S (S$). U.S. Robotics Courier I-modem
Registres S (S$)
Lorsque vous envoyez une commande ATS$, le I-modem affiche un écran montrant un résumé partiel des registres S. Des écrans supplémentaires, activés à l'aide d'une touche quelconque, affichent les registres restants. (Voir la figure ci-dessous.) ats$
HELP, S Register Functions (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
S0 Ring to Answer On S54 Bit Mapped
S1 Counts # of Rings 1 = Disable 2400 symbol rate
S2 Escape Code Char 2 = Disable 2743 symbol rate
S3 Carriage Return Char 4 = Disable 2800 symbol rate
S4 Line Feed Char 8 = Disable 3000 symbol rate
S5 Backspace Char 16 = Disable 3200 symbol rate
S6 Wait Time/Dial Tone (sec) 32 = Disable 3429 symbol rate
S7 Wait Time/Carrier (sec) 64 = Disable V.8 Call
S8 Comma Time (sec) 128 = Disable V.8 Mode
S9 Carrier Detect Time (1/10sec) S55 Bit Mapped
S10 Carrier Loss Time (1/10sec) 1 = Disable 8S-2D trellis code
S11 Dial Tone Spacing (msec) 2 = Disable 16S-4D trellis code
S12 Escape Code Time (1/50sec) 4 = Disable 32S-2D trellis code
S13 Bit Mapped 8 = Disable 64S-4D trellis cod
1 = Reset On DTR Loss 16 = Reserved
2 = Do Originate in Auto Answer 32 = Reserved
4 = No Pause Before Result Codes 64 = Reserved
8 = Do DS0 On DTR 128 = Reserved
16 = Do DS0 On Reset S56 Bit Mapped
32 = Disable HST 1 = Disable Non linear coding
64 = Disable MNP Level 3 2 = Disable TX level deviation
128 = Hardware Reset 4 = Disable Pre-emphasis
S14 Bit Mapped 8 = Disable Precoding
1 = Escape Code Hang Up 16 = Disable Shaping
2 = Result Code Orig Only 32 = Disable V34+
S15 Bit Mapped 64 = Disable V.34
1 = Disable High-Freq EQ 128 = Disable V.FC
2 = Disable Online Fallback S58 x2 Mode and Remote
Server Xmit
4 = Disable 450 bps Back Channel 1 = Disable x2
8 = Reduced Non-ARQ TX Buffer 2 = Disable server
92 Courier I-modem - Référence
16 = Disable MNP Level 4 4 = Force x2 A-law mode
32 = Set DEL=Backspace 8 = Disable symmetric mode
64 = Unusual MNP-Incompatibility 6 = Enable -6dbm constellation
128 = Custom Applications S67 Misc. ISDN
S16 Test Modes 1 = Reserved
1 = Analogue Loopback 2 = Fix Connection
Rate for
2 = Dial Test Digital Calls
4 = Test Pattern 4 = Connect at 64K
(else 56K)
8 = Remote Digital Loopback 8 = Route 3.1K Audio calls
16 = Reserved to Data Port
32 = Reserved 16 = Reserved
64 = Reserved 32 = Map LEDs to B-
128 = Reserved 64 = Disable B-Chan.
