5 YEAR WARRANTY The quality of Powerplus XQ is highlighted by a warranty of no less than 5 years! This unique warranty advantage assures you that you made the right purchase and allows you to fully enjoy the reliability of the Powerplus XQ quality while performing countless jobs for the next 5 years. QUALITY & DURABILITY TESTS All our Powerplus XQ tools are carefully checked and subjected to a strict quality control. Only those Powerplus XQ tools that meet the SGS-CEBEC Quality Performance criteria are accepted by us. Varo has chosen SGS, the world leader in testing and certification, as a permanent partner for the verification of our quality. The SGS-CEBEC Quality Performance program ensures a thorough verification of various aspects such as durability, performance and safety. 2 3 SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT 4m RUBBER CABLE with BALL JOINT Most of the XQ power tools have a 4 metre rubber cable with ball joint. The ball joint allows your electrical cable to move flexibly, which guarantees the durability of your tool. The connection of your tool with the electrical cable will not be affected by the use: the insulation in the cable will not be damaged by frequent bending and the copper wires inside will not break from stress. The 4 metre cable gives you extra freedom of movement. A supple rubber cable means that it is extremely durable and flexible. In comparison to PVC, rubber is also more resistant to grease, acids etc. MAGNESIUM The main part of the machine housing of most Powerplus XQ tools is made of magnesium. Magnesium is the lightweight metal of the future, extremely strong and durable. 75% lighter than steel and 35% lighter than aluminium. The material absorbs energy and thus ensures extra shock absorption. 4 index NiMH Cordless Drills 6 Li-Ion Cordless Drills 8 POWXQ5231 - POWXQ5234 Snoerloze NiMH boormachines // Perceuses sans fil NiMH NiMH Akku-Bohrschrauber // Taladros a batería NiMH POWXQ5243 - POWXQ5250 Snoerloze Li-Ion boormachines // Perceuses sans fil Li-Ion Li-Ion Akku-Bohrschrauber // Taladros a batería Li-Ion MULTI-USE TOOL POWXQ5271 Multifunctioneel gereedschap // Outil multi-usage Multifunktionsgerät // Herramienta multifunción Impact Drills POWXQ5203 - POWXQ5205 Klopboormachines // Perceuses à percussion Schlagbohrmaschinen // Taladros percutores hammer drillS POWXQ5220 - POWXQ5223 - POWXQ5226 Boorhamers // Marteaux perforateurs Bohrhammer // Martillos perforadores Finishing sander POWXQ5401 vlakschuurmachine // Ponceuse vibrante Schwingschleifer // Lijadora orbital Belt sander POWXQ5406 bandschuurmachine // ponceuse à bande Bandschleifer // lijadora de banda electric PLANER POWXQ5502 schaafmachine // rabot Elektrohobel // cepillo Angle grinders POWXQ5102 - POWXQ5104 - POWXQ5107 haakse slijpers // meuleuses d’angle Winkelschleifer // amoladoras angulares Mitre & table saw 2-in-128 POWXQ5350 Verstek- / tafelzaag 2-in-1 scie à onglet / scie à table 2-en-1 Kapp-und Gehrungssäge / Tischkreissäge 2-in-1 ingletadora / sierra de mesa 2-en-1 Table saw 29 Tile cutter 30 cut-off saw for metal 31 Heat guns 32 10 POWXQ5360 tafelzaag // scie à table Tischkreissäge // sierra de mesa 12 POWXQ5320 tegelsnijder // coupe-carrelage Fliesenschneidmaschine // cortador azulejos 14 POWXQ5390 metaalsnijder // tronçonneuse pour métal Metall-trennmaschine // Tronzadora de metal 17 POWXQ6104 - POWXQ6110 heteluchtpistolen // décapeurs Heißluftpistolen // Decapadores 18 POWXQ8105 - POWXQ8125 Compressoren // Compresseurs Kompressoren // Compresores 19 POWXQ9100 Jawzilla spanbok // Support de serrage Jawzilla Spannbock Jawzilla // Caballete de sujeción Jawzilla Compressors34 Jawzilla CLAMPING STAND 36 support Stands for mitre & table saws 37 20 POWXQ53300T - POWXQ53600T Onderstellen voor verstek-en tafelzagen Supports pour scies à onglet et à table Ständer für Gehrungs-und Tischkreissäge Soportes para ingletadoras y sierras de mesa MULTITOOL 15-in-1 38 Retractable utility knife 38 Jigsaw23 POWXQ9756 Multigereedschap // Outil multifonctions Multitool // Herramienta multiusos Circular saws 24 POWXQ9753 