2x30-35Nm 60 mm 2x30-35Nm 2x30-35Nm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 40 mm 2x30-35Nm 4Nm M8 4x L2 2x30-35Nm 2x30-35Nm 35-40Nm L3 L3 35-40Nm 0 /15 100 mm 4Nm 35-40Nm L3 40 mm L3 35-40Nm 4Nm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 4Nm 4Nm 35-40 Nm L2 35-40Nm L2 4Nm 4Nm 35-40Nm SW 17 L2 2 x 30-35 Nm 35-40Nm 2x30-35Nm 2x30-35Nm L1 4Nm M8 4x 35-40Nm 4Nm 35-40Nm SW 17 4Nm 60 mm 4Nm M8 4x 100 mm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 35-40Nm 4Nm M8 4x 2x30-35Nm 35-40Nm L1 35-40 Nm L1 2x30-35Nm 4Nm 4Nm 0 /15 100 mm 2 Listed accessories for use with Wöhner busbar support only 35-40Nm 35-40Nm All devices are suitable for use in branch and feeder circuits 2x30-35Nm CR185-C40* 2x30-35Nm 2x30-35Nm 4Nm 4Nm L1 2x30-35Nm 35-40Nm 1x 2x 2x30-35Nm 2x30-35Nm + 2x30-35Nm 40 mm 1x 2x 1x 2x30-35Nm Attenzione: Per prevenire infortuni, togliere tensione prima dell'installazione o manutenzione. Installare in custodia idonea. Tenere lontano da contaminanti. Messa in servizio e manutenzione solo da personale specializzato! 1x 1x 4Nm 4Nm 4Nm Attention: Avant le montage et la mise en service, couper l'alimentation secteur afin d'éviter tout accident. Prévoir une mise en coffret ou armoire appropriée, protéger le produit contre les environnements agressifs. Mise en service en entretien: seulement par du personnel spécialisé! Art. 01482 100 mm Art. 01416 150 mm 1.2 4 11-1 m h m 2x30-35Nm 60 mm 1.1 4Nm Atención: Con el objeto de evitar accidentes, hay que desconectar la alimentación eléctrica antes de realizar el montaje y la puesta en marcha. Debe instalarse en una caja o armario apropiado. Debe protegerse el producto de los ambientes agresivos. La puesta en marcha y el mantenimiento ha de hacerlo exclusivamente por personal especializado! 30 mm 40 mm 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm 120 mm 2x30-35Nm Attention: To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before installing or servicing. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants. To be commissioned and maintained only by qualified personnel! h 2x30-35Nm Achtung: Vor Installations- oder Servicearbeiten Stromversorgung unterbrechen, um Unfälle zu vermeiden. Die Geräte müssen in einempassenden Gehäuse eingebaut und gegen Verschmutzung geschützt werden. Inbetriebsetzung und Wartung nur durch Fachpersonal! 40 mm Busbar connector Unión de barras Jonction longitudinale pour barres Connessioni longitudinali 35-40Nm Schienen-Längsverbindung Art. 01481 35-40Nm Art. 01480 2x30-35Nm 1 CR185-C60* Type Designation Voltage [ac/dc] Current [A] 3ph SCCR [kA] Busbar [mm] (1x) CR185-C40* 1000V/630A 42 30x10 (1x) CR185-C40* 1000V/700A 42 40x10 (2x) CR185-C40* 1000V/1300A 50 80x10 (1x) CR185-C40* (1x) CR185-C60* 1000V/1550A 50 100x10 Type Designation Voltage [ac/dc] Current [A] 3ph SCCR [kA] Busbar [mm] (1x) CR185-C60* 1000V/700A 42 60x10 (2x) CR185-C60* 1000V/1300A 50 120x10 (1x) CR185-C60* (1x) CR185-C40* 1000V/1550A 50 100x10 *Type No. according to Subject to change without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Wöhner GmbH Co. KG, Mönchrödener Str. 10, 96472 Rödental, Germany www.woehner.com 94264000A Index b ">

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