LC-10A2U SERVICE MANUAL S40Z6LC-10A2U SERVICE MANUAL LCD COLOR TELEVISION MODEL LC-10A2U LCD COLOR TELEVISION In the interests of user-safety (Required by safety regulations in some countries) the set should be restored to its original condition and only parts identical to those specified be used. CONTENTS MODEL LC-10A2U Page IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRECAUTION ................................................................................. 2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 4 OPERATION MANUAL ......................................................................................................................... 5 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................................. 6 DISASSEMBLY OF THE SET ............................................................................................................... 7 ADJUSTING PROCEDURE OF EACH SECTION ............................................................................. 10 TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE ........................................................................................................... 12 CHASSIS LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................. 16 BLOCK DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 18 DESCRIPTION OF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ..................................................................................... 19 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................... 20 PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES ........................................................................................ 28 PARTS LIST Ë ELECTRICAL PARTS ..................................................................................................................... 33 MAIN UNIT ..................................................................................................................................... 33 TERMINAL UNIT ............................................................................................................................ 37 OPERATION UNIT ......................................................................................................................... 38 LED UNIT ....................................................................................................................................... 39 RELAY UNIT .................................................................................................................................. 39 Ë ACCESSORIES PARTS ................................................................................................................. 39 Ë PACKING PARTS ........................................................................................................................... 39 Ë CABINET PARTS LIST ................................................................................................................... 40 Ë CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS .......................................................................................... 41 » PACKING OF THE SET ...................................................................................................................... 42 » » » » » » » » » » » » » SHARP CORPORATION This document has been published to be used for after sales service only. The contents are subject to change without notice. 1 LC-10A2U IMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRECAUTION Ë Service work should be perfomed only by qualified service technicians who are thoroughly familiar with all safety checks and the servicing guidelines which follow: WARNING • 1. For continued safety, no modification of any circuit should be attempted. 2. Disconnect AC power before servicing. • CAUTION FOR CONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST A RISK OF FIRE REPLACE A ONLY WITH SAME TYPE FUSE. F3701 (1.6A, 125V), F3702 (1.6A, 125V), F3751 (2.5A, 125V) FUSE. V BEFORE RETURNING THE RECEIVER (Fire & Shock Hazard) Use an AC voltmeter having with 5000 ohm per volt, or higher, sensitivity or measure the AC voltage drop across the resisor. Connect the resistor connection to all exposed metal parts having a return to the chassis (antenna, metal cabinet, screw heads, knobs and control shafts, escutcheon and etc.) and measure the AC voltage drop across the resistor. All checks must be repeated with the AC cord plug connection reversed. (If necessary, a nonpolarized adaptor plug must be used only for the purpose of completing these checks.) Any reading of 0.75V peak (this corresponds to 0.5 milliamp. peak AC.) or more is excessive and indicates a potential shock hazard which must be corrected before returning the monitor to the owner. Before returning the receiver to the user, perform the following safety checks: 1. Inspect all lead dress to make certain that leads are not pinched, and check that hardware is not lodged between the chassis and other metal parts in the receiver. 2. Inspect all protective devices such as non-metallic control knobs, insulation materials, cabinet backs, adjustment and compartment covers or shields, isolation resistor-capacitor networks, mechanical insulators, etc. 3. To be sure that no shock hazard exists, check for leakage current in the following manner. • Plug the AC cord directly into a 110~240 volt AC outlet, and connect the DC power cable into the receiver's DC jack. (Do not use an isolation transformer for this test). • Using two clip leads, connect a 1.5k ohm, 10 watt resistor paralleled by a 0.15µF capacitor in series with all exposed metal cabinet parts and a known earth ground, such as electrical conduit or electrical ground connected to earth ground. DVM AC SCALE 50k ohms. 10W 0.15 µF TEST PROBE TO EXPOSED METAL PARTS CONNECT TO KNOWN EARTH GROUND 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 SAFETY NOTICE and shaded areas in the Replacement Parts Lists and Schematic