STUDER PR99 MKIII Professional Tape Recorder SECTION 9 "art Mets —__ _ — — Page Tape Transport Cover ..............e.eeecsnrnorocoococcoconooocereccaneeeea eres eeeo ooo rereree nee e en enecereerere eee eeececeeeren eee eerereeceeeoeeeeees 9/1 Tape Head Assembly 1/4", 2-Track, Mono, Line In/Qut ...............eseeccecenenos enccencccarecaceerceneroocaccaneceeeeaoere eee ereeeeee 9/2 Tape Drive .........scecarercroerenenvecezenene SSSR EEE TETE EEE PEER TTEETEE 9/4 Operating Section ...................ececceccccoacanooeo ocean cen cerce cocer ere eecacececoeeacaeooneconcannecaneroecantecartecerenes 9/6 Brake System ...........c.cccncccccccocareaceneeccereereonececenee eee ere eee reee rene eee eeceenere rece eeeaceeeaececacarnaceracecacarenarerecaneeaeenerenenee. 9/8 AT oo cereocecenortaceoorerecccecenaceneceeeo carecer eee eee reee eee. 9/10 Spooling Motor .................e=...síerceseescececaree cerco ee eeccceeeerecereecare eee ecenaeceeecereoeeaeeroenecenareeneene 9/12 CAPSLAN MOLOT .cvvrireceassssensersessnnsassssssrsansssnscssssssssssnssansasssssssssnunsensssssssensoessessesssrasasessossannssssetstisessssssssbosessssassnss 9/14 РЕ99 МКИ UnNitf............eenecccccccorencocereceneoaconaveoeenceceeea enero reee. PTR ‚916 ACCESSOTIES orn vereensrsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnssssssssnsssssssssssssssssssssssssssessssssnsessssssssessssessssssssssssssssssasesssnssntssnsssnnsssnssnss 9/16 TAPE TRANSPORT COVER PR99 MKIII 9/1 O a a + - CATA Re GE TECLA E La Ea ETT a er Er ETE: Ea TL BR roe EEE a аеий E. oa a = 3 Ay MY ek [osa rr cea menda Toe! eje I TE mi поро Ti DD a OC ARAN e Lo т Pre - PCT ve do Care ue IAE RTE ga tll pos Gr Fh bu yr A wr жеж LR O Se Ti uk Г pr TELE "o - AB i [ra pt] x == NA a A Td CAR Г I= LI; FE = =", | rl Lx pa ACA я "я | - Se art, a a ta ee) д Ри re TER ES рее Ир ЛИ POS QTY ORDER NUMBER PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS 1.177.535.00 Tape transport cover blank 1.177.750.00 Locator command 1.177.966.00 Varispeed control 1.710.010.13 Push button Push button switch 1.177.965.01 Mounting bracket 42.01.0200 Knob 42.01.0251 Cap 1.177.800.06 Comer 1.177.800.07 Corner left 1.177.900.03 Frame Head Assembly 1.177.721.02 Housing Counter 10 _1.177.800.05 Cover Strip left Cover Strip right__ 9/2 PR99 MIKII Sr ER TAPE HEAD ASSEMBLY 1/4”, 2-TRACK, MONO, LINE IN/OUT e a; И | 1 e. iZ EL = Fm = i A E — ; — — _ TAPE HEAD ASSEMBLY 1/4, 2-TRACK, MONO, LINE IN/OUT __ ВЕ _ POS | QTY | ORDERNUMBER | PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS | 2 | 1 1020820.12 | Pressurespring ||! | sooesoo | Tapeheadascembyy 1/4 2mackcompl. | 2 1077.14.01 | Guide dik 1 1.020.331.00 | Tape head assembly 1/4", 0,75mm compl. | 22 | Spacersieewe | 1 Г 1.020.326.00 Tape head assembly mono, compl. | 23 22.01 8030 Nut M3 1 1 1.020.325.01 Tape head chassis | | 24 1. 