Hobbymes // Cutter universal Universal Messer // Cuchilla Mitre saw 26 POWXQ9720 30-dlg schroevendraaierset // Jeu de tournevis 30pcs 30-tlg Schraubendreher Satz // Set destornilladores 30pzs Telescopic mitre saw 27 POWXQ9255 Metalen koffer // Coffre en métal Metall Kasten // Caja de metal POWXQ5302 decoupeerzaag // scie sauteuse Stichsäge // sierra de calar POWXQ5313 - POWXQ5315 cirkelzagen // scies circulaires Handkreissägen // sierras circulares POWXQ5330 verstekzaag // scie à onglet Kapp-und Gehrungssäge // Ingletadora POWXQ5335 Telescopische verstekzaag scie à onglet télescopique Teleskopische Kapp-und Gehrungssäge Ingletadora telescópica Screwdriver set 30pcs39 Metal box 39 5 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS Cordless drilL POWXQ5231 Nimh 14.4V 25+2 torque settings 2 speed function switch Forward & reverse rotation 1 extra battery pack Soft grip Auxiliary handle 14.4V 2x battery NiMH 2000mAh 2 speed 0-450/0-1700min-1 keyless jacobs chuck 13mm charging time 1h Max. Torque 35Nm Torque settings 25+2 rated voltage Including BMC 1h charger FEATURES 2 batteries impact function auxiliary handle 6 XQ5231B Spare battery 14.4V NiMH 2000mAh | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other Cordless drilL POWXQ5234 25+2 torque settings Nimh 18V 2 speed function switch Forward & reverse rotation 1 extra battery pack Soft grip Auxiliary handle 18V 2x battery NiMH 2500mAh 2 speed 0-470/0-1800min-1 keyless jacobs chuck 13mm charging time 1h Max. Torque 40Nm Torque settings 25+2 rated voltage Including BMC 1h charger FEATURES 2 batteries impact function auxiliary handle XQ5234B Spare battery 18V NiMH 2500mAh 7 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS Cordless drilL POWXQ5243 Keyless Sanou chuck with quick SDS-type system LI-ION 12V 11+1 torque settings 2 speed function switch Forward & reverse rotation LED light Soft grip Built-in bit holder 12V Li-Ion 1300mAh 2 speed 0-350/0-1200min-1 keyless sanou chuck 10mm charging time 1h Max. Torque 30Nm Torque settings 11+1 rated voltage 2x battery Including BMC 1h charger FEATURES 2 Li-ION batteries led light built-in bit holder keyless chuck with quick sds-type system 8 XQ5243B Spare battery 12V Li-Ion 1300mAh 1 extra battery pack | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other Cordless drilL POWXQ5250 25+2 torque settings 1 extra battery pack LI-ION 18V 2 speed function switch LED light Forward & reverse rotation Soft grip Auxiliary handle 18V Li-Ion 2600mAh 2 speed 0-470/0-1700min-1 keyless jacobs chuck max. Ø13mm charging time 1h Max. Torque 45Nm Torque settings 25+2 rated voltage 2x battery Including BMC FEATURES 2 Li-ION batteries impact function led light buckle magnetic plate built-in bit holder keyless chuck with quick sds-type system auxiliary handle 1h charger XQ5250B Spare battery 18V Li-Ion 2600mAh 9 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS Multi-use tool POWXQ5271 LI-ION 12V Soft grip Alu gear box Rotation speed (6 positions) Including BMC Triangular sanding pad rated voltage battery battery type rotation speed (6 positions) charging time 12V 1300mAh Li-Ion 1000020000min-1 1h 10 sandpapers included Segment saw blade wood & plastic Carbide grinding disc tiles, ceramic, concrete & plaster FEATURES li-ion BATTERY 1300mAh ALU GEAR BOX SOFT PAINTING 10 Plunge cut saw blade wood Segment saw blade wood, plastic & metal Shovel blade conrete, glue & wood CIRCULAR SAWS | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cutting-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | stands | other INTERCHANGEABLE LI-ION BATTERIES Purchase both power tools so the Interchangeable batteries allow for continuous use with no down time LI-ION + no self discharge + no memory effect + more energy and better performance + environmentally friendly Cordless drilL LI-ION 12V Multi-use tool LI-ION 12V POWXQ5231 Charging time 1 POWXQ5231 Charging time 1 hour hour 11 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS IMPACT DRILL POWXQ5203 850W SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Drill / impact drill