INSTALLATION MANUAL PRODUCT NAME : VOLGA/1 - CV Wall Recess Under Water VOLGA/1 - CC Wall Recess Under Water Input No. lll IP68 Ordering Code 1. Constant Voltage-remote driver 24V 2. ( Output from SELV system only) 3. ( ¡ÃÐáÊ俵ͧÁÒ¨Ò¡Ãкºáç´Ñ¹ ä¿¿ Ò µèíÒ¾ÔàÈÉ¢Ñé¹»ÅÍ´ÀÑÂà¾Õ§à·Ò¹Ñé¹ ) 4. 7418-4-2-361-91 5. 7418-B/C/H/U/0-2-372-91 6. 7418-B/C/H/U/0-2-373-91 7. 7418-B/C/H/U/0-2-374-91 7418-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-429-91 - 7418-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-430-91 7418-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-431-91 + 1-14 Light Emitting Diodes (LED) 7419-4-2-355-91 Constant Current 500mA /700mA/1200mA 9. ( Output from SELV system only) 7419-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-561-91 10. (¡ÃÐáÊ俿ҵͧ໹ Ẻáç´Ñ¹µèíÒ ¾ ÔàÈÉ 7419-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-562-91 à·Ò¹Ñé¹à¾×èͤÇÒÁ»ÅÍ´ÀÑÂ) 11. 7419-A/6/C/H/U/0-2-563-91 8. 12. 7419-B/C/H/U/0-2-366-91 13. 7419-B/C/H/U/0-2-367-91 14. 7419-B/C/H/U/0-2-368-91 1 û1" 2 PVC pipe 1" ¢¹Ò´·Í PVC 1 ¹ÔéÇ 108 û70 141 141 112 108 Warranty vo id if re mo ved. ÊÔé¹ ÊØ ´¡Òà ÃѺ »ÃÐ ¡Ñ ¹ËÒ¡¶Ù¡ á¡ÐÍÍ¡ Please note the wall level. ¢Í¤ÇÃÃÐÇѧ : ¼ÔÇ˹ҢͧµÑÇâ¤Á¡Ñº ¼ÔÇ ¾×é¹ ¤ÇÃÍÂÙ ã¹ÃйҺà´ÕÂǡѹ Warranty void if removed. ÊÔé¹ÊØ´¡ÒÃÃѺ»ÃСѹ ËÒ¡¶Ù¡á¡ÐÍÍ¡ 4 7 Cable size : 2x1.00 mm.2 Ø 4.8-6mm. ¢¹Ò´ÊÒÂä¿ Wall recess housing ¡Åͧ½§¼¹Ñ§ û1" R2.75 141 2 Meters cable pre-wired from the factory. ÊÒÂä¿ÂÒÇ2àÁµÃ»ÃСͺÁÒ ¾ÃÍÁ¡ÑºµÑÇâ¤Á¨Ò¡âç§Ò¹ Gel-Filled IP68 Connector Cable Diameter 4.8-6mm. available separately /ᡨíÒ˹Ò Ordering Code/ÃËÑÊÊÑ觫×éÍ : 0247-0-9-000-00 'See connecting detail on Accessories manual.' ´ÙÃÒÂÅÐàÍÕ´·Õè¤ÙÁ×Í¡ÒõԴµÑ駢ͧ Accessories 110 105 112 Last Revised On : 15/12/2022 REV.00 1/4 FR-DM-17 REV.03 EFF 15/09/17 3 4 ÐÍ Í ÃÑ º» ÊÔé ¹ÊØ ÃÐ ¡Ñ¹ Ë Ò¡ ¡ ¶Ù ¡á¡ ´ ¡Òà Installation complete ¡ÒõԴµÑé§àÊÃç¨ÊÁºÙó Remark : ËÁÒÂà赯 1. Installation should be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with appropriate national wiring regulation. ¡ÒõԴµÑé§â¤Áä¿¿ÒáÅÐÍØ»¡Ã³ ¤ÇôíÒà¹Ô¹¡ÒÃâ´ÂªÒ§ä¿¿Ò ·ÕèÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÃÙáÅФÇÒÁªíÒ¹Ò­ 㹡ÒõԴµÑé§ÍØ»¡Ã³ ä¿¿Ò â´Â੾ÒеÒÁÁÒµÃฐÒ¹¢Í§¡ÒÃä¿¿Ò Control box µÙ¤ Ǻ¤ØÁÃкºä¿¿ Ò Max ¤ÇÒÁÅÖ¡ÁÒ¡ÊØ´ 1.5 m . 