020. 320.00 Light gate compl. 2 1 1.020.323.00 | Yoke a 25 Но 21.26. 50354 | | Screw M3x6 3 1 1.020.324.00 Tacho controller a 2 1.020.318.00 Edit E switch co compl. a Se 4 1 1.020.316.00 Move sensor 27 21.26.2357 Screw Maxi2 5 | 1 21.26.0355 Screw Ш o Maxe ) 28 В О 22.01 8020 Nut В ы M2 6 2 o 21 26.0355 Screw M3x8 29 1.020.318.04 Pin 7 1 4 ‚99.0102 Ball bearing a | 30 1. 020. 820.17 Tension spring | 8 1 1. 116.096.04 Erase head 1 x ; 2 Track o 31 21.26. 0954 Screw M3x6 | о Pa | Erase head 1/4", mono | 32 21.26.0355 Screw MB | 9 1 Record head 1/4", 2-Track 33 21.26.0354 Screw a M3x6 | 1 | 1. 116. 072. 81 | F | Record head 1/4”, 0,75mm 34 21.26.0459 Screw 5 M3x18 | 1 111601200 Ш Record he head 7 топо © 35 I 23.01.1043 | Washer © De о 10 1 | 1.116. 027. 00 Ш Reproduce head 1/4", 2-Track Ш 36 1.020.300.07 Guide Шо 1 1. 116. 073. ot Reproduce head 14, 9, 0,75mm a 37 21.26.0354 Screw a M3x6 в 1. 116. 017. 00 Reproduce head 1/4" mono 38 Mounting screw Но {11 2 1.020. 801 00 Head mounting plate, compl. 39 1. 010. 017, сз Washer 4 21. 13.6354 ‘ Set s screw 40 Ш 1 177. 907. 03 1 Headblock co cover -PR99 МК! (lettered STUDER) 2 21.14.0355 Screw a M3x7 4 177.907 01 © Headblock cover PR99 (unettered) 2 Head housing, internal 5 | a oo 1. 177. 7.425 02 | spring Ш — _ — ore. ooo ——) | _ 4 10774 55.07 Plastic pin - 1 1.020.311.00 - Shielding lid compl. | | 2 21.01.0202 Screw | M2x4 | 19 a 1.020. 310.00 Clamp, riveted Ш a 9/4 PRO9 MKILI | БО ón TAPE DRIVE = | VU PA99 MKIH STUDER TAPE DRIVE _— _ POS QTY ORDER NUMBER PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS 28 5 M4x8 1 1 1.177.801.01 Tape drive chassis _ a 1.177. ors 00 Tape guide pin 2 2 Push button 29 2 21.26. 0.0354 Screw M3x6 ; > — п — а та = _ | | — ла и 1 ase plo — ; 4 1 Tension spring 31 2 | Tension spring | | 5 3 21.26.0354 Screw M3x6 32 1 1.177.14002 - Guide 6 | 4 © Ш Lover left, riveted o a | 33 o ) 1.177.701.03 | Mounting bracket 7 1 1.177.811.00 Lever right, riveted 34 > В | 21 26.0354 Screw M3x6 8 1 Dog pin 35 4 | 20.21.7153 | Screw a | 9 1 ‘ 21.26.2354 Screw M3x6 36 : | 1.177.893.00 Fader start t logic 347% ips | 10 1 1.177.817.00 Pinch roller arm with shaft ‘ 1 - 1.177.894.00 | Fader start logic 7/15 ips 11 1 Tension spring 2 Push button Switch Ш 12 © 1 Anchor pin 37 3 Ш 21 51.2354 | Screw Max 13 1 21.59.5452 | ‘Set screw ‘ Ma | 38 1 1 177 905. oo 8 “Guide pin 14 ‘ 3 21.26.0356 Screw M3x10 | | | 39 01 1 736, 200.04 | Teflon washer 15 BN à Adjusting ring o Шо 40 Washer for height adjustment o 16 1 | Pinch roller arm bearing 41 _ | brass washer 0. 