Low Storage Return Lot Code # Part Number A191610 Keep manual for future reference. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION PLEASE READ WARNINGS Improper use can cause safety hazards, or damage to your furniture and household items. Warning Do Serious injury • may occur. Caution Injury may occur. ssemble following all instructions A using all indicated parts and hardware provided. • Install every indicated nail and/or screw. • • Verify furniture is stable on it's own. • Always load the bottom drawer first. • • • Place heaviest items in the lower drawers. Do • Don't Unload unit prior to moving starting with top drawer first. Do not move unit when loaded. Improper assembly, use or loading can lead Do not load with a television to product instability, tip-over or collapse. or other heavy equipment. Never exceed the maximum load limits stated in the instructions. Don't • Why it's important Do not move unit when loaded. Why it's important Loaded units are heavy and are not designed to be moved when loaded. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION PLEASE READ WARNINGS Improper use can cause safety hazards, or damage to your furniture and household items. Advertencia Se pueden producir lesiones graves. Atencíon Se pueden producir lesiones. Hacer • Ensamble siguiendo todas las instrucciones utilizando todas las piezas y ferretería indicados provistos. • Instale todos los clavos y / o tornillos indicados. • Verifique que los muebles sean estables por sí mismos. • Coloque los artículos más pesados en los cajones inferiores. • Siempre cargue primero el cajón inferior. Hacer • Descargue la unidad antes de moverla, comenzando primero con el cajón superior. No • No cargue con un televisor u otro equipo pesado. • No exceda los límites máximos de carga establecidos en las instrucciones. • No permita que los niños se paren, trepen o cuelguen de muebles. No • No mueva la unidad cuando esté cargada. Por qué es importante El ensamblaje, uso o carga inadecuados pueden provocar inestabilidad del producto, vuelco o colapso. Por qué es importante Las unidades cargadas son pesadas y no están diseñadas para moverse cuando están cargadas. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION PLEASE READ WARNINGS Improper use can cause safety hazards, or damage to your furniture and household items. Avertissement Faire Des blessures • graves peuvent survenir. Attention Assemblez en suivant toutes les instructions en utilisant toutes les pièces et le matériel indiqués fournis. • Installez tous les clous et / ou vis indiqués. • Vérifiez que les meubles sont stables par eux-mêmes. • Placez les objets les plus lourds dans les tiroirs inférieurs. • Chargez toujours le tiroir inférieur en premier." Faire Des blessures • peuvent survenir. Déchargez l'unité avant de déplacer en commençant par le tiroir supérieur en premier. Ne le fais pas • Ne chargez pas avec un téléviseur ou un autre équipement lourd. • Ne dépassez pas les limites de charge maximale indiquées dans les instructions. • Ne laissez pas les enfants se tenir debout, grimper ou s'accrocher aux meubles. Ne le fais pas • Ne déplacez pas l'unité lorsqu'elle est chargée. Pourquoi c'est important Un assemblage, une utilisation ou un chargement incorrects peuvent entraîner une instabilité du produit, un renversement ou un effondrement. Pourquoi c'est important Les unités chargées sont lourdes et ne sont pas conçues pour être déplacées lorsqu'elles sont chargées. Get Ready to Assemble A191610 Get to know your Boards B A191610 M A D P G O K H O L N J F E Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. C Get to know your Fasteners A191610 Fasteners are shown actual size. [4] H150333 [ 12 ] H171556 #8 x 1-1/2" Quickfit TL4 [6] H35251 [8] H72988 (Black) #10 x 1/2" KD Bolt (Black) (Silver) #6 x 1/2" M4 x 20mm [4] H26053 [ 20 ] H181468US [4] H108982 [ 34 ] H101725 (Black) #10 x 1-1/4" KD Cam3000 H128624 (Black) [4] #8 x .5" Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. Get to know your Hardware A191610 Hardware not to scale. H100444 [2] TTM M [1] H89793 File Bar 12-1/2" (318mm) DWR Bracket [2] H100446 Drawer Bracket Q82396 [1] H102069 Lock Arm DWR Bracket Cam Lock Assy [1] H122278 DWR Bracket [1] H169029 [1] [5] H184043 Leveler Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. Get to know your Hardware A191610 Hardware not to scale. 14" Slide Set Q02442 [1] [1] H176928 Front File Extrusion 20" (510 mm) H94928 [1] H176929 File Extrusion 19-7/8" (505mm) [2] [2] H191524 File Extrusion 12" (304mm) Pull [4] H126396 [4] H23604 Shelf Pin Sleeve Shelf Pin 16" Slide Set Q161948 [1] Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 1 Prepare Front H100444 TTM M [2] [2] H35251 (Black) A191610 #10 x 1/2" DWR Bracket [1] H122278 [2] H101725 (Black) #6 x 1/2" H35251 DWR Bracket H35251 G Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. Prepare Front STEP 2 [1] H176928 Front File Extrusion 20" (510 mm) [2] H100446 Drawer Bracket A191610 [4] H101725 (Black) #6 x 1/2" [4] H35251 (Black) #10 x 1/2" DO NOT FULLY TIGHTEN No apretar completamente Ne pas serrer complètement. H35251 H H35251 Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 3 Build Drawer [4] H150333 #8 x 1-1/2" A191610 H128624 (Black) [4] #8 x .5" H150333 M N P H150333 P G Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 4 Build Drawer [4] H26053 (Black) O [4] H101725 (Black) #10 x 1-1/4" H26053 A191610 #6 x 1/2" K L O H26053 H Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 5 Separate Slides A191610 Slides Must Be Separated Before Assembly. After Separated, Set Aside Until Needed for Assembly. Las diapositivas deben separarse antes del montaje. Después de la separación, déjelo a un lado hasta que sea necesario. Les glissières doivent être séparées avant