Kyosho OPEN INTERFACE TOM SC430 Manuel utilisateur
XERRICCDOHRATEZ RS BHRAICED +RICEBEL TEE WV, Before beginning assembly, please read these instructions thoroughly! Bitte lesen Sie die Anweisungen vor Gebrauch genau durch. Veuillez attentivement lire les instructions avant l’emploi. Lea cuidadosamente este manual antes de comenzar el montaje. 4-7719971-2 HA SC430 PETT — NT NE OPEN INTERFACE TOM'S SC430 "Scie BODY SHELL Manual de Instrucciones Official Licensed Product € No.30813 J ONFEICEPATNWSY 7 | 7 EMMO & |} 3 (Fil) AIRE À Ro Symbols used throughout the instruction manual, comprise: Drill holes with the specified diameter. Must be purchased separately. Erklaerung zu den Symbolen in dieser Anleitung Bohren Sie Löcher im angegebenen 9. Das Teil ist nicht Bausatz enthalten. Liste des symboles a respecter lors du montage: Percez des trous dans le @ indiqué. Doit étre acheté séparément. Pictogramas utilizados en este manual de instrucciones Perfore agujeros con la medida indicada. Debe comprarse por separado. >. [7] #7» кз 5. FRU THI TS y e Cut off shaded portion. Jl Pay close attention here! Schneiden Sie die schraffierten Fláchen heraus. Vorsicht! Wichtiger Hinweis! Coupez la partie grisée. Attention! Avis important! Corte la zona oscurecida. Preste atención. 1 17" 4 / Body Shell / Karrosserie D> CPOESDZA, Carrosserie / Carrocería If it is for GP, cut a hole. Bei GP-Fahrzeugen die Locher ausarbeiten, wie dargestellt. Si c'est pour une version thermique, découper un trou. Perfore un agujero si es para modelo GP. - XEAEEICEL > T. WIENER D ET, Depending on the model, the position of the hole could differ. Je nach Fahrzeug, kann die Position geringfúgig variieren. Selon le modele, la position des trous peut étre différente. La posición de los agujeros puede variar dependiendo del modelo. Y 77-OFERADAe Drill holes for muffler tail pipe. Bohrung fiir Resonanzrohr. Perçer un trou pour la sortie d'échappement. Perfore para la salida del escape. hy NTA, BFADAZ BIRLTLIEE WN, Choose the appropriate cut line. — Wahlen Sie eine der Schnittlinien aus. Déouper en suivant le tracé. Escoja la linea de corte apropiada. 30813-BD01 1 2 Æ3; / Painting / Lackierung Peinture / Pintado de la Carroceria @ zs. AT cha. Before painting, use a neutral detergent to remove any oil residues and dirt. Bevor Sie beginnen, reinigen Sie die Karrosserie gründlich mit einem milden Haushaltsreiniger. Avant de peindre, nettoyez la carrosserie soigneusement avec un produit vaisselle. Antes de pintar, lave la carroceria con agua jabonosa, aclare y deje secar. © "ERTL —H5—TRT A REE RET 3, Paint the body shell from the inside using Kyosho spray colors. Lackieren Sie die Karrosserie von innen mit Kyosho Sprayfarben. Peingnez la carrosserie avec des peintures en spray de chez Kyosho. Pinte la carroceria desde el interior utilizando sprays. No.76002 Sehwarz / Noir / Negro Ly E/ Red/ No.76006 Rot / Rouge / Rojo X97 17 N—/ Metallic Silver / VA No.76052 <. NAEVY Silber / Argent / Plateado Mask Windows Abdecken mit Maskierfolie Caches vitres Enmascare las ventanas Metallic Silver Silber Argent Plateado Metallic Silver Silber Rojo Argent Plateado O >> EUR, ADS Y AE 7 — NA. Mask the windows from the inside. Maskieren Sie die Fenster von innen. Masquez les fenêtres de l’intérieur. Enmascare las ventanas desde el interior. O 258. 