Diagrams. For continued protection, replacement parts must be identical to those used in the original circuit. The use of a substitute replacement parts which do not have the same safety characteristics as the factory recommended replacement parts shown in this service manual, may create shock, fire or other hazards. Many electrical and mechanical parts in LCD television have special safety-related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection, nor can protection afforded by them be necessarily increased by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage and etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified in this manual; electrical components having such features are identified by “ å” 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345 2 LC-10A2U PRECAUTIONS A PRENDRE LORS DE LA REPARATION Ë Ne peut effectuer la réparation qu’ un technicien spécialisé qui s’est parfaitement accoutumé à toute vérification de sécurité et aux conseils suivants. • AVERTISSEMENT 1. N’entreprendre aucune modification de tout circuit. C’est dangereux. 2. Débrancher le récepteur avant toute réparation. • PRECAUTION POUR LA PROTECTION CONTINUE A CONTRE LES RISQUES D’INCENDIE, REMPLACER LE FUSIBLE PAR UN FUSIBLE DE MEME TYPE F3701 (1,6A, 125V), F3702 (1,6A, 125V), F3751 (2,5A, 125V). V VERIFICATIONS CONTRE L’INCEN-DIE ET LE CHOC ELECTRIQUE Avant de rendre le récepteur à l’utilisateur, effectuer les vérifications suivantes. 1. Inspecter tous les faisceaux de câbles pour s’assurer que les fils ne soient pas pincés ou qu’un outil ne soit pas placé entre le châssis et les autres pièces métalliques du récepteur. 2. Inspecter tous les dispositifs de protection comme les boutons de commande non-métalliques, les isolants, le dos du coffret, les couvercles ou blindages de réglage et de compartiment, les réseaux de résistancecapacité, les isolateurs mécaniques, etc. 3. S’assurer qu’il n’y ait pas de danger d’électrocution en vérifiant la fuite de courant, de la facon suivante: • Brancher le cordon d’alimentation dans la prise CA de 110~240 V et le câble d’alimentation CC dans le jack du moniteur. (Ne pas utiliser un transformateur pour cet essai.) • A l’aide de deux fils à pinces, brancher une résistance de 1,5kΩ 10 watts en paralléle avec un condensateur de 0,15µF en série avec toutes les pièces métalliques exposées du coffret et une terre connue comme une conduite électrique ou une prise de terre branchée à la terre. Utiliser un voltmètre CA d’une sensibilité d’au moins 5000Ω/V pour mesurer la chute de tension en travers de la résistance. Toucher avec la sonde d’essai les piéces métalliques exposées qui présentent une voie de retour au châssis (antenne, coffret métallique, tête des vis, arbres de commande et des boutons, écusson, etc.) et mesure la chute de tension CA en-travers de la résistance. Toutes les vérifications doivent être refaites aprés avoir inversé la fiche du cordon d’alimentation. (Si nécessaire, une prise d’adpatation non polarisée peut être utilisée dans le but de terminer ces vérifications.) Une valeur de 0,75 V RMS ou plus (correspond à 0,5 mA C.A.) est excessive et implique un danger de secousse électrique, qui devra être supprimé avant de retourner l'appareil à l'utilisateur. VTVM ECHELLE CA 1.5 KOHMS 10W 0,15 µF SONDE D'ESSAI VERS PIECES METALLIQUES EXPOSEES CANNECTER A UNE MASSE DE TERRE CONNUE 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 SAFETY NOTICE identifiées par la marque “ å” et hachurées dans la liste des pièces de remplacement et les diagrammes schématiques. Pour assurer la protection, ces pièces doivent être identiques à celles utilisées dans le circuit d’origine. L’utilisation de pièces qui n’ont pas les mêmes caractéristiques que les pièces recommandées par l’usine, indiquées dans ce manuel, peut provoquer des électrocutions, incendies, radiations X ou autres accidents. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234 De nombreuses pièces, électriques et mécaniques, dans les téléviseurs présentent des caractéristiques spéciales relatives à la sécurité, qui ne sont souvent pas évidentes à vue. Le degré de protection ne peut pas être nécessairement augmentée en utilisant des pièces de remplacement étalonnées pour haute tension, puissance, etc. Les pièces de remplacement qui présentent ces caractéristiques sont identifiées dans ce manuel; les pièces électriques qui présentent ces particularités sont 3 LC-10A2U ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power input ....................................................................................... DC 12V (Receiver) ....................................................................................... AC 110-240V (AC Adaptor) Power consumption .......................................................... 24W (Connected to DC 12V) LCD panel size ....................................................................................... 10.4" TFT LCD Number of pixels ........................................................................... 921,600 pixels (VGA) Video color systems ......................................................................... PAL/NTSC/SECAM Audio amplifier .......................................................... 1.0 W + 1.0 W (at 10% distortion) Speakers Size .................................................................................................. 3 × 4 cm (2 pcs) Voice coil impedance ....................................................................................... 8 ohm Antenna input impedance ............................................................... 75 ohm unbalanced Tuning ranges VHF Channels ............................................................................................. 2 thru 13 UHF Channels ........................................................................................... 