2. Disconnect the power before changing the lamp. »´ÊÇÔ·ªä¿·Ø¡¤ÃÑ駷Õèà»ÅÕè¹ËÅÍ´ä¿ 3. This is class 3 luminaire fixture. â¤Á俪¹Ô´¹Õé¨Ñ´ÍÂÙã¹ »ÃÐàÀ· 3 ( CLASS III ) ¤×Íãªä¿âÇÅ·µèíÒ 4. Do not exceed the maximum wattage. ËÒÁãªËÅÍ´ä¿·ÕèÁÕ¢¹Ò´Çѵµà¡Ô¹¡ÇÒ·ÕèÃÐºØ ËÃ×ÍãªËÅÍ´¼Ô´»ÃÐàÀ· 5. Don't touch LED while maintaining or cleaning. ËÒÁÊÑÁ¼ÑÊËÅÍ´ LED ¢³ÐºíÒÃاÃÑ¡ÉÒ ËÃ×Í·íÒ¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´ Warning : ¢Í¤ÇÃÃÐÇѧ 1. The manufacturer will not be liable or held responsible for any incorrect installation, misuse or improper use and unauthorised modification to the fittings. Failure to comply with mentioned warning may cause serious damage or serious injury to persons, animals or objects. If any modification is required please consult your dealer for the details. ·Ò§¼Ù¼ÅÔµäÁÊÒÁÒöÃѺ¼Ô´ªÍºã¹¤ÇÒÁàÊÕÂËÒÂã´æ·Õèà¡Ô´¨Ò¡¡Òà µÔ´µÑé§äÁ¶Ù¡ÇÔ¸Õ, 㪧ҹ¼Ô´»ÃÐàÀ·ËÃ×Í´Ñ´á»Å§µÑÇâ¤Áã¹·Ø¡¡Ã³Õ «Öè§ ÊÔ觼Դ»¡µÔàËÅÒ¹Õé ÍÒ¨·íÒãËà¡Ô´ÍѹµÃÒ¡Ѻ ¤¹ ÊÑµÇ ÊÔ觢ͧ ËÒ¡ÁÕ¢ÍʧÊÑÂËÃ×ÍÁÕ¤ÇÒÁµÍ§¡Òûà ѺᵧµÑÇâ¤Á ãËàËÁÒÐÊÁ¡Ñº¡ÒÃ㪧ҹ ¡ÃسҵԴµÍµÑÇá·¹¨íÒ˹ÒÂËÃ×ͼټÅÔµ 2. Where damage has occured to the fittings, please make the replacement with standard parts before use. 㹡óշÕèÁÕªÔé¹Êǹ»ÃСͺã´à¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁàÊÕÂËÒ¡Ãس Òà»ÅÕ蹪Ôé¹Êǹ ãËÁ¡Í¹¡ÒÃ㪧ҹ·Ø¡¤ÃÑé§ à¾×èͤÇÒÁ»ÅÍ´ÀÑ Last Revised On : 15/12/2022 REV.00 2/4 FR-DM-17 REV.03 EFF 15/09/17 Cable Size/¢¹Ò´ÊÒÂä¿ : 2x1.00 mm.2 Ø4.8-6 mm. In case the supply cable is exposed to sunlight use UV resistant cable. ¡Ã³Õ·ÕèÁÕ¡ÒõԴµÑé§â¤Á俹͡ÍÒ¤Òà ËÃ×Íâ¤Áä¿·ÕèÁÕ¡ÒÃá¼ÃѧÊÕÂÙÇÕ ÊÒÂ俵ͧÊÒÁÒö»Í§¡Ñ¹ ËÃ×Í ÁÕ¡Òûͧ¡Ñ¹äÁã˶١ÃѧÊÕÂÙÇÕä´ The luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into the luminaire at a distance closer than 0.5m in not expected. µíÒá˹§·ÕèµÔ´µÑ駴ǧâ¤Á¤ÇÃÍÂÙ㹨ش·ÕèáʧäÁÊͧà¢Ò´Ç§µÒâ´ÂµÃ§à»¹àÇÅÒ¹Ò¹ ËÒ¡à¢Òã¡Åã¹ ÃÐÂйÍ¡ÇÒ 0.5 Á. Any damaged safety glass cover must be replaced only with the original spare part. àÁ×èÍ¡ÃШ¡à¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁàÊÕÂËÒ à¾×èͤÇÒÁ»ÅÍ´ÀѤÇÃÊÑè§ÍÐäËÅá·¨Ò¡¼Ù¼ÅÔµà·Ò¹Ñé¹ Not using