PL 10/07 | Ed. 03/08 PLUS 150 GG 75 A/M La génis du confort 91 ® bo К > o * eh 80 1 “AY a E => kk A” 3G a matr. N. - De matr. No. - Von Masch. Nr. - From number: PL 10/07 GG 75M GG 75A = mm E а 42401001 „44701001 Ed. 03/08 ——— a, | STRESS = TRE e os on oi sui — — — AFD В 0. € Cod. | € [| corsm | corsa o “LEGENDA . Deo. LEGENDE: | © NOMENKLATUR - PART LIST 4 | 603110-5070 Ape e NE NRO AAA Ie ; a /603111-50101115 50 508) ARTE i fa eH Basamento OT a ene e Base o A EEE Kastenträger Base de Oda es я НЫ то eu Coperchio ско ооо I Couverde coffret dique ce ES Inspectiondeckel _ | Inspection door de WA E a Scocca inferiore Carrosserie inferieur | ca Li -|¡Kearossere Unterteil 70. Lower body | 5-1 603050 7 E a ro reto pi ce Carrosserie superieur __ В Haube Upper body | 6 | P30147 | ОА ОО АА er ROR es mes TT |Brennkammer 7 Combustion chamber | | S val mino e te a gate on es a | ASaUggitter ВЕ Inlet grill | e = A 3 PELO RA Git Vite Te ENTER VIS TC Bx Nn ose esl | Sehraube TC 8x t/a 0 AU ec TC8x1/27 … | 9; =M10317 | o pm abi dpi а Ua2- = verre Plaqué elastique vez. 182 |Klemmutter U42- 182 Elastic plate U42-182 | = or ESE neti nm Meh В sé oO TOR MAx8 e" ir ‚| Schraübe TCEI M4x8 Screw TCEI M4x8 НД Erase ces | a 110. W as Be Moteur 110 W 230V-50Hz N | 5 Motor 110 W 230V-50 Hz Motor 110 W 230V-50Hz 12 T0207 | — NN e” | an = и AE EE Condensapur Eo Kondensatora mE eus «|Condenser 4 нЕ ee] humana sar Ñan och с: ОС sii None ote A _|Ventilator 2 300 218" Fan @ 300 18° 51 m10316 | || MO MI T A To TAE is Sh cab a Casa ns ie | Screw TC 4x3/8" | 6: Manos lena sg |. enzo а en hs ad ERES Mx 14 enn (Schraube TCEI M6 x 14 Screw TCEI M6 x 14 | Moros TS PEACE EA Rondella 9.6 7 Rondelieg 6” Ч A Abstandsring. 9 6:75 373 Washer @ 6 OCD BER mues EA eee crc Ecrou MS à Mutter M6 _ Nut M6 | 19 в итд моя нон 6 0 |Maniglia plastica” > 2470 E Polgnés Sa Ne a eu A ANO a ANA Handle 8 | Vite TC 8x3/8" —— [Vis TC 8x@/e" sna TT row {MRR Shag lo | P30125 | M2ogos E ст | E00141 | E00301 | E50102 M20107 12 G03051 11 Tran ES __ 601888 2 M1OGOB ICE ls 130609 190809 EE 130808 | > 140484”. 130860 + T30203 130207 130204 | ESOS TEA 130639 C30342 : Ex I T30415 - 120314 G03092 E20305 E10127 E30440 CNE E20319 | + E sa а Es " + ne ia GE ак т Г ч = 3 wy | т y “E10126 E40224 | cE10102P 1 dl E20626 “: — E20627 0304457 E10213 == ое E iD PON AARON UNO A LNA BD BENG BE | | | | TE | 108 | = | sin | FAS Ho Sd A e Fa IS re 3 vu! | o À Lj fad as я LE " es "io Y — Ea a, ae ÉLÉ He gr va. - —i E] HF wi |Е "|| Plastrina doppia U42-032A "i ||Capsula termostatica Limit “| [Flangla’bruciatore ig: cuca Rondella @ 5 Testa di combustione xo ma e Я here mA == 3 a Li SF Ta y Y ‘ E rl Sy Grano' МЫ ха о а mild m mm x8 FRAIS EE mp dia ша al, als Curva portaugello Biconio 9/8 TAE Dado per bi bicono 2 6 “Tubo rame:sagomato; Be Raccordo bicono 90° 1/4" Mx6 Elettrovalvola 1/4" 230! ME Elettrovalvola 14" 110. Bobina E. V. Parker 230 2 rwhp py TD D \||Diaframma 205 Raccordo OT 1/4 M dx-1/4" Ms sx Passacavo gomma 218 (Ugello gas @ 1,6 | [Vite doppia 17/4" M-M Morsettiera Te Protezione pl. per puisante Cavo el. e/spina 3 x1-3m-. Morsettiera Puisante ramo po khan 5 Brhama DTM 31 & Hr A py pry Мерен и К a Ч iI HE eel rl ah kl = DR AT i, ry a № C-IRNetAl 9x8 E “Bride brûleur = a a LE Vis ME 6; while Lr es "e ME PE E yg Grille avant i inox. a li er En. Cablage Rondelle 9 5 lala ils a, Brûleur tn LP te E asa a Raccord pour acer Bicone. a6 Ecrou pour bicóno 9 o 6 A: Tuyau: ‘cuivre. 