14 thru 69 CATV Channels .........................................................................................1 thru 125 ......................................................................................... (EIA, Channel Plan U.S.A) Weight ........................................................................................ 2.0 kg w/o accessories Accessories ................... R/C, Batteries, Wall mount parts, Antenna cable, AC adapter, AC cord, Operation manual Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. 4 LC-10A2U OPERATION MANUAL Main unit (rear view) Main unit (front view) Remote control 5 LC-10A2U SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Operation Manual (x1) Wireless Remote Control (x1) RRMCG1559CESA TiNS-6926CEZZ Wall Mount Bracket (x1) LANGU9053CE01 Antenna Cable AC Cord QCNW-5730CEZZ QACCD3093CEZZ AC Adapter (x1) Size AAA Dry Battery (x2) Wall Mount Bracket Screws (x4) UADP-0211CEZZ UBATU0026GEZZ Fixed Screw for Set Stand (x1) 6 LC-10A2U DISASSEMBLY OF THE SET 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the five lock screws (1) off the cabinet B. Push on the six hooks (2) of the cabinet B and open it slightly. Disconnect all the connectors (3) from the terminal and operation PWBs. Detach the cabinet B. Disconnect all the connectors (4) from the main PWB. 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Cabinet B 2 2 P3203 3 P701 P3204 3 3 P2001 SC401 Cabinet A 4 P701 P301 P751 P2001 P2002 4 (Main PWB) SC1203 4 P752 P401 SC1201 4 7 3 LC-10A2U 5. Remove the four lock screws (5) off the main PWB. 6. Peel off the five pieces of tape (6) and detach the LC display unit. 7. Remove the two lock screws (7) off the remote control PWB. 8. Remove the four lock screws (8) off the terminal PWB. 9. Remove the two lock screws (9) off the operation PWB. 10.Remove the two lock screws (10) off the flexible shield, and detach he relay PWB. 5 5 Main PWB LC display unit 6 8 7 Terminal PWB 9 Operation PWB 8 7 Cabinet A Remote control reception PWB 8 9 10 Cabinet B Flexible shield LC display unit (rear view) Relay PWB 8 LC-10A2U 11.Remove the lock screw (11) off the LC display unit. 12.Undo the seven hooks (12) to release the unit frame. 13.Detach the fluorescent lamp (13). LC display unit (front view) 11 13 12 12 Panel holder 12 12 12 12 12 9 LC-10A2U ADJUSTING PROCEDURE OF EACH SECTION The best adjustment is made before shipping. If any position deviation is found or after part replace is performed, adjust as follows. 1. Preparation for Adjustments (1)Use the exclusive-use AC adapter or stable DC power supply. AC adapter: UADP-0211CEZZ DC power supply: 12 ± 0.5V 2. Special mode setting procedure (1)After initialization of E2PROM the mode is changed to the adjustment mode. [Procedure] Connect TP2001 and TP2002 to GND, and turn on the power. [Description] • The initialization of microcomputer is as follows. • AV position, DAC data, G/A data, sound processor data, and video chroma data adjustment values are taken as defaults. (2)Adjustment mode [Procedure] Short-circuit TP2001 to GND, and turn on the power. Or short-circuit TP2002 to GND, and turn on the power. Or holding down the [TV/VIDEO] key and [MENU] key, turn on the main power, and simultaneously press the (inspection process) [CH "] key and [VOL– ] key to change the mode to the adjustment mode. [Description] The manual adjustment or adjustment through communication with the automatic machine is performed. (3)Inspection mode [Procedure] Holding down the [TV/VIDEO] key and [MENU] key, turn on the power. [Description] • In the ordinary menu select “VIDEO ADJUST” with the [CH] key, and decide with the [VOL] key. Then select “PICTURE”, “TINT (only NTSC)”, “COLOR”, “BLACK LEVEL”, “SHARPNESS”, “RED-BLUE”, “GREEN” and “COLOR SYSTEM” with the [CH] key, and decide with the [VOL] key. After that, adjust values with the [VOL] key. • VOLUME, PICTURE, TINT (only NTSC), COLOR, BLACK LEVEL, SHARPNESS, RED-BLUE, GREEN change as follows. ûMin.Û ûCenterÛ ûMax.Û (4)Shipping setting mode [Procedure] Holding down the [TV/VIDEO] key and [MENU] key, turn on the main power, and simultaneously press the (inspection process) [CH '] key and [VOL+] key to change the mode to the adjustment mode. [Description] User adjustment and other values are taken as defaults. If TV is indicated as SETTING COMPLETE, setting has been completed. 10 LC-10A2U 3. Cancel of special mode Turn off the main unit power. 4. Adjustments Adjustment 1 +B Adjustment (If E2PROM is replaced) (IC2004) Adjusting conditions 1. Connect the DC voltmeter to pin 49 of SC401. Adjusting method 1. Adjust the "+B-Adj" value to 5.0V±0.02V with [VOL+] or [VOL-] 2. Go to the adjustment mode. Key. * The color of "+B Adj" must be yellow. 2 Model setup 1. Go to the adjustment mode. 2 1. Select "MODEL" with [MENU] key (If E PROM is replaced) and adjust to "A2U" with [VOL+] (IC2004) or [VOL-] key. * The color of "MODEL" must be yellow. 3 Counter-bias adjustment 1. Receive a B/W channel. 2. Go to the adjustment mode. 3. Select the "COM BIAS" with [MENU] key. 1. Adjust "COM BIAS" to the darkest screen with [VOL+] and [VOL-] key. * The color of "COM BIAS" must be yellow. 5. Shipping setting list Channel ............................................................................................................................................... 2ch Air/Cable ............................................................................................................................................. Air Skip Data_CATV ................................................................................................................................. All Skip Skip Data_AIR .................................................................................................................................... All Skip Volume ................................................................................................................................................ 20 Picture ................................................................................................................................................. 