2mm 17 1 Plunger compl. | Prass washer 9 Smm _ - 42 | 1.177.800.03 Threaded bolt Ma 18 1 1.014.710.00 Pinch roller solenoid, without plunger — — —— | I 1.177.800.10 | Threaded bolt Md, 15mm | 2 23.01 1.3043 | Washer A o _ 2 “1 26. 0454 Screw M4x6 1 1.177.817.01 Lever 2 21.26.0455 | Screw Maxe 3 21.26.0459 Screw M4x18 © | Pinch roller compl. 25 1 Pinch roller € cover 26 21.27.2355 Screw | M3x8 TT | _1.177.535.00 | Tape transport cover OPERATING SECTION PR99 MKIII 9/6 A Ae a ra es Le Mau ET LR == Г a Aa fo Le ni i 1 mm ad E a | Ls in » E Lor F с ” ай En A E | fae Magara gti 110m, AEA tates Lal ET rare Го Ре \ E. ve a, E TF nm Faw els Lun bay | Bk ol Fea Ñ ar ti ый ui Pe ay ¡a m daria E ta Lat. A ов na Лео ль hr La! Se) 4 ца: 1> =, AL 1 5 7 uFs k Г Ar o | a PE on r Fog | wo 5e e E > han hr : fe TRATA Ta EDO A я деж Sw ar ne НЫ т Hs A 1 1 -. F op A A ay = E ail PR ' E oe 3 = ' NE. E per, q al A Ns a foire и = ag "hm J ia == y = г | Æ "a = A ZA plan AL - — ro DEN crea PRE въ da Pe e у CO Ba IE A al vingt a TAN A na) я Su x. Fy SER FR pea ay “я Tal A Sea a ML a ir Ma = WE pete PE ( TRAY As чад нео "E hs ur la EE Ss ms Pta FE, e" Pa TT r ka Tr fr 4“ Ш 1 dei vs d Fr я ая A | eM a, = AE E Ma ET PE e me a dy AL ba я! dag ty A A LT E y | Py ng ur Fr Fr AL E AA AAN NE PAOLA NN EN <n no lag y fe ee" AS an te 3 = EAT E Ea FY at # "| y Po Se a le La | yo ae [e a EL 1 a | y FEN re ET : ; HY. e TT wl AE A i E Ta я AF Pr bn Lu = EEF = Е a * H J PRL A E. ный , Pie: \ Na Aa UE o de 7, IE PO EA gi of ht : - i ‘ f A erie: LE AC EE A a , EL ++ > ea Pr gere sas Lt ae pa A OE ON ULA il, EAS A NOTA: e 2 hd ed чо й Sv, ET Ala æ ; AN LE) 8 a= Е - TE тла : REIS rah AAR ra aa MN he 4; oi ina Las a M iy == E = r AO TE = a br a. A ah ma “oa ; ca So E m TN y - SF FF FO Se vu ve = а UE. L - = yr a La Le - Y = FEAS Sun de Cy A a, + rr и ’ = 1 У + a РЕ С. of ete В il LT a : Sagi pe Le TETE pe Yo + Ч ve. = Mu Aa a EA x; =“. ' Г, Ea fy ue aT a rl Е Рея era: - т, In Ta a г 5 mL r " Le | 1 = So Pa L e dE ЕВНЫЕМ "a E = = 5 a | x k Æ чи : = mau i x = = i Is = oat a e Fama AE a rity, ue Tal apt I ee aT | 5 f An | | lr PR ar с wh ta - Te" al pm a a. eR e, H oe 3 и =H y cfa 1 A 16 N y Ja Fa, "= E E PR | A Я o JB" OD dE E. o. ANI e LAT eR E nd La an rng, rh A "ey "1 nes | I = E + er". ALA: E be, Pr a . 7 i El hg = = a A mia PR rar YE. a EH лы, ET кл Re nr iT ГР а tes ui Za * a x Nro м я a a al 1 rar = ne EE “= i mel A LRT Yaa e; Cu TU he чи a я "ie bo mn a Le = в [3 LRT SPY kf E [Me SP Da La "a ny Mn ee — LAL ar LT eT AY i Aa a E " } Lai ПЕ, mh “a т д To, a a A -t ‚ bie Vo pi JET, IR u Ve rly a F bs a x Ч | . Faby a Ein ri a Ly "Ч я 5 e A LS mf vs "AS i day, ; a a h i i = a Ai de | PE Capa su 5 "E pe у пы Сы Tht = Не e: ls y Teis md od NC Mm Cn E Leds hos 5 EU e, e AA pere de JU Er Lu dr