chemical compounds and aggressive agents such as , weed repellents fertilizers , acid solvent and contaminated irrigation water near the Luminaires. ËÒÁãªÊÒÃà¤ÁÕહ »ØÂ, ÂÒ¡íҨѴÈѵÃپת, »Ù¹¢ÒÇ, ÊÒÃÅÐÅÒ·Õè໹¡Ã´ áÅйéíÒ»¹à»Í¹ÊÒÃà¤ÁÕ ºÃÔàdz·ÕèµÔ´µÑé§â¤Áä¿ NO This luminaire is designed to be used underwater. To avoid overheating, do not turn on the light if it is not submersed. à¾×èÍËÅÕ¡àÅÕ觤ÇÒÁÃ͹ÊÐÊÁ·ÕèÍÒ¨·íÒãËà¡Ô´ÍѹµÃÒ ËÒÁà»´ä¿ËÒ¡â¤ÁäÁä´ÍÂÙãµ¹éíÒ NO Clean the products regularly to maintain good light output and prolong surface quality . Only use solvent-free cleaning solutions on the products. ·íÒ¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¼ÅÔµÀѳ ±à»¹»ÃШíÒà¾×èÍÃÑ¡ÉÒ¤ÇÒÁÊͧÊÇÒ§·Õè´ÕáÅÐÂ×´ÍÒÂؤسÀÒ¾¾×é¹¼ÔÇ ãª¹éíÒÂÒ·íÒ¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´·ÕèäÁÁÕáÍÅ¡ÍÎÍÅËÃ×͵ÑÇ·íÒÅÐÅÒ¡Ѻ¼ÅÔµÀѳ±à·Ò¹Ñé¹ LED Last Revised On : 15/12/2022 REV.00 Our products are installed with electronic components with the protection against overvoltage according to IEC 61547. The customers have to install the additional overvoltage protection devices (against surge, transients, etc) in their electrical system to avoid the risk of damage. Failing to do so will end the product warranty. ¼ÅÔµÀѳ±¢Í§àÃÒÁÕ¡ÒõԴµÑé§ÍØ»¡Ã³ÍÔàÅç¡·Ã͹ԡÊÊíÒËÃѺ¡Òûͧ¡Ñ¹áç´Ñ¹ä¿à¡Ô¹µÒÁÁÒµÃฐÒ¹ IEC 61547 áÅÐÅÙ¡¤ÒµÍ§µÔ´µÑé§ÍØ»¡Ã³»Í§¡Ñ¹áç´Ñ¹ä¿à¡Ô¹à¾ÔèÁàµÔÁ (»Í§¡Ñ¹ä¿¡ÃЪҡ ,ä¿¿ÒÅѴǧ¨Ã ÏÅÏ)ã¹Ãкºä¿¿Ò´Ç à¾×èÍËÅÕ¡àÅÕ觤ÇÒÁàÊÕ觷Õè¨Ðà¡Ô´¤ÇÒÁàÊÕÂËÒ ËÒ¡äÁ´íÒà¹Ô¹¡Òôѧ¡ÅÒÇ ¡ÒÃÃѺ»ÃСѹ¨ÐÊÔé¹Êشŧ 3/4 FR-DM-17 REV.03 EFF 15/09/17 Do not use a high pressure washer to clean the products. ËÒÁãªà¤Ã×èͧ©Õ´¹éíÒáç´Ñ¹Ê٧㹡Ò÷íÒ¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¼ÅÔµÀѳ ± To replace the LED module or the entrire luminaire.Please consult your sales representative. ËÒ¡µÍ§¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ LED module ËÃ×Íâ¤Áä¿â»Ã´µÔ´µÍµÑÇá·¹¢Ò¢ͧ¤Ø³ LED LED Only use the supplied stainless screws to mount the luminaire. Otherwise corrosion will occur and the warranty will be voided. ãªÊ¡ÃÙÊ൹àÅÊ·ÕèãËÁÒ¾ÃÍÁâ¤Áä¿à·Ò¹Ñé¹ã¹¡ÒõԴµÑé§â¤Áä¿ÁԩйÑ鹨Ðà¡Ô´¡ÒáѴ¡Ã͹ áÅСÒÃÃѺ»ÃСѹ¨Ð໹âÁ¦Ð Only use supplied screws Environmental