kS qtr .Preface OPERATING MANUAL NOÍE . DON'ï OPEBAÍE ÍHE lhank yóu ve,y much Íor sel€clLng ÀS seÍEs cycle cofrpuler as youí bEycle pa,rneÍ Pleàse màke sure thal yoo have al accessoíres as slDwn below 5.lnstallataon Thoíouqhly lamlrar ze yourselÍ rhE manuàl beÍore opeíalmo aod keeo lhrs manual lor luluÍe íeleren.e please 2 I .Accessories CABLI i:=r éb t1 t.. .; \:_r/ ÍE 2 (Fc l- .À!GN IHE ctl\ïtR 0F MACNÍ rc 2) lllt TÍHTR OF ÍHE STNSOR,S I,IÀFKiIIC L NES ( 3. Fèàturé end Íuóction c!Íà^r !p.èd . sPa rM t) 6 .Íroubles _!:e9 9(M/ML ,e:9e:5e(H Ms) (FLC Shooling check Ihe lollownq may savè nmè berore raknq unrl ! i q".i;;; ! 4.Operallon (1)Function ànd scr..n s.r.clio. *. ih.;a ; m ffi*;;;-P uíÍ.ld'Elsunl'qh'nllushàdyplà(e . ,* -*,",,," ;;1"-,,,", ;, -"* Note Àny rrcubles ercepr shown above send lo agency ÍoÍ Donl use rhrnnà alcohol oÍ benizne lo cleanr re "t Tti 0sl 3"(nch)=8x 254x 31416= 64 cm 1,rr,.,. 'It,rq! , I ) .,! ">
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