selector Left/right Variable speed switch Auxiliary handle Lock-on button Steel depth stop Soft grip voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed keyless peacock chuck (metal / pp) impacts per minute rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 850W 0-2800min-1 max. 13mm 0-44800 4m FEATURES Magnesium die-cast impact function swivel ball cable restraint AUXILIARY handle 12 Magnesium die-cast Keyless Peacock chuck (metal / PP) | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1200W IMPACT DRILL POWXQ5205 SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Drill / impact drill selector Left/right Variable speed switch Speed select switch (1/2) Auxiliary handle Steel depth stop Lock-on button Soft grip 230-240V~ 50hz 1200W 0-1000/0-2800min-1 voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed keyless peacock chuck (metal) impacts per minute rubber cable FEATURES max. 13mm 0-19000/ 0-53200 4m Magnesium die-cast impact function swivel ball cable restraint AUXILIARY handle Magnesium die-cast Keyless Peacock chuck (metal) 13 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS hammer drill POWXQ5220 520W Steel depth stop SDS-plus type chuck Including BMC 2 pcs SDS-plus type chisel flat 14 x 250mm & pointed 250mm voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed impacts per minute rubber cable weight 230-240V~ 50hz 520W 820min-1 3000 4m ± 3.5kg 3 pcs SDS-plus type drill 8/10/12mm x 150mm FEATURES Magnesium die-cast 3 functions: hammering, drilling & chiseling auxiliary handle 14 Soft grip | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1500W hammer drill POWXQ5223 Antivibration system Steel depth stop SDS-plus type chuck Including BMC 13mm key chuck 2 pcs SDS-plus type chisel flat 22 x 250mm & pointed 250mm voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed impacts per minute rubber cable weight FEATURES 230-240V~ 50hz 1500W 800min-1 3900 4m ± 5.7kg Magnesium die-cast 3 functions: hammering, drilling & chiseling swivel ball cable restraint vibration reduction (AVS) AUXILIARY handle 3 pcs SDS-plus type drill 8/10/12mm x 150mm Soft grip SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT 15 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 1250W hammer drill POWXQ5226 Double antivibration system Soft grip SDS-max type chuck Including BMC 2 pcs SDS Max chisel flat 25 x 350mm & pointed 350mm Double antivibration system 2 pcs SDS-max type chisel flat 25 x 350mm & pointed 350mm voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed impacts per minute rubber cable weight 230-240V~ 50hz 1250W 450min-1 2800 4m ± 6.8kg 3 pcs SDS-max type drill 6/18/22mm x 320mm FEATURES Magnesium die-cast 2 functions: hammering & chiselING SDS-max type chuck double vibration reduction (AVS) auxiliary handle 16 Steel depth stop | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other finishing SANDER POWXQ5401 250W SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Soft grip Magnesium die-cast Dust bag included 2 paper clamps Hook & loop system voltage - frequency rated power OscillatiON speed sanding surfacE rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 250W 22000min-1 90x184mm 4m FEATURES Magnesium die-cast Hook & Loop System 2 PAPER CLAMPS swivel ball cable restraint Lock-on button 17 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 1200W BELT SANDER POWXQ5406 SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Dust bag included Lock-on button Soft grip Belt centering knob voltage - frequency rated power belt speed sanding surface belt size rubber cable FEATURES 230V~ 50hz 1200W 500m/min 100x210mm 610x100mm 4m Magnesium die-cast EXTERNAL BRUSH CAPS swivel ball cable restraint 18 Magnesium die-cast Sanding belt G120 included | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other electric PLANER POWXQ5502 800W SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Dust bag included Lock-on button Soft grip Ratcheting depth knob Magnesium die-cast Side guide voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed cutting width max. cutting depth rubber cable 