protection: Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. please recycle where facilities exist.check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice According to directive 2002/96/CE and directive 2012/19/EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). ËÒÁ·Ô駼ÅÔµÀѳ±¹ÕéÃÇÁ¡Ñº¢ÂÐ㹤ÃÑÇàÃ×͹ª¹Ô´Í×è¹æàÁ×èÍÊÔé¹ÊØ´ÍÒÂØ¡ÒÃ㪧ҹâ»Ã´á¡¼ÅÔµÀѳ ±ÍÍ¡ ¨Ò¡¢Í§àÊÕ»ÃÐàÀ·Í×è¹æáÅÐÃÕä«à¤ÔÅÍÂÒ§àËÁÒÐÊÁà¾×èÍʧàÊÃÔÁ¡ÒùíÒ·ÃѾÂҡáÅѺÁÒ㪫éíÒ«Ö觨ЪÇ »Í§¡Ñ¹ÍѹµÃÒµÍÊÔè§áÇ´ÅÍÁËÃ×ÍÊØ¢ÀÒ¾¢Í§Á¹ØÉ·Õèà¡Ô´¨Ò¡¡Ò÷Ô駢ÂÐâ´ÂäÁÁÕ¡ÒäǺ¤ØÁ ÍÒ§ÍÔ§µÒÁÃÐàºÕº 2002/96/CE áÅÐÃÐàºÕº 2012/19/EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Replacing the LED module ÇÔ¸Õ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ LED module 1. Contact your sales representative for replacement LED modules. Make sure that the replacement module match the initially supplied module. Note the part number printed on the LED module. àµÃÕÂÁ LED module ã˵ç¡ÑºÃع·ÕèµÍ§¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹â´ÂµÃǨÊͺ·ÕèËÁÒÂàÅ¢·Õè¾ÔÁ¾º¹LED modules áÅÐ µÔ´µÍµÑÇá·¹¢ÒÂà¾×èÍÊÑ觫×éÍ LED modules ·ÕèµÍ§¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ 2. The LED module can be replaced by qualified persons using standard tools. ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ LED module µÍ§·íÒâ´ÂªÒ§¼ÙªíÒ¹Ò­áÅÐãªà¤Ã×èͧÁ×Í·Õèä´ÁÒµÃฐÒ¹ 3. Disconnect power before opening the luminaire housing. µÑ´áËŧ¨ÒÂ信͹·Õè¨Ðà»´µÑÇâ¤Á 4. Replace the old LED module with the new LED module. Reapply thermal interface material as supplied with the new LED module. ¶Í´ LED module ·ÕèªíÒÃØ´ÍÍ¡ ¨Ò¡¹Ñ¹·íÒ¤ÇÒÁÊÐÍÒ´¨Ø´ÇÒ§ËÅÍ´ áÅǨ֧ ·íÒ¡ÒûÃСͺ LED module ãËÁ áÅеͧà»ÅÕè¹ á¼¹Thermal Pad ËÃ×Í Thermal Grease ´Ç·ء¤ÃÑé§ 5. Inspect gaskets and if required replace with new gaskets. Defective luminaire covers must be replaced. Inspect correct wiring of replaced LED module. µÃǨÊͺ»ÃÐà¡ç¹áÅЪÔé¹Êǹ¢Í§µÑÇâ¤Á ¶ÒªíÒÃØ´àÊÕÂËÒÂãË·íÒ¡ÒÃà»ÅÕè¹ãËÁ áÅеÃǨÊͺ¡ÒÃà¢ÒÊÒÂ俢ͧ LED module ·Õèà»ÅÕè¹ãËÁ¶Ù¡µÍ§ËÃ×ÍäÁ 6. Close the luminaire housing before reconnecting power. »´½Ò¤ÃͺÅçͤâ¤Áä¿ãËàÃÕºÃÍÂ¡Í¹à»´ä¿ Last Revised On : 15/12/2022 REV.00 4/4 FR-DM-17 REV.03 EFF 15/09/17 ">