LED Blink
S17 Reserved 128 = Reserved
S18 &Tn Test Timeout (sec) S68 ISDN Universal Connect
S19 Inactivity Timeout (min) 1 = Disallow Analogue
S20 Reserved Over Digital
S21 Break Length (1/100sec) 2 = Disable Enhanced
S22 Xon Char Universal
S23 Xoff Char 4 = Disable Turbo PPP
S24 DSR Pulse Time (1/50sec) 8 = Disable Multilink
Turbo PPP
S25 DTR Recognition Time (1/100sec) 16 = Route Speech calls to
S26 RTS/CTS Delay Time (1/100sec) Data Port
S27 Bit Mapped 32 = Reserved
1 = V21 Mode 64 = Disable Dynamic BW allocation
2 = Disable TCM 128 = Reserved
4 = Disable V32 S69 Bit Mapped
8 = Disable 2100hz 1 = Disable External
16 = Disable MNP Handshake 2 = Disable Multi-
Link tones
32 = Disable V.42 4 = Reserved
48 = Disable V.42 Detect Phase 8 = Reserved
64 = Reserved 16 = Reserved
128 = Unusual SW-Incompatibility 32 = Data Over
S28 V32 Handshake Time (1/10sec) 64 = Reserved
S29 Reserved 128 = Reserved
S30 Reserved S79=n Automode Protocol
S31 Reserved n = 0 X.75, V.120,
S32 Reserved n = 1 X.75, V.110,
Affichage des écrans d’aide 93
S33 Reserved n = 2 X.75, Analogue
94 Courier I-modem - Référence
S34 Bit Mapped n = 3 V.120, V.110,
1 = Disable V32bis n = 4 V.120, Analogue
2 = Disable Enhanced V32 mode n = 5 V.110, V.120,
4 = Disable Quick V32 retrain n = 6 V.110, Analogue
8 = Enable V23 Fallback S80 International
16 = Change MR to DSR 1 = Disable V.120 LLC
32 = Enable MI/MIC 2 = Send *Pn as Calling
Party #
64 = Disable RA Busy Msg 4 = Force Modem Calls as
128 = Disable Terbo 8 = Enable V.110 at
38400 bps
S35 Reserved 16 = Insert <CR><LF> between
S36 Reserved RING and Calling
Party #
S37 Reserved 32 = Reserved
S38 Disconnect Wait Time (sec) 64 = Reserved
S39 Reserved 128 = Reserved
S40 Reserved S81 X.75 Layer 2
S41 # of Allowed Login Attempts 1 = ISO 7776
S42 Remote Escape Code Char 2 = Reserved
S43 Remote Escape Code Time (1/50sec) 4 = Reserved
S47 Reserved 8 = Reserved
S51 Bit Mapped 16 = Reserved
1 = MNP/V.42 Disabled in V.22 32 = Reserved
2 = MNP/V.42 Disabled in V.22bis 64 = Reserved
4 = MNP/V.42 Disabled in V.32 128 = Reserved
8 = Reserved S82 X.75 Layer 3
16 = Reserved 1 = Transparent
32 = Reserved 2 = T.70 NL
64 = Reserved 4 = Reserved
S53 Bit Mapped 8 = Reserved
1 = Enable Dial Security 16 = Reserved
2 = Enable Autopass Fallback 32 = Reserved
4 = Enable Local Access Psw 64 = Reserved
8 = Reserved 128 = Reserved
16 = Reserved
32 = Reserved
64 = Reserved
128 = Reserved
Figure 0.3 Ecran d’aide des registres S (ATS
Lorsque vous envoyez une commande AT%$, le I-modem affiche un écran montrant un résumé partiel du jeu de commandes pourcent. Un second écran, activé à l'aide d'une touche
Affichage des écrans d’aide 95
quelconque, affiche les commandes restantes. (Voir la figure cidessous.) at%$
HELP, Percent Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
%An= Security Account Information %L=PWn Security Local
Access Psw
Command Structure PWn = (0-9)
%An=pw,acct e,dial b,new#,ph# %Nn V.25bis Synchronous
Clock Rate
n = (0-9) n=0 RESERVED
pw = Password n=1 RESERVED
acct e = Account Enable n=2 1200 bps
dial b = Dial Back Enable n=3 2400 bps
new# = New Dial Back # n=4 4800 bps
ph# = Dial Back Phone # n=5 7200 bps
%Bn Remote DTE Data Rate n=6 9600 bps
n=0 110 bps n=7 12000 bps
n=1 300 bps n=8 14400 bps
n=2 600 bps n=9 16800 bps
n=3 1200 bps n=10 19200 bps
n=4 2400 bps n=11 21600 bps
n=5 4800 bps n=12 24000 bps
n=6 9600 bps n=13 26400 bps
n=7 19200 bps n=14 28800 bps
n=8 38400 bps n=15 31200 bps
n=9 57600 bps n=16 33600 bps
n=10 115200 bps %Pn=s Store Remote Access
%Cn n=0 Defer Configuration n=0 Query Access
n=1 Revert Configuration n=1 Full
n=2 Execute Configuration %Pn? Query Remote Access
%E=n Erase Account Information n=0 Query Access
n=1 Erase Local Access Psw n=1 Full
n=2 Erase Autopass Psw %S= Psw To Grant Local
n=3 Erase Accounts Psw %T Touch Tone recognition
n=4 Erase Accounts Phone # %V=PWn Security Autopass
n=5 Erase Accounts Status PWn = (0-9)
%Fn Remote DTE Data Format
n=0 8, No parity
n=1 7, Mark parity
n=2 7, Odd parity
n=3 7, Even parity
Figure 0.4 Ecran d’aide du jeu de commandes pourcent
96 Courier I-modem - Référence
Jeu de commandes astérisque (*$)
Lorsque vous envoyez une commande AT*$, le I-modem affiche un écran montrant un résumé partiel du jeu de commandes astérisque. L'écran d'aide des commandes astérisque apparaît à la figure ci-dessous.