2 6. Race. équerre 90° 1/4" Mx6 \. 1. |Electrovanne 1/4" 230 V. 0 -iElectrovanne 1/4" 110 М. Bobine E. V. Parker 230 у \Diaphragme &@ 20 'Racc. ОТ 1/4 М de-1/4" Me sx E A Thermostat bilame Limit” 3 “Plaqué elastique U42-0324 - a Kilemmutter U42-0324 Schraube TC 8x3/8" NEAT sat [Niet Al 4 9x9 Kabel AL Thermostat Limit - Le Es 9424 Schraupe M5. x:81; Abstandsring o 5 ¡Brenner Teller = EUA Brenner LN , Dúse Cl a Doppelkegelnng @ 6 MEET Gaszufürrohr 96 | (Protection: caoutchouc @18 \Gicleur 9 1,6 8 nef VIS 14" M=-M e Support coffret éléctrique “Barrette de connection ¡Protection pour bouton iCommutatore (011 a = PT Fusibila 4 A GT Connettore presa 3P + T | Connettore Spina SF a + x ee ‘Profilo gommav ic Elettrodo accensione > cplastrina Barrette de connection EET Bouton: de rearmement … | Coffret Brhama DTM 31° “interrupteur 70-11 |Fusible 4 À GT ““\Fiche thermostat Plaque de pose A ра “IV joint ie а al wR |Eléctrode allumage E ES TT Thermostat Stecker НО Gummidichtun Vi ANA |Mutter fur Doppelkeg. 26 6 |Eckanschluss 90° ewe > l|Magnetventil 1/4"230V 2 Magnetventil 1/4" 140 V- _ Spule Parker 230 V ) 2Düsseg20: EN Eckanschluss : OT 114 M ас" M sx a Kabeltille 9 18 EEEE ПЕ Düse @ 1,6 Schraube 1/4" M-M a _ Steuergerät HEN … |Klemmreiche. + Schulzschaltknopf “ac, -—/Kabel mit steckdose: 7. _… _|Kemmreiche 2e ResetkKnopt Ea — |Steuerg. ra ma E Le Schalter) Ol sh AT ae Sicherung : AGT if eae me Steckdoseplatte Zündelektrode _ “|Screw TC 8x3/8" Elastic plate U42-032A Stainless outlet grill | Rivet Ala 9x9 Cable Limit Thermostat. Washer @ 5 Burner plate Burner | screw M5 x8 Nozzle connection Bicone @6 Nut for bicone 26 Gas supply pipe @6 Connection 80° 1/4" Mx6 |Solencid valve 1/4 230V cei Solenoid valve 1/4 110V Solenoid spool Parker 230 VV Diaphragm @ 2,0 Connection OT 1/4 M dx-1/4" M sx [Protection cable @ 18 Nozzle @1,6 | Screw 1/4" M.- M Electrical comp. drawer (Terminal board Button plastic profile Electric wire with plug | Terminal board Reset button Ctrl box Brhama DTM 31 [Switch 1-011 Fuse 4 A GT ‘| Thermostat plug - Plate plug a ISO | | Мел! electrode … sais Tr GG Ja matr. N. - De matr. No. - Von Masch. Nr. - From ame os] Cod e fs if AR — Эли = GG 75M “| GG TEA ry e ¡Pa Li челн EEE Y ab ENDE D EEE e LA ÓN PL 10/07 LEGENDA a Tn E “LEGENDE Td el Le A a NOMENI KLATUR Ed. 03/08 42401001 = 44701001 BEE VERS dt raie RAL U Peg oil heh Не nai ia mo naar e I ES I PART LIST 59 3383 Sede: 2828 87 91 94 97 ‘M20408 M10502 T0821 | E50103 E10214 130810 T30315 1 T30314 T30325 ~. E50501 131005 |». T30603-. — El0110-P | 14140555" ‚ 130308 1121 T30302- M20301 SENS C30316 820142; C10708 EOS M10108 E00206 E00150 | E00302 E00187 UN E20805 G00201 J HEE11125 4105. gn E20508 E ere Чел | Li i Lod al a E 0 0 9. 0. 8. 0. 070.0. 