Left. Hayward Pro Logic PL-P-4-CUL
620 Division St.
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Ordinogramme du menu de programmation default menu settings menu maintenance menu timers menu diagnostic menu configuration menu
day and time water temperature air temperature chlorinator setting salt level reason pump is running (not scheduled) inspect cell reason hi-speed is running (not scheduled) countdown time remaining heater control status system manual off check system error filter vsp speed/reason lights/aux speed/reason pH/ORP levels spa heater1 temperature pool heater1 temperature spa solar temperature pool solar temperature vsp speed settings superchlorinate spa chlorinator setting pool chlorinator setting day and time backlit display light beeper teach wireless remote wireless channel pH calibration wizard clean probe wizard pool filter 1 or hi-speed 1 pool filter 2 or lo-speed 1 pool filter 3 or hi-speed 2 pool filter 4 or lo-speed 2 spa lights aux1 aux2 valve3 superchlorinate chlorinator diagnostics instant salt pH/orp levels flow switch cell temperature sensor water/pool sensor air sensor solar sensor vsp speed/power main software revision display software revision chemistry sense module software vsp software revision
RF base software revision
6 button spa side software revision chlorinator chemistry config. Wizard pool/spa filter heater1 solar external input active state lights aux1 aux2 valve3
6 button spa side remote remote menus
7-day or weekend/weekday timeclock
12 hour or 24 hour time format
ºF or ºC vsp speed (% or rpm) reset to default denotes conditional items
092343B RevD
Copyright © 2010 Hayward
Pro Logic
Automation et chloration
Guide d’installation
du modèle
Canada: 888-238-POOL
US: 888-921-POOL

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