FPS я АСС == sagas sp Fr TT TENA “ NE a pa dd? Le co A 7 A Y dt py ый Sead CRT CN Ma EL E Neh r E E. JE EY pF Bs an Ci | PT E ы eN a! Ч td ey fh Prog E Ca + ‚Kr Fo “E bo "= L wy a “a Fr = td pa) a "E pis A Y Apra Е а EA E a A, KL KM k . re = Ar A a “E ¥ = Toy 14 - Mea e o AN Ll + ча, pp TE ОР vu Wy Ta a ay © dr ab oF LL E a a eed Bll Jey ли Sl rie Lhe a e ну И м, FF e еНА Ганс Ва TA a ARA = oi, he TES E d E | We aL E E -- STUDER] PR99 MKIII 9/7 OPERATING SECTION | POS | QTY | ORDERNUMBER | PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS 1 1 1.721.102.22 Knob, disk type 2 готова | D Ни 1 42.01.0265 Cap, dark-grey pa 3 1 42.01.0314 Knob ) 3 I 1 ‘ 42.01.0265 Cap, dark-grey D.21 4 | 2 117750004 | Knob Ш 2 42.01.0272 Сар, darkgrey | D.28 5 | 2 | 116645008 | Lensred — 6 2 21.26.0354 | Screw M3x6 7 | à | Twin Potmeter | 8 1 55.03.0129 Mains switch, single pole — _ = — Dom Toa — 10 2 Button 11 2 | 50.04.2114 LED 12 2 51.02.0142 Lamp type We, 24V. 1W 2 53.99.0124 Lamp socket a 13 2 VU-Meter 14 1 BE Bracket a right 45 | - Bracket left 16 В 2 1.166.450.02 Lamp bezel © 17 | 1 54.24.0102 Stereo jack 18 2 1.177.517.01 Push button UNCAL REC/REPRO 19 a 2 Potentiometer 20 1 1.4 77.512.00 Operating panel, stereo HS | 72/15 ips 1 4 177.519.00 Operating panel, stereo NS 3%/7% ips 1 117755600 | Operating panel, mono 117757600 | Operating panel, Line in/out 21 | 11 1.068.700.14 "Decor ring © 9/8 РН99 МК! STUDER] BRAKE SYSTEM e es Te E pet ae O e “a x à PR99 MKIH 9/9 BRAKESYSTEM — _—_ — POS | QTY ORDER NUMBER | PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 21.01.4455 Screw M4x8 2 2 24.16.1040 Lock washer J 2 23.01.3043 Washer I 4 2 Driver | 5 2 1.077.562.00 Brake drum 6 | 2 1.077.421.00 | Brake band compl. 7 1 1.077.406.00 Brake chassis compl. 8 1 1.077.415.00 Brake lever 9 1 1.077.411.00 Brake lever 10 6 24163032 Circlip 11 > ) 21.26.0353 Screw max. M3x5 12 2 23.01.2032 Washer На M3 13 3 21.26.0354 Screw Max 14 1 1.014.852.00 Brake solenoid Ш 15 1 1 01 4,854.00 Plunger to brake solenoid 16 1 Tension spring a 17 2 Tension spring = — > — т compl — 1 9 6 21.38.0355 Philips head screw M3x8 20 2 1.067.688.01 | Guide sleeve 21 | 2 1.067.688.02 | Lock spring/ree 22 | 2 1.062.390.02 Shaft screw a 23 1.736.502.04 Spacer washer for drum height mm | 1.736.502.05 Spacer washer for drum height 0.5mm 179650218 | Spacer 24 4 | Cabinet fixation clip 9/10 PR99 MKIN STUDER PUSH BUTTON UNIT STUDER PR99 MKIII 9/11 PUSHBUTIONUNW —— | | — POS | QTY ORDER NUMBER PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS | a Push button unit compl. 