230V~ 50hz 800W 15000min-1 82mm 2mm 4m FEATURES Magnesium die-cast DUST BAG swivel ball cable restraint Fence guide 19 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS ANGLE GRINDER POWXQ5102 950W 115mm SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Spindle lock button Soft grip voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed disc size rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 950W 10500min-1 0115mm 4m Magnesium die-cast Auxiliary handle for 3 positions FEATURES Magnesium die-cast QUICK CLAMP SYSTEM swivel ball cable restraint 20 Safety guard with quick clamp system (DISC NOT INCLUDED) | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1300W ANGLE GRINDER POWXQ5104 125mm SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Soft grip Spindle lock button Soft grip voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed disc size rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 1300W 9000min-1 0125mm 4m Magnesium die-cast Auxiliary handle for 3 positions FEATURES Magnesium die-cast QUICK CLAMP SYSTEM swivel ball cable restraint Safety guard with quick clamp system (DISC NOT INCLUDED) 21 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 2450W ANGLE GRINDER POWXQ5107 230mm SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Soft grip Spindle lock button voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed disc size rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 2450W 6000min-1 0230mm 4m Magnesium die-cast Auxiliary handle for 3 positions Soft start FEATURES Magnesium die-cast QUICK CLAMP SYSTEM SOFT start swivel ball cable restraint 22 Safety guard with quick clamp system (DISC NOT INCLUDED) | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other JIGSAW POWXQ5302 900W Variable speed switch Soft grip SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Lock-on button Laser switch Magnesium die-cast Pendular switch (4 pos.) voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed pendular positions rubber cable 230-240V~ 50hz 900W 500-3000min-1 0/1/2/3 4m 90 - 45° Dust blowing switch FEATURES Magnesium die-cast laser FITS ALL types OF BLADES swivel ball cable restraint Side guide 23 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 1350W CIRCULAR SAW POWXQ5313 Soft grip Laser light on-off switch SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Guide handle Dust extraction outlet Angle adjustment Magnesium die-cast Lower guard 230-240V~ 50hz rated power 1350W rotation speed 5000min-1 blade size 0185x20x2.4mm-24T rubber cable 4m Max. cutting capacity 90°: 62mm 45°: 41mm voltage - frequency Side guide FEATURES Magnesium die-cast laser swivel ball cable restraint 24 (BLADE INCLUDED) | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1800W CIRCULAR SAW POWXQ5315 Laser light on-off switch SWIVEL BALL CABLE RESTRAINT Dust extraction outlet Guide handle Magnesium die-cast Angle adjustment Lower guard 230-240V~ 50hz rated power 1800W rotation speed 5000min-1 blade size 0210x30x2.4mm-24T rubber cable 4m Max. cutting capacity 90°: 74mm 45°: 55mm voltage - frequency Side guide Soft grip FEATURES Magnesium die-cast laser swivel ball cable restraint (BLADE INCLUDED) 25 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 1500W Mitre saw POWXQ5330 254mm Laser Dust bag Scale for accurate angle position vertical Metal side guides with rollers Scale for accurate angle position horizontal Distance stopper 230V~ 50hz 1500W 4500min-1 0254x30x2.8mm-40T Clamp voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed blade size Max. cutting capacity (HxL) 90° x 90°:75x130mm 45° left x 90°:75x90mm 45° right x 90°:75x90mm 90° x 45°:50x130mm 45° left x 45°:50x90mm 45° right x 45°:50x90mm FEATURES LASER 2 metal side guides + rollers Very accurate angle positioning adjustable CLAMP 26 Ø254 x30 x 2.8mm - 40T BLADE included Also available in our assortment: suitable support stand POWXQ53300T p. 37 | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1800W TELESCOPIC mitre saw POWXQ5335 254mm Dust bag Laser Telescopic Scale for accurate angle position vertical Scale