7-1 AMORE --—-2— HELDL TE, After painting, remove the protective film from the body shell. Ziehen Sie den Schutzfilm von der Karrosserie ab. Enlevez le film protecteur de la carrosserie. Una vez terminado el trabajo de pintado, retire el plástico protector. Lyk Red Rot Rouge YAF 27 Rojo Mask Windows x 4 E 77 3 LN Abdecken mit Maskierfolie Metallic Silver Caches vitres Silber Enmascare las ventanas Argent Plateado 3 ZZ )X—" / Plastic Parts mM —e 3xBmm Karrosserie Zubehór / Accessoires / Piezas Plasticas mm—_ "A 3mm 3x8mm EX Screw LK Schraube Vis 3x8mm Tornillo 3x8mm (mn RR 2 > | 3mm J7yYy7y7— Washer Scheibe Rondelle 3mm Arandela 3mm (о) ea A amm +4 НУТУ <> Kunststoffmutter Ecrou nylon 2 | M 1 НЕ — 7 Double-sided Tape Doppelseitiges Klebeband Adhésif double face Cinta de doble cara В НИ — 7 Double-sided Tape Doppelseitiges Klebeband Adhésif double face Cinta de doble cara Ma — 7 3mm Double-sided Tape Doppelseitiges Klebeband Adhésif double face 3mm Cinta de doble cara 2 4 7 71—JU | Decals / Aufkleber Autocollants / Adhesivos > Moe Q Hh SIBEICTH—ILEIES, Apply the decals to the positions indicated in numerical order. Tragen Sie die Aufkleber in der Reihenfolge ihrer Nummern auf. Appliquez les autocollants dans l’ordre de leur numéro. Coloque los adhesivos siguiendo el orden indicado. SM LY Ne 9 57 «235 |= 36 < ПИН ТОПЕ D> y IHR N—T, The decal numbers between brackets are only for the opposite side. Die Aufkleber in Klammern sind fiir die andere Selte. Les autocollants entre parenthéses sont pour le cóté opposé. Los números entre paréntesis son para el lado opuesto. LI INE Ss,.WOL ED OPEN INTERFACE II VIYILNI NIdO LA rer e INTERFACE Dri E OPEN 5 117 4 / Body Shell / Karrosserie Carrosserie / Carrocería > «РОО, Пе Нов EE RF EM. For safety reasons, always fit the body shell when running your car (except when performing the engine run-in procedure). Aus Sicherheitsgrúnden raten wir Ihnen, die Karrosserie immer aufzusetzen, wenn Sie Ihr Auto bedienen ! Pour des raisons de sécurité, montez la carrosserie toujours guand vous opérez votre modéle ! Utilice su modelo con la carroceria colocada ! NE CALLE Part Names 679 7,77 156 GTA 74 ALFA 156 GTA Body Shell | 3150 | 210 WI 911 GT2 AZ47EYh ms 39260 | Porsche 911 GT2 Body Set | 2625 | (66:41) 717— 380 GTC RF 4 E YA 39264 Ferrari 360 GTC Body Set 3360 %717— 360 GTC Scuderia EcosseD1h7" 4 ld No392640717— 360 GTCEKETÍ. | oo *No.39264 Ferrari 360 GTC Body Shell is same as "Ferrari 360 GTC Scuderia Ecosse Body Shell". FYRE-= AVIZI M7 4Eyh 39271 Lamborghini Murcielago Body Shell 3150 ZI 470 y (WRC 2006) 1744 N 39275 | SUBARU Impreza WAC 2006 Body Shell | 3150 AMG XJ1E77 DTM 2005 174€ k 39276 | AMG Mercedes DTM 2005 Body Shell | 3150 LEXUS SC430 MF + € y N 39277 | LEXUS SC430 Body Set 3675 717-) FXX 74% M (FAZERÉF) 39280 | Ferrari FXX Body Shell (for FAZER)| 4200 DO CD hi D) 39281 YA Part Names Audi A4 DTM 2006 #4 € y Audi A4 DTM 2006 Body Set BODY SHELL (Body, Decals, Masking Sheet) ж гон JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. iE fi (6,279) 3675 KFA 39283 717 FA30 GT 7 41t y NE 1777947 Body Set (Ferrari F430 GT) 4200 39284 7ANYY-747 DBR9 74€ hb Body Set (Aston Martin DBR9) 3675 39285 171 911 GT3 RSR 1742 | Porsche 911 GT3 RSR Body Set 3675 