4 i rush button гео 2 5 Push button grey 3 6 Pressure spring 8x18,3 4 6 Cylindrical pin 5 1 | Push button housing о 6 1 Snap spring Ш 8 1 Insulating strip DER PR99 MKIII 9/12 SPOOLING MOTOR = EH MCE E phy? Нан Le aie ное “а Lei ee E es и 7 a и Ci oa Er Pe a STUDER © PROOMKIN | 9/13 SPOOLING MOTOS — POS | QTY | ORDERNUMBER | PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS Spooling motor, compl. o 1 1 | Circiip | 2 1 24.16.5080 Retaining ring, external 3 2 41.99.0105 Ball bearing | 4 2 24. 16. 4220 Retaining ring, interna 5 2 | 37.02.0206 “Cup wa washer 6 1 Rotor, compl. 9/14 PR99 MKILI STUDER CAPSTAN MOTOR Ere a ee] A = ey rel EE DER a : aio SD TEEN ETS, РНЕ Ч С сс Fr = mn ". us я e = E aaa tel Вол наи em” my em fo fn pm mg em лЫ Los a Е =, at re mp pn“ wy "A S VIDELA) PR99 MKIII 9/15 CAPSTAN MOTOR — — POS QTY ORDER NUMBER PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS | 1 1.021.300.00 Capstan motor, compl. 3%/7% ips 1 1.021.302.00 | С apstan motor, compl. 74/15 pe 1 4 ‘ Rotor a 2 1 1.021.300.02 Capstan shaft 394/74 ips 1 1.021.302.03 Capstan shaft 72/15 ips 3 1 Spacer 4 1 Thrust bearing 5 1 1.021.601.09 Low friction washer 6 2 37.02.0106 Cup washer 7 3 24.16.4220 Retaining ring, internal e | 1 ‘1.07720003 | Shield g 2 21.01.0352 Screw M3x4 10 1 Tacho head 11 1 Antivibration shim 2 | 2 21.99.0137 | Screw nylon Маха 13 = 23.01 1032 Washer 14 4 21.26.0459 Screw - | Max 8 15 | 1 177.100.21 Screening plate 16 1 т 5 haft lock 9/16 PR99 MKIIH ГОЛОЕ: 188 EE qe re al т E ana ee e Heid et a rere pee Cet eins fl одел: Rh Le eee me A Het Ce mene aa oR pes 52. ам = COIE o Ma a a EEE E We ht py E E O EE ne Le ree e 0 ic Bop ne el errr ne fn e SE Lee e e er RE at e ted epa e a e TE De e RDA e e Re ateo O Er EE ет a ea co PE RR a aa a чы on (m a PR99 MKIII UNIT — — _ | POS QTY ORDER NUMBER | PART NAME _ SPECIFICATIONS 1 1 1177.51 1.00 Cabinet, Metal Case a 2 1 1.177.511 02 | Bottom plate I 3 1 1.177.910.08 Bracket rack mounting right 4 + 1.177.91 0.09 Bracket rack mounting left ACCESSORIES _ — _ — POS QTY ORDER NUMBER PART NAME SPECIFICATIONS 5 | 1 | 1177.93000 | Carrying Case (Alu) a 6 1 10.030.313.25 Standard Console with Castors НЕ 7 1 1.177.927.00 Monitor Panel Stereo a 8 1.177.924.00 — Blank Panel a 9 1 1 177.435.00 Tape Cutter - KAPITEL 10 Beschreibung der Buchsen Audio Remote Control Dia-Steuerung, FREE HEAD KIT Elektronisch selbsthaltende Pau- sentaste SECTION 10 Description of sockets Audio Remote control Slide Show control, FREE HEAD KIT Electronic controlled locking Pause Е PR99 MKIIl Professional Tape Recorder CHAPITRE 10 Description des prises Seite/page Audio 10/1 Remote control 10/3 Commande de diapositives 10/5 FREE HEAD KIT Pause a encliquetage électron- 10/5 que STUDEE] PR99 MIKILN 10/1 10. BESCHREIBUNG DER BUCHSEN (Beachte Bilder Seite 10/5) 10.1. Audio 10.1.1. LINE INPUT (Fig. 1) Die symmetrischen Eingánge sind auf XLR-Buchsen