for accurate angle position horizontal Distance stopper Clamp Metal side guides with rollers 230V~ 50hz 1800W 4500min-1 0254x30x2.8mm-40T voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed blade size Max. cutting capacity (HxL) 90° x 90°: 45° left x 90°: 45° right x 90°: 90° x 45°: 45° left x 45°: 45° right x 45°: FEATURES 90x305mm 90x215mm 90x215mm 42x305mm 42x215mm 42x215mm telescopic LASER 2 metal side guides + rollers Very accurate angle positioning adjustable cLAMP Ø254 x30 x 2.8mm - 40T BLADE included Also available in our assortment: suitable support stand POWXQ53300T p. 37 27 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS mitre & table SAW 2-IN-1 1800W POWXQ5350 305mm Lighting unit Dust bag Laser unit Extension tables Ø305 x 30x2.8mm - 48T BLADE included Turntable with precise angular adjustment Table size 470 x 335mm 230V~ 50hz rated power 1800W rotation speed 3800min-1 blade size 0305x30x2.8mm-48T cutting capacity table saw 50mm voltage - frequency Parallel guide Max. cutting capacity mitre saw (HxL) 90° x 90°:95x150mm 45° left x 90°:70x100mm 45° right x 90°:95x100mm 90°x 45°:60x150mm 45° left x 45°:45x70mm 45° right x 45°:45x100mm Tilt protector FEATURES laser & lighting unit extension tables sturdy and precise alu cast construction magnetic on/off switch circuit breaker 28 Extension tables Also available in our assortment: suitable support stand POWXQ53300T p. 37 | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 1800W table SAW POWXQ5360 Sliding mitre table 254mm Table size: 645x530mm with extensions: 850x860mm Mitre gauge 90°-45° Rip fence with magnifying lens Blade raising & tilting control handle Side table & rear table extension Storage compartments 230-240V~ 50hz rated power 1800W rotation speed 4500min-1 blade size 0254x30x2.8mm-40T Max. cutting capacity 90°: 80mm 45°: 55mm voltage - frequency Ø254 x 30x2.8mm - 40T BLADE included FEATURES sliding mitre table table with extensions mm & cm indication Storage space for all accessories magnetic on/off switch Also available in our assortment: suitable support stand POWXQ53600T p. 37 29 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS tile cutter POWXQ5320 750W 180mm Table size 500x380mm Cord retainer Bevel table 3 positions: 0° / 22.5° / 45° PRCD (portable residual current device) Water reservoir 3.3 l 230V~ 50hz 750W rotation speed 2950min-1 blade size 0180x22.2x2.2mm Max. cutting capacity 90°: 30mm 45°: 14mm voltage - frequency INCLUDED: Folding stand Comfortable working height 855mm rated power Chrome plated table top FEATURES chrome plated table top cable storage PRCD comfortable working height (stand included) 30 Rip guide scale (mm) Rip & mitre guide | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 2000W cut-off saw POWXQ5390 355mm D-shaped handle Ø355 x 25.4 x 3mm BLADE included Sturdy metal base plate Easy clamp system voltage - frequency rated power rotation speed blade size mitre angle 230-240V~ 50hz 2000W 3500min-1 0355x25.4x3mm 30°/45° Spindle lock Max. cutting capacity Wheel guard 90° 45° Ø100mm Ø80mm 100x100mm 60x60mm 120x95mm 85x60mm 100x100mm 60x60mm FEATURES Adjustable depth stop High quality cutting blade included Angle plate high quality cutting blade included D-shaped handle easy clamping system sturdy base plate 31 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 2000W heat gun POWXQ6104 Air vents 4 nozzles voltage - frequency rated power cable length 220-240V~ 50hz 2000W 4m temperature & air flow I: 50°C • 300 l/min II: 400°C • 300 l/min III: 600°C • 500 l/min On/off switch FEATURES constant heat control min. lifetime 400h with thermo protector cut-out cool zone 32 | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 2000W heat gun POWXQ6110 Air vents 4 nozzles & stainless steel scraper voltage - frequency rated power cable length 220-240V~ 50hz 2000W 4m LCD display temperature & air flow Temperature & air flow adjusting buttons I: 50°C • 250-500 l/min II: 50-650°C • 250-500 l/min FEATURES constant heat control electronic variable temperature & air flow lcd display with temperature & air flow