 2. In the: phone’ s Bluetooth. menu, search for devices (device |
-. Name:JA2). | o |
:3. Select Audio Speaker. *
A, Enter the-PIN code” 0000". LP EEN
2. Select “My Bluetooth/Search |
Multimedia speakers. :
й Configuring Windows audio
4. Under Sound recording, change
аа. with. your computer
IVT BlueSoieilT"
o JO use the IVT BlueSoleil, first you Must pair the Bluetooth
Search and connect :
1. Double click the: Bluetooth icon in:
the task tray. :
Bluetooth Device” in the menu, all
Bluetooth devices. appear. When:
search is over, double click on the _
stereo headset icon and enter pin
code”0000”. he icon will фе.
highlighted. Click the right: ‘button of
mouse, select “Connecting” then
red dot appear as shooting.. This
means connection is successful.
Please repeat step 2 if connection |
fails. : |
Note: The IVT BlueSolel software is
not included with your Bluetooth
output |
1. Open Control Panel and double En
click Sound and Audio devices. u.
. Select the Audio tab. |
‚ Under Sound playback, change
the device to BTAUDIO.
> №?
Шен AU sur mn YA
a MA Be 5
i h tne
соборе” E О, в
= e re “a
LEE siete mde hit р fumes
the device to BTAUDIO, na eee J
5. Click OK. % | ея à |
pare: oye Е aa Kal
- 4, Right click on the stereo headset
+ 1. Open Control Panel and double -
5 Wideomm®: Bluetooth software" | бы ие sus - CONNECTIONS
To'use the Wideomm. Bluetooth software, first you ‘must pair the. — BEE
Bluetooth Multimedia speakers. _ o |
__ Мое: The Widcomm Bluetooth software is not included: with your BEER EN
‘Bluetooth pen, a ее u o Te —
ae oe _ а а
т —. o
De =]
Search and connect a cf
1. Double click the: Bluetooth i icon inv
‘the task tray, ^^^ : À CEN
2, Click Search for devices in range. ot EA
8. Double: click the Stereo Headset ña )
con. Enter 0000 for pin code.
oe MBs ie ei
bili “ik
Le ue it
icon and select Audio Sink: on.
| Stereo Headset to create а.
y 0 u shorteut. -
“osé CABLE u
Be Cônnéct the be plug of the. en to the DG IN. socket: of the system.
|. Then Connect the AC power plug to a suitable AC outlet. ^^
o Configuring Windows: audio output | 5 + Disconnect the AC power. plug. from the AC. outlet when the system is is.
dis > left unused fora one PSE of time.
+ Glick Sound and: Audio devices. ge | |
2. Select the Audio tab. | 5 Mi п 2, о ан рам” \
8: Under Sound playback: change the. A iti ee |. BATTERY INSTALLAT пом ~
device to Bluetooth High Quality - ie LE EA E, 2 |
Audio, +. OR E |
4. GO, iced
| Power/Pairing: LED wi tum light. when. the speaker i is connected O AN © = "|.
your: Bluetooth audio‘. source | successfully. The LED will flash per _ он à Leser].
“second if you do. not: connect to your Bluetooth audio source after 3 - ET us ee O E ooo
minutes" that means the speaker: ls. “coming. into idle. status. . Please.
Connect again ^^
Press the VOL+ button to increase or the VOL: button to > decrease the .
Ä listening level. | Senne
Foie DAT ty |
| To turn off the speaker system, press the POWER button à again. IS L " Remove Battery when the system is lett unused for a long |
o . The power/ pairing LED will tum off A ES _ Period of time.
Ft CC Intérferente ina:
7 This equipment has been tested. and fouad to com ply with the ang for a class: B di eligi device, pursuant to _
part 15 of the F GC Rules, These Aunts: are designed to provide D pr otection: against hat mful inter ference
5 nad a residenti al installation TT
“This equipment generates, uses and e an radiate radio frequency à ener ey and. if not intealled wid. used i in accordance |
Le with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to;
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
Г correct the interference FA one or more of the: following measures: 00 ~
= =-"Reorient e or relocate the. ehr ing antenna. CO. |
| e m"[norcase the separation between the. equipment: and receiver, 0 I:
"(Connect the equipment into an outlet où a circuit: different from: Wat to which
e Consult: Ihe de: alee or an experienced: radio/T У technician for hel р. a '
| Cauti ion:
. de The ta complies with Part 15 5 of the FCC lag, Open ation i is s subject to the f following two > conditions:
ET 15 device may not e ause harmf ul interference. .
(2) This device must aboot aly: interf er ence received, inc cluding interference that may cause > undesired
| om ation,
A his Transmitter + must not bec со- “loc ated or “operating i la con i unction with any other a antenna or te añsmitter,
‘adio communications. However, there | 1$ no guarantee that. -
this equipment does. cause harmful interference to radio or.
television reception, which 1 can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to”
the receiver is s connected og ^
23 3. € tiges à or п. modifié ations € to this únit not Ht expressly approved byt the patty responsible fi or compliance could
void theu user “author Ve, to Gpete ate the. Sala pment...
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
_ Juster Co. Ltd,