HELP, Asterisk Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
*Cn Audio port volume
n=0 minimum
n=9 maximum
*D0=n Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in MultiLink PPP
n = 0 Enable Dynamic Bandwith Allocation
n = 1 Disable Dynamic Bandwith Allocation
*D1=n Sample Time to increase bandwidth in MultiLink PPP
n=1-255 5 second units
*D2=n Sample Time to decrease bandwidth in MultiLink PPP
n=1-255 5 second units
*D3=n Threshold utilization level to increase bandwidth
n=1-100 %
*D4=n Threshold utilization level to decrease bandwidth
n=1-100 %
*K=n Compression in PPP mode
n = 0 Pass Through Compression
n = 1 Auto Compression
n = 2 Turbo PPP Compression
*M=n Bus Configuration .
n=0 Point to Point
n=1 Multipoint
*O=n Dialing Mode
n=0 En-Bloc mode
n=1 Overlap Sending mode
*P=n PPP mode
n = 0 Set all PPP related default values
n = 1 Async to Sync PPP
n = 2 Single Link Turbo PPP
n = 3 Multi Link Turbo PPP
*P1=n..n Voice Directory Number (DN0)
*P2=n..n Data Directory Number (DN1)
*T=n Multi Link Tone
n = 0 Enable tone, for 2nd link
n = 1 Disable tone, for 2nd link
*T1=nn Voice channel TEI
*T1=nn Voice channel TEI
nn=1-63 Fixed TEI assignment
Affichage des écrans d’aide 97
*T2=nn Data channel TEI. .
nn=0 Automatic assignment
nn=1-63 Fixed TEI assignment
*V1=n Voice Bearer Capability (DN0)
n=0 3.1Khz Audio
n=1 Speech
*V2=n Data Bearer Capability (DN1)
n=0 Auto Detect
n=1 V.120 Rate Adaption (Fixed)
n=2 V.110 Rate Adaption (Fixed)
n=3 Modem/Fax Emulation (Fixed)
n=4 Clear Channel (external only)
n=5 Auto Mode PPP
n=6 X.75 Rate Adaption (Fixed)
*W=n ISDN Switch Protocol Type
n=5 Germany 1TR6
n=6 France VNx
n=7 Japan NTT INSnet64
n=8 Australia TS.013
Figure 0.5 Ecran d'aide du jeu de commandes astérisque
98 Courier I-modem - Référence
Lorsque vous envoyez la commande ATD$, le I-modem affiche un
écran montrant un résumé partiel du jeu de commandes pourcent.
Un deuxième écran, qui apparaît quand vous appuyez sur une touche quelconque, montre les commandes restantes. (Voir la figure ci-dessous.) atd$
HELP, Dial Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
0-9 Digits to Dial
* Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit
# Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit
T Tone Dialling
P Pulse Dialling
R Call an Originate Only Modem
, Pause (Wait for S8 Time)
. Wait for a Connection
; Remain in Command Mode After Dialling
W Wait for 2nd Dial Tone (X3-X7)
@ Wait for an Answer (X3-X7)
Figure 0.6 Ecran d'aide des commandes de numérotation
Affichage des écrans d’aide 99

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