geführt (beschrieben in der IEC-Empfehlung 268-14). PIN 1 = Abschirmung PIN 2 = A-Leitung PIN 3 = B-Leitung (A-Leitung ist "heiss", wenn das Gerat asymmetrisch beschaltet wird.) 10.1.2. LINE OUTPUT (Fig. 2) Die symmetrischen Ausgänge sind auf XLR-Stecker geführt (beschrieben in der IEC-Empfehlung 268-14). PIN 1 = Abschirmung PIN 2 = A-Leitung PIN 3 = B-Leitung 10.1.3. Kopfhórerbuchse PHONES (Fig. 3) TIP = Links (CH I) RING = rechts (CH II) SLEEVE = Abschirmung 3 2 | INPUT | | Fig. 1 10. DESCRIPTION OF SOCKETS (See pictures page 10/5) 10.1. Audio 10.1.1. LINE INPUT (Fig. 1) The balanced inputs are terminated on XLR-type sockets conforming to the IEC recommendation 268-14. PIN 1 = Screening PIN 2 = A-Line PIN 3 = B-Line (A-Line is "hot" if the recorder is connected to an unbalanced source.) 10.1.2. LINE OUTPUT (Fig. 2) The balanced outputs are terminated on XLR-type sockets conforming to the IEC recommendation 268-14. PIN 1 = Screening PIN 2 = A-Line PIN 3 = B-Line 10.1.3. Headphones socket PHONES (Fig. 3) TIP = Left (CH I) RING = Right (CH II) SLEEVE = Ground ® 2 OUTPUT 3 Fig. 2 10. DESCRIPTION DES PRISES (Voir les tableaux page 10/5) 10.1. Audio 10.1.1. LINE INPUT (Fig. 1) Les entrées Ligne symétriques sont ra- menées a des prises connues sous La désignation XLR et décrites dans La recommendation IEC 268-14. PIN 1 = Blindage PIN 2 = Ligne À PIN 3 = Ligne B (La Ligne À est "chaude” quand L'appa- reil est raccordé en asymétrique). 10.1.2. LINE OUTPUT (Fig. 2) Les sorties Ligne symétriques sont ra- menées á des prises connues sous La désignation XLR et décrites dans La recommendation IEC 268-14, PIN 1 = Blindage PIN 2 = Ligne A PIN 3 = Ligne B 10.1.3. Prise pour casque PHONES (Fig. 3) TIP Gauche (CH I) RING SLEEVE Droite (CH II) Masse TIP | SLEEVE Hp crn Fig. 3 STUDER 10.1.4. MONITOR Anschluss fir Monitorpanel oder einen externen Leistungsverstarker (Einmes- sen: siehe Serviceanleitung PR9? (Be- stell-Nr. 10.18.1964), Kapitel 6.4.10) Monitor panels : 2-Track 1.177.927 Stereo 1.177.920 Mono 1.177.925 PIN 1 = — PIN 2 = Masse PIN 3 = CH 1 PIN 5 = CH 2 PIN 7 = Speisung ww Ausgangspegel: Bei 0 YU = 0,775 Y an R, = 10 kQ (0,775 V = 0 dBu) PR99 MKIII 10.7.4. MONITOR Connector for monitor panel or extern- 10/2 10.1.4. MONITOR Connecteur pour panneau moniteur ou amplificateur de puissance (réglages: voir Instructions de Service PR99, (No. 10.18.1964) chapitre 6.4.10). MONITOR al power amplifier Cadjustment: refer to Service Instructions PR99 (Order No. 10.18.1964), Section 6.4.10). оны O EEE. === — a PIN 1 = — PIN à = Ground PIN 3 = CH 1 PIN 5 = CH ? PIN 7 = Supply ** Output Level: At O YU = 0.775 Y on R, = 10 kQ (0.775 Y = 0 deu) PIN 1 = — PIN 2 = Masse PIN 3 =CH 1 PIN 5 = CH 2 PIN 7 = Alimentation