l'assemblage. Après la séparation, mettez de côté jusqu'au moment de l'assemblage. Mount Montaje La monture Cage Casillero La cage Lever Elevar Levier Runner Corredor Le coulisseau STEP 1: Extend Slide Extender la diapositiva Extendre la diapositive 1 2 STEP 3: Remove Runner Quitar el corredor Enlever le coureur Mount Montaje La monture 3 Runner Corredor Le coulisseau Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 6 Install Runners A191610 16" Slide Runner (Black) * [2] H108982 [1] H191524 (Silver) Pull [6] H101725 Q161948 M4 x 20mm H108982 * * G Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. #6 x 1/2" STEP 7 Install Runners A191610 [6] H101725 14" Slide Runner (Black) Q02442 #6 x 1/2" * * H * Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 8 Install Lock and Pull Q82396 [1] H102069 [1] Cam Lock Assy Lock Arm [1] H191524 A191610 [2] H108982 (Silver) M4 x 20mm Pull Unlock Abra Deverouillage H Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. Lock Cierre con llave Verouillage STEP 9 Install Hardware H94928 [2] File Extrusion 12" (304mm) A191610 [1] H176929 File Extrusion 19-7/8" (505mm) [1] H89793 File Bar 12-1/2" (318mm) Tighten all screws Apriete todos los tornillos Serrer toutes les vis Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 10 Prepare Panel A191610 14" Slide Mount Q02442 * 16" Slide Mount [5] H101725 Q161948 (Black) #6 x 1/2" * * * Q02442 B Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 11 Prepare Panel A191610 [4] H171556 Quickfit TL4 B Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 12 Prepare Panel A191610 14" Slide Mount Q02442 * [5] H101725 16" Slide Mount Q161948 (Black) #6 x 1/2" * F * AA * Q02442 Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 13 Prepare Panel [1] H169029 A191610 [2] H101725 (Black) #6 x 1/2" DWR Bracket F Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 14 Prepare Panel A191610 [2] H171556 Quickfit TL4 E Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 15 Assemble Panel A191610 1 2 3 [2] H181468US KD Cam3000 F E Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. 190° Minimum STEP 16 Prepare Panel A191610 [2] H171556 Quickfit TL4 D Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 17 Assemble Panel A191610 1 2 3 [2] H181468US 190° Minimum KD Cam3000 E F D Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 18 Assemble Panel A191610 1 2 3 [4] H181468US 190° Minimum KD Cam3000 B D Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 19 Prepare Panel A191610 [4] H171556 Quickfit TL4 C Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 20 Assemble Panel [4] H181468US A191610 1 2 3 4 KD Cam3000 190° Minimum [2] Cover Cap D Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. C STEP 21 Prepare Panel A191610 [8] H72988 KD Bolt A Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 22 Assemble Panel 1 A191610 2 3 4 [8] H181468US 190° Minimum KD Cam3000 [3] Cover Cap Team Lift C B A Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 23 Install Levelers A191610 [5] H184043 Leveler Orientation Orientación L’orientation Safety glasses Gafas de seguridad Lunettes de protection Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 24 Insert Drawer A191610 G Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 25 Insert Drawer A191610 H Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 26 Insert Shelf [4] H126396 [4] H23604 A191610 Shelf Pin Shelf Pin Sleeve 4x J Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 27 Drawer Adjustment A191610 DRAWER FRONT VIEW REQUIRED TOOL: PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER HERRAMIENTA REQUERIDA: DESTORNILLADOR PHILLIPS OUTIL REQUIS: TOURNEVIS CRUCIFORME 1. LOOSEN SCREWS. 2. ADJUST DRAWER FRONTS. 3. TIGHTEN SCREWS. 1. Afloje los tornillos 2. Ajustar frentes de cajón 3. Apriete los tornillos 1. Desserrer les vis 2. Ajuster les façades des tiroirs 3. Serrer les vis Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. STEP 28 Maximum Loading and Cleaning A191610 Gently clean surfaces with a damp sponge eraser. Maximum Weight: 200 Lbs. Peso Máximo: 200 Libras Poids Maximum: 90.7 kilogramme Maximum Weight: 15 Lbs. Peso Máximo: 15 Libras Poids Maximum: 6.8 kilogramme Maximum Weight: 30 Lbs. Peso Máximo: 30 Libras Poids Maximum: 13.6 kilogramme Maximum Weight: 50 Lbs. Peso Máximo: 50 Libras Poids Maximum: 22.6 kilogramme Maximum Weight: 50 Lbs. Peso Máximo: 50 Libras Poids Maximum: 22.6 kilogramme Congratulations! You are all done. If you have any questions or concerns, please call. Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. PARTS LIST A191610 OFS145BW OFS145MH A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P W191611 W191612 W191613 W191614 W191615 W191617 W191619 W191620 W191618 W176918 W176919 W176920 W176921 W176950 W107675 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 [5] H191633 Cover Cap W193134 W193135 W193136 W193137 W193138 W193139 W193141 W193142 W193140 W176918 W176919 W176920 W176921 W176950 W107675 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 [5] H83021 Cover Cap Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. PARTS LIST OFS145SO A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P W193207 W193208 W193209 W193210 W193211 W193212 W193214 W193215 W193213 W176918 W176919 W176920 W176921 W176950 W107675 OFS145SG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 [5] H193368 Cover Cap A191610 A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P W193280 W193281 W193282 W193283 W193284 W193285 W193287 W193288 W193286 W176918 W176919 W176920 W176921 W176950 W107675 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 [5] H92521 Cover Cap Have an assembly question or need a replacement part? Just call 1-800-950-4782, we are here to help. ">

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