39286 =y#Y 717 LT 47-GT500/2007 H74 y NISSAN Fairlady Z-GT500 / 2007 Body Set 3990 39287 NY% NSX 2007 GT #74 #9 F (C27 FV HX HONDA NSX 2007 GT Body Set 3780 39288 3% MR-S GT-300 2007 74 € y TOYOTA MR-S GT-300 2007 Body Set 4410 KIA N=27 Y y74—apr MR-SOh7 41d No.3928809 13% MR-S G1-300 2007 € 571 *№.39288 TOYOTA MR-S GT-300 2007 Body Shell is same as "Lightning McQueen apr MR-S Body Shell". E 4410 NA Ei SPONSOR DECAL 39289 NN | Part Names AMG X/E77A7 DTM 2007 174 € y || AMG Mercedes DTM 2007 Body Set y Gli (6279) 3675 E E 39292 =$ GT-R GT500 2008 1174 + y NISSAN GT-R GT500 2008 Body Set 3990 XL 77 IMPUL GTR 20080 #74 là No.392920= 4 #2 GT-R GT500 2008 4 HET *No.39292 NISSAN GT-R GT500 2008 Body Shell is same as "CALSONIC IMPUL GT-R 2008 Body Shell". ° 3990 39293 YI7—L7 FI GRA74€Y kb McLaren F1 GTR Body Set 4200 39294 mb IA Y h C6-RM 2007 74 € y | 3675 Chevrolet9 Corvette? C6-R™ 2007 Body Set IN—Y 4% Part Names EA E] Gli (279) KFA AE Part Names iE fi (6279) KFA FAB001 N—- Y Part Names ANILLA Y FL WRE 2001 Completed Body Set (SUBARU Impreza WRC 2006) y Ca (07279) P 5775 39179 | AHYT-THW(ANYZY7 AN1717) 1260 | 210 39269 | ANYI-77-1(947574 147 2-77) 2310 | 210 -1 Sponsor Decal (CALSONIC SKYLINE) e -1 Sponsor Decal (DYNACITY TOM'S SUPRA) 2 39248 | 47-771) (XANAVI NISMO GT-R | | 39270 | A7—7—JU (GZOX HASEMIZ) Dun -1 | Sponsor Decal (XANAVI NISMO GT-R)| 2310 | (BE)! | 14 | Sponsor Decal (G'ZOX HASEMI Z)| 2910 | (5A) 39250 | 117%-7-1 (Ly 7N770- 4-77) 2100 39272 | Am %—77— 1 (EPSON NSX) 2520 -1 Sponsor Decal (ESSO Ultraflo Supra) -1 Sponsor Decal (EPSON NSX) -1 Sponsor Decal (NISMO FAIRLADY 3502) -1 Sponsor Decal (BMW M3 GT-R 24th 2005) 39254 | AMY—-7 9-1 (7y 177 4-77) 2625 39274 | AN-741-1 (17 ELA 7 KI CCIZ 3150 -1 Sponsor Decal (WOODONE SUPRA) -1 Sponsor Decal (ENDLESS ADVAN CCl Z) 39256 | 1179-74-10 (EF 1-1 Ey h7-7 GT-R) 2310 39275 | AÑI-71- (AU 4770 WRC 2006 1890 -1 Sponsor Decal (MOTUL PITWORK GT-R) -1 Sponsor Decal (SUBARU Impreza WRC 2006) 39257 | AMYT—7#H—)L (BMW M3 GTR) 2310 39276 | AM-71-1 (AMG X/77 DTM 2009) 1890 -1 Sponsor Decal (BMW M3 GTR) -1 Sponsor Decal (AMG Mercedes DTM 2005) 39258 | AM$—-74—/ (177 NSX 2004 3150 39277 | Am7%-741—1/ (OPEN INTERFACE SC430 3150 -1 Sponsor Decal (EPSON NSX 2004) -1 Sponsor Decal (OPEN INTERFACE SC430) 39259 | AÑ7%-741-1(4/7=y7 47/07) 2310 39278 | AÑ-77-1(717-1 575 GTC GP.C SPORTS 2310 -1 Sponsor Decal (CALSONIC IMPUL Z) -1 Sponsor Decal (Ferrari 575GTC G.P.C SPORTS) 39260 | K74771—JD (> 911 GT?) gap 39279 | A-74-(147)-L BIC 7717 7-N) 4890 -1 Decal (Porsche 911 GT2) -1 Sponsor Decal (Vauxhall BTCC Astra Coupe) 39262 | A%-7-1(9477-1 BTCC77h3 7= 2004 2205 39281 | AM/%-74-1 (Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportslite) 2100 -1 Sponsor Decal (VAUXHALL BTCC ASTRA Coupe 2004) -1 Sponsor Decal (Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Spore) | -1 Sponsor Decal (MOTUL PITWORK Z) -1 Sponsor Decal (Ferrari 360 GTC Scuderia Ecosse) 39268 | AM-771—/ (TAKATA ES NOX] 2310 39283 | AY-74-1(717— 430 GT Scuderia Ecosse) 1260 -1 Sponsor Decal (TAKATA DOME NSX) -1 Sponsoor Decal(Ferrari F430 GT Scuderia Ecosse) (Body Decals, Sponsor Decals) 1 N—-YZ Part Names AMYI-7h=1 (7477-74 DBR Le Mans 200) Sponsoor Decal (Aston Martin DBRS Le Mans 2006) EM (6,279) 2100 % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. KA 39285 1 ANYT-Th—I/(NWY 1 911 GT3 RSR Sponsoor Decal (Porsche 911 GT3 RSR) 1575 39286 1 ANYI-7-1 (9774 Z=ZEZ) Sponsoor Decal (XANAVI NISMO Z) 3990 39287 1 AH#-TH-I/ (ARTA NSX 2007 GT500) Sponsoor Decal (ARTA NSX 2007 GT500) 1260 39288 1 AMYF—7H—JL (apr MR-S) Sponsoor Decal (apr MR-S) 3990 39289 1 Ay I (AMG XEFAXY" DTM 2007 Sponsoor Decal (AMG Mercedes DTM 2007) 2100 39290 1 Añ#-7}-I0 (Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsine Np.4 Sponsoor Decal (Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsline No.4) — 2415 39292 1 AN7}-7-\ (MOTUL AUTECH GT-R 2006 Sponsoor Decal (MOTUL AUTECH GT-R 2008) 2205 39293 1 AÑ -70-1 (170-377 1) + 77 1905) Sponsoor Decal (Gulf Racing Le Mans 1995) 1260 39294 1 Any hl Ay b C6R™ 2007) Sponsoor Decal (Chevrolet® Corvette® C6-R™ 2007) 1260 39295 1 AÑ/I-7-1 (417 IMPUL GTR 2008 Sponsoor Decal (CALSONIC IMPUL GT-R 2008) 2100 39296 1 AN Y-7A-1(74 1=77 77 4-Yapr MRS 6300 Sponsoor Decal (Lightning McQueen apr MR-S) EE IEA 4 В у К | РАММТЕО СОМРЕЕТЕ ВООУ 5НЕШ. & 2 555) | E EZ Ы 210 FAB002 AMG XJLE7 2 DTM 2008 AMG Mercedes DTM 2005 5775 (BLA) FAB003 777 \/-), ВТСС РАЯ 7 —^ Vauxhall BTCC Astra Coupe 5775 FAB004 717—-—J FXX(FAZEREF) Ferrari FXX (for FAZER) 6300 FAB0O05 Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsl Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsline 16775 FAB006 717—! F430 GT Scuderia Ecos$ Ferrari F430 GT Scuderia Ecosse ° 6300 FAB007 ARTA NSX 2007 GT500 ARTA NSX 2007 GT500 6510 (Painted complete body shell) N—-YZ % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. JAC YZ y GE FAB008 Part Names Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsline No.4 Audi A4 DTM Team Abt Sportsline No.4 Ef (BLA) 8190 | IX FE 210 FAB009 Y77—L> FI GTR 4171-9777 McLaren F1 GTR Gulf Racing 8190 (BLA) VZB002 АЛЬ, AY 7L Y WRC 2003 Completed Body Set (SUBARU Impreza WRC 2003) 5040 VZB003 IX 79—WTFTANZ Completed Body Set (VAUXHALL ASTRA) 5040 VZB007 GM INDI 911 GT2 (417 X97 Y7) Completed Body Set (Porsche 911 GT2 / Gunmetalic) 5040 VZB007 W MJLŸY = 911 GT2 (K7- EH] Completed Body Set (Porsche 911 GT2 / White) 5040 VZB008 AJUL A YTLyH (WRC 2004 5040 Completed Body Set (SUBARU IMPREZA WRC 2004) VZB009 Part Names BMW M3 GTR Completed Body Set (BMW M3 GTR) (Bid) 5040 | E E 210 VZB010 717—"Y 575 GTC G.P.C SPORTS Complete Body Set (Ferrari 575 GTC G.P.C SPORTS) 5460 (BLA) VZB011 717— 360 GTC Scuderia Ecosse Complite Body Set (Ferrari 360 GTC Scuderia Ecosse) 5460 VZB012 7ANYY—7 4 Y DBR9 Le Mans 200 Aston Martin DBR9 Le Mans 2006 5 5460 VZB013 MJLŸYI 911 GT3 RSR Porsche 911 GT3 RSR 5460 VZB014 AMG XJ)JLEF ANY DTM 200 AMG Mercedes DTM 2007 / 6720 VZB015 YML— OJUNY = C6-RTM 2007 6720 Chevrolet® Corvette® C6-RTM 2007 RA =I JAC YZ Part Names WHEEL NA Description (BA) | FE fe kA % FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. XEGHRDH, FELL AKREZEET IHERB DET, *SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. © Copyright 2008 KYOSHO CORPORATION / ES fab HE 5 | X—h—EROMEREEFERALT ZELRCEELAEL 450 RER—LR— | ) ® A FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS RIEL 243-0034 #5) ЕЕ ЖТ 153 @ = — —HAEEREESE 046-229-4115 HALNIER : AE- + (MEHZER<) 10: 00-18: 00 61920812-1 PRINTED IN JAPAN ">

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