ww Niveau de sortie: a 0 YU = 0,775 Y avec R, = 10 k@ (0,775 V = 0 deu) STUDER! PR99 MKIII 10/3 10.2. REMOTE CONTROL 10.2.1. Fader Start FADER START PIN 1 = Fadi PIN 2 = FadZ PIN 3 = —— PIN 4 = +5 VDC PIN 5 = +24 VDC ** PIN 6 = Masse Fader Start: - Externe Speisung - Interne Speisung 5 = ON: a = OFF: Start (Lokale sperrt) stop Tastatur Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 6 Pin 2 Pin 5 Pin 1 ge- 10.2. REMOTE CONTROL 10.2.1. Fader Start FADER START O O2 3 40 01% 50 т PIN 1 = Fadi PIN 2 = Fad? PIN 3 = —— PIN 4 = +5 VDC PIN 5 = +24 VDC ** PIN 6 = Ground Fader Start: - External Supply: _ MD < \=/ 24V AC or DC с = — Internal Supply: — À À ON: Start (Loc. keyboard disabled) OFF : Stop и LA LA 10.2. REMOTE CONTROL 10.2.1. Fader Start: PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN PIN e LA СА PU = Fader Start FADER START "N U WW N Fadi FadZ +5 VDC +24 VDC ** Masse - Alimentation externe: - Alimentation interne: 5 5 ON: Start (Clavier Local bloqué) OFF: Stop STUDER 10.2.2. Tape Drive Remote control 1.128.040 PIN 1 = S-FORW PIN 2 = S-PAUSE PIN 3 = === PIN 4 = + 0.0 Vv PIN 5 = S-REC PIN 6 = S-STOP PIN 7 = S-PLAY PIN 8 = $-24.0 V PIN 9 = S-REW Pin 8 Pin 1,2,5,6,7,9 xx S-24.0 V wird ausgeschaltet, wenn FADER START aktiv. 10.2.3. Capstan Speed Variabel speed control 1.128.045 Wenn die interne Steuerung aktiv ist, Steuerung ignoriert. Variable-Speed- wird die externe PR99 MKIII 10.2.2. Tape Drive 10/4 10.2.2. Tape Drive [** +24 VDC: Die interne Versorgungs- | spannung dient Lediglich zur Speisung von REVOX-Zubehodor. Sie ist nicht für zusätzliche Fremd- geräte vorgesehen (Überlastung) !| — — TAPE ORIVE = C - o /653\ LU. > Oj 00 cl C3 Оо 1 = PIN 1 = 5-FORW PIN 1 = S-FORW PIN 2 = S-PAUSE PIN 2 = S-PAUSE РТМ 3 = --- PIN 3 = — PIN 4 = + 0.0 V PIN 4 = + 0.0 V PIN 5 = S-REC PIN 5 = S-REC PIN 6 = S-STOP PIN 6 = S-STOP PIN à = S-PLAY PIN 7 = S-PLAY PIN 8 = 5-24.0 Y ** PIN 8 = S-24.0 V PIN 9 = S-REW PIN 9 = S-REW — ; ; — +24V S i жж $-24.0 М is switched OFF if FADER| START is active. | 10.2.3. Capstan Speed жк S-24.0 V est déclenché si FADER START est actif. 10.2.3. Capstan Speed CAPSTAN SPEED 7 O variable speed the external If the internal trol is active, is ignored. con- control w* +24 VDC: The internal supply vol- tage is provided to supply REVOX accessories only. It cannot be used for additional other devices (overload). si Le variateur de vitesse interne est enclenché, Le variateur de vitesse ex- terne est sans effet. жж +24 VDC: Cette tension est usée pour alimenter Les accessoires REVOX seulement. Elle n'est pas prévue pour des appareils étran- gers supplémentaires (surcharge!) STUDER 10.3. Dia-Steuerung, FREE HEAD KIT 1.177.090 PR99 MKII 10.3. Slide Show Control, FREE HEAD KIT 10.3. Commande de diapositives, FREE HEAD 1.177.090 KIT 1.177.090 FADER START LOGIC PCB 1.177.893/B94 MONITOR = FROM AUDIO = INTERCONNECT ION _ PCB 1177 red 29? 