0 E PI ”». [= i 28 > ; = = bp FH ape wad Fu EE (0:66 A AA E et E da Femi x fre Elz | y, ï = ЗЧ Ll pa CT a = mu En = e Ur E «21200 |jAccenditore plezoelettrico “9|{Tüboigas/craccordt 2m; || Valvola stop-gas 10 Kg | Regolatore pressione gas * | |Sottopiede. 1 |Dado in gabbla M5 EE |Protezione isolante a a iE Protection Isolante 52% jAngolare supporte 52215068 ae 2) Supporter ET ут A [ore pena acen cite oe mio re ye me ee ай ет To Wa 1 i nizzazi a L i orl es i bid Be Ral eh im AR Ея №, to © one Dlr Звони Elslirodo lonizzazione ae E = | _ ||Raccordo bicono 90° 1/4" es UE] Valvola gas-temica SIT: 710 | __. || Dado M12 per valvola sm vid foe | |Ghlera per. vaivola SIT e Disgiuntore termico Dado M8 per CEE. Interruttore 0 - 1 FE data ¿e EL hd e у Rondella grower @ 4 Filtrojantidisturbo DEM 7577 7007 Tappo kan o A “| {Talaid supporte Volantino Vite TCEI M5 x 16 RN Ti Hh Vite TC 4x3/4" ide, e br Protettore termico Vi oc _ i |: fade = Cavo accensione Wh Cavo capsula termostatica sa li elie Rascetial plastical, [FTIR ONE e Noo ® Microinterruttore | dus de 0282106 | Relà Finder 65.51,AC: E . | e Portafusibile USA UN AS MOTOCO PTA A TERR ар Y a Allumeur éléctrique apd phar E e Ea SAS Tuyau du gaz 2 т’ Chassis 1 WELL iCable ionisation - i" т 1 те i bys AE = = di A Th lee | Eero “Bande plastique => nisalon ue Racc. équerre 90° 1/4" EM {Vanne thermique SIT “ Ecrou N M12 pour vanne sm ¡Frette pour vanne SIT Disjointer de thermocouple {Thermocouple a 2 Ecrou M8 pour thermocou. Les Interrupteur 0-1 E Manodetendeur ___|Rondelle grower о Ta 2 |Filtre/antipararites DEM Bouchon @ 18 Vis blocage chassis Bouchon 7 Vis TCE MS x 16° Vis TC rrr Br om во Thermostat blame Cable allumage CUAL Cable thermostat bilamo _ EEE Micro-interruptour E Relais Finder 65.31°AC Porte fusible ÉOUNS AE a ME MB se TET ‘Elektrode... - defense jo omic Eckanschluss 90° 14 Fx6 Lu A Tharmoventil:SIT* MEA e 22 Thermoelément ENT T7 Casschlaui ZA О °° |Euntcenstorilier DEM ОО Fahrgestell US JE CERTA \Rohrkiemme Isollerschue A Stitze PE aie A E enislemingeRaber Te Mutter M12 fúr ventil ST — Zwinge fur Ventil SIT” Abschalter fur homodement_ mena) im Mutter M8 für Thermaolem. Ш - Piezozúnder E wa Schalter0-1 ri pHa ol Stop-gas Ventil 10 Ko al Sse Dra ckre germ A a ua Abstandsring grower @ Gummifuss 9 AL Stollschraube _ Schraube TCE M5 x 19 a A Set TH md; de Mi Schraube TC Ta Sichahoishement verte ry 5 Zündungskabel Thermokapselkabel A Aa A e Ces o er ' a Microschalter : Relais: Finder. 65.31AC Sicherungschalter ra me |lonisation electrode НОРЫ ja RO adn ar A he aie TETE y Ea di be RA ¡AA Нана И a ionization cable Connection 90° 1/4" Fx6 + Thermovaive SIT Nut M12 for valve SIT Valve bush SIT | Breaker circuit thermoelement | Thermocouple J | | МЫ! M& for Thermocouple | “|Piezo-igniter bal Switch 0-1 | | GSA mea] CAS080/2 Más Excess flow valve 10 Kg | Pressure regulator _ Washer grower @ 4 | e Anti-jamming filter DEM | Plug @ 18 | ee 47005 | Chassis screw Plug. Screw TCEI M5 x 16 Nut M5 Screw TC E + rn A В Overheat Fenosa | | Switching cable Thermostatic capsule cable axiajHoseclamp: | ‚Switch | Relay Finder 65.31 AC | Fuse holder ">

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