Hilti MP-PS BP Pipe Shoes Manuel utilisateur
MP-PS BP 2375514-10.2022 1 B MP-PS XX-WP NC A 2 B MP-PS BP 1 C min.20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb) X-BT MR M10 / W10 F-BT MR M10 / 3/8“ # MP-PS x2-x MT-FPS SZ2/GL2 OC 2 C S280GD 4 mm 1 3 2 MP-PS lxG X-BT F-BT 4/8 4/8 4 2 1 D HST3-M12 HST3-R M12 a KB-TZ2 1/2" KB-TZ2 1/2" SS304 KB-TZ2 1/2" SS316 de en MT-FPS SZ2/GL2 OC fr # MP-PS x2-x HST3 KB-TZ2 4/8 4/8 it Auswahl des Schweissverfahren und Schweisszusatzes, die Auslegung der Kehlnahtgrösse sowie Schweißvorbereitung und -durchführung obliegt dem Kunden! Selection of the welding process, welding addition, the design of the fillet weld size as well as welding preparation and execution is the responsibility of the customer! La sélection du procédé de soudage, de l'addition de soudage, la conception de la taille de la soudure d'angle ainsi que la préparation et l'exécution du soudage d'angle est à la charge du client! La selezione del processo di saldatura, l'aggiunta della saldatura, la progettazione della dimensione della saldatura, nonché la preparazione e l'esecuzione della saldatura sono responsabilità del cliente! MP-PS BP E A MT MI B C D MT-FPS SZx / GLx OC MT-FPS SF / GF OC A C B D MT MIQ MIC-PS90 / 120 MI MIQ MT-U-GL1 F G MT-U-GL1 MT # MT-TFB MP-PS x2-x MT-80 MT-90 MT-100 4 MT-FPS FF OC MT-FPS FZL OC MT-TFB MT-U-GL1 MP-PS x2-x # # 4 MIA-BO90-M12/ MIA-BO120-M12 ⇨ MP-PS x2-x 8 SW MT-TLB OC M10-SL OC A 10.5/20-F MT-U-GL1 M10x25-F 3/8“x11/4“-F 17 M10-F A 10.5/20-F 17 3/8“-F 7/16“/1“-F 17 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb) 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb) 20 Nm (14.75 ft-lb) 30 Nm SW 8.8 MP-PS BP H Hmin min HStd Std (mm/inch) α = ± 12° / 21% Hmin MP-PS Mx-x MP-PS Hx-x 180° 1 (mm/inch) 82.5 / 3-1/4" 84 / 3-5/16" 110 / 4-21/64" 79.5 / 3-1/8" 81 / 3-3/16" 107 / 4-7/32" 110 / 4-21/64" 144 / 5-43/64" 165 / 6-1/2" 107 / 4-7/32" 141 / 5-35/64" 162 / 6-3/8" 165 / 6-1/2" 194 / 7-41/64" 217.5 / 8-9/16" 162 / 6-3/8" 191 / 7-33/64" 214.5 / 8-7/16" SW Δ # MP-PS x2-x Hmax 2 50 Nm (37 ft-lb) Δ 2 19 / ¾" Δ H MP-PS Lx-x Hmax max (mm/inch) 2 mm / 0,9° / 1.6% 5/64" ">

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