0 + FaD2 red bon o e т < FADÍ mn ls __ 95+ 24.0 % —— | _ | FAGER START PILOT HEAD PILOT HEAD Die Bandmaschinen PR99 MKI und MKII können - im Gegensatz zur B77 = nur mit einem Free-Head Kit ausgerustet werden. Das Anschlusskabel des Pilot-Tonkopfes kann, nach entsprechend angebrachter Verlängerung, entweder mit einer an- stelle der symmetrischen Mikrofonein- gänge zu montierenden 5-Pol 180 Grad DIN-Buchse oder mit den noch freien Anschlüssen der Monitorbuchse ver- bunden werden (siehe unten). Für die Montage des Pilot-Tonkopfes - nur bei der PRY99 MKII - werden zusätz- Lich zum Kit eine Monta- geplatte 1.177,790.01 und 3 Schrauben 21.01.2206 benötigt. 10.4. Elektronisch selbsthaltende Pausentaste Diese Pausenfunktion bewirkt durch erneutes Antippen der Pause-Taste eine Rückkehr zur unterbrochenen Funktion. Der Einbau-Kit für die elektronisch selbsthaltende Pausentaste ist beim autorisierten Fachhändler erhältlich (Artikelnummer 74494). The PRY9 MKI or MKII can - in contrast to the B77 - only be equipped with a free head kit. The connecting cable of the pilot head can, after a corresponding extension, be soldered to the 5 pole 180 degrees DIN socket, installed instead of the symmetrical mic input, or to the free pins of the monitor socket(see below). To install the pilot head - in the PR99 MKII only - additionally to the free head kit a mounting plate 1.1/7.790.01 and 3 screws 21.01.2206 are needed. 10.4. Electronic controlled Looking Pause This pause function allows reacti- vating the function previously inter- rupted, by pressing the pause button again. The conversation kit for the electron- ically locking pause button is available at your authorised dealer (Order no, 74494). Contrairement au B77 Le PR?9 МКТ ou MKII ne peut être égiupé que d'un Free Head Kit. Le câble de raccordement de La tête pilote doit être rallongé. IL peut en- suite être, soit raccordé à une prise DIN 5-pôles, 180 degrés que L'on aura installé à (а place des entrées micros symétriques, soit être raccordé aux connexions encore Libres de La prise monitor (voir ci-dessous). Dans le cas du montage de La tête pilote dans Le PR99 MKII il faudra, en plus au kit, prévoir une plaquette de montage 1.177.790.01 et 3 vis 21.01.2206. 10.4. Pause a encliquetage électronique Le circuit permet de maintenir La fonction Pause jusqu'à ce qu une nouvelle pression soirdonnée sur La touche. Le kit de montage permettant cette fonction est disponible aupres des re- vendeurs autorisés (No. = d'article 76494). ">

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