indicator min. lifetime 450h with thermo protector cut-out cool zone On/off switch Including BMC 33 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 1600W COMPRESSOR POWXQ8105 2.5HP 10 bar 24L Lubricated pump Direct driven compressor Handle Universal coupler 24 l tank Universal coupler Rubber wheels Condensation outlet voltage - frequency rated power air flow rated pressure tank universal couplers 220-240V~ 50hz 2.5HP / 1600W 250 l/m 10 bar 24 l 2x 5m rubber hose on hose reel POWOIL012 FEATURES 5m rubber hose lubricated pump universal couplers rubber wheels 34 POWOIL012 Compressor oil 1l | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other 2200W COMPRESSOR POWXQ8125 3HP Belt driven air compressor Universal coupler Adjustable pressure 10 bar 50L Longer life Less vibration Less heat transfer Handle Universal coupler Direct pressure 50 l tank Condensation outlet voltage - frequency rated power air flow rated pressure tank direct coupler universal coupler 220-240V~ 50hz 3HP / 2000W 270 l/m 10 bar 50 l 1x 1x POWOIL012 FEATURES belt driven pump direct coupler universal coupler rubber wheels POWOIL012 Compressor oil 1l 35 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS CLAMPING STAND POWXQ9100 g 0k . 15max ma 50 x. 9 Jawzilla mm Extra carrying handle Lock / unlock switch Rubber anti-slip pad Foot pedal for easy clamping Stability foot Instruction movie on website www.powerplusXQ.com 0-450/0-950mm clamping force max. 10000N load max. 150kg clamping method foot pedal clamp travel (per stroke) 24mm/step clamping range FEATURES Stable tripod base easy clamp system reversible back clamp foldable & compact storage 36 | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other support stand POWXQ53300T Table size 580x520mm Table height 840mm FEATURES steel table steel stand adjustable leg to stabilise the table Adjustable leg SUITABLE FOR mitre and table saws & POWXQ5330 support Stand POWXQ53600T POWXQ5335 & POWXQ5350 FOR table saw POWXQ5360 Extendable handle 890mm foldable very solid easy lifting with turning wheel 570mm FEATURES 330mm Table size 710x540mm Big solid wheels 0200mm with brakes 37 Cordless Drills | Multi-use tool | IMPACT DRILLS | hammer drillS | SANDERS | PLANER | ANGLE GRINDERS | JIGSAW | CIRCULAR SAWS 15-IN-1 MULTITOOL POWXQ9756 Screwdrivers Knives File Fish hook remover Scissors Saw blade Can opener Bottle opener Pliers Wire cutter FEATURES 15-IN-1 FUNCTIONs STAINLESS STEEL CONSTRUCTION FOLDS CLOSE TO 100mm nylon belt pouch RETRACTABLE UTILITY KNIFE POWXQ9753 Slide back for safe storage & blade protection FEATURES ONE HANDED ACTION & SAFETY MECHANISM SAFE STORAGE & BLADE PROTECTION QUICK BLADE RELEASE FOR EASY CHANgING 38 5 replacement blades included Sure-grip aluminium handle with belt clip | mitRE & table saws | TILE cutter | cut-off saw | heat guns | Compressors | clamping stand | support stands | other METAL BOX POWXQ9255 120L 800x450x335mm 120 l FEATURES THICKNESS: 0.5mm NET WEIGHT: 8.5kg CUBAGE: 120 l Content not included For more accessories check out our Kreator range www.kreator.be ARTCAT14020049 PRINTED February 2014 CMYK : 15 / 100 / 100 / 00 PANTONE : 485C RAL : 320 VIC. VAN ROMPUY nv Joseph Van Instraat 9 2500 LIER - BELGIUM Tel +32 (0)3 292.92.92 Fax +32 (0)3 292.92.72 E-mail: [email protected] www.varo.com OFFICES: IBERICA BRICOLAGE S.L. - ESPAÑA ASIA PACIFIC HONG KONG Ltd / SHANGHAI PRC AUSTRALIA Pty Ltd / GERMANY GmbH © Copyright Varo - Vic. Van Rompuy nv 2014 / Product specifications are subject to change without notice. VARO is not responsible for typographical or photographic errors that may appear in this catalogue. Pictures may vary from the actual products. We reserve the right to make adjustments or corrections due to errors, changing market conditions, product discontinuations, or typographic or photographic errors in advertisements or product descriptions. Item availability and prices are subject to change without notice. SDS® is a registered trademark of Robert Bosch GmbH. / Torx® is a registered trademark of Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC. ">