30 Tint ...................................................................................................................................................... 0 Color ................................................................................................................................................... 0 Black Level ......................................................................................................................................... 0 SHARP ................................................................................................................................................ 0 RED-BLUE .......................................................................................................................................... 0 GREEN ............................................................................................................................................... 0 TV Color System ................................................................................................................................. N358 AV Color System ................................................................................................................................ Auto Language ............................................................................................................................................ English Blue Screen ........................................................................................................................................ Off EZ Setup Auto Start ............................................................................................................................ On Sleep Timer ........................................................................................................................................ None MTS .................................................................................................................................................... Stereo Brightness ........................................................................................................................................... Bright Auto Power Off ................................................................................................................................... Off Upside ................................................................................................................................................. Normal Right/Left ............................................................................................................................................ Normal AV1 ..................................................................................................................................................... Normal AV2 IN/OUT ........................................................................................................................................ In Closed Caption (Mode) ...................................................................................................................... OFF (Data) ....................................................................................................................... CH1 V Chip block (MPAA) ..................................................................................................................... None (TV Guideline) .......................................................................................................... None (Block Content) ........................................................................................................ All Unblock (Status) ..................................................................................................................... Off (Input Secret No.) ..................................................................................................... Clear 11 No TV and VIDEO 1 output No 12 Check LCD panel voltage and waveform. Yes Are inputs and outputs No of IC1201 as specified? Yes Are inputs and outputs of IC802 as specified? Check IC1201 and its peripheral parts. Check IC802 and its peripheral parts. No Is input at Pin No (73) of IC802 as specified? Yes Are inputs and outputs of IC402 as specified? Check IC802, AV1 line and their peripheral parts. Check IC402 and its peripheral parts. Check all the settings on the microprocessor’s adjust process menu. No picture at all No picture No Check IC402 and its peripheral parts. Yes Are Pins (2) No and (4) of IC402 at “H” and “L” respectively? Yes Is input at Pin No (1) of IC402 as specified? Yes Is output at Pin (19) of tuner as specified? Yes Are voltages No at Pins (6), (7) and (9) of tuner as specified? No TV output Check the line in question. Yes Are Pins (65) and (66) of IC2001 at “H” and “L” respectively? Check the line in question. Check the tuner and its peripheral parts. Check the power line. Check IC402 and its peripheral parts. Yes Are Pins (1) No and (4) of IC402 both at “L”? Yes Is input at Pin No (1) of IC402 as specified? No VIDEO 1 output Check the line in question. Yes Are Pins (65) and (66) of IC2001 both at “L”? Check the line in question. Check J3404, AV line and their peripheral parts. No Is input at Pin (74) of IC802 as specified? No VIDEO 2 output Check J3301, SY line, SC line and peripheral parts. No Are inputs at Pins (71) and (72) of IC802 as specified? No S VIDEO output LC-10A2U TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE 13 No No No VIDEO color Check J3701, its peripheral parts and connection cable. Yes Is any of T701’s primary side, No Q701, Q710 and S4701 short-circuited? Yes Disconnect F3701 and F3702. Is the load side short-circuited? Check all the settings on the microprocessor’s adjust process menu. No TV color No color Check the secondary-side load of T701. Yes Are the oscillation waveform at T701’s primary side as specified? No Are secondary outputs (+38V, +16V, +9V, +5V, -8V) of T701 as specified? Yes Do F3701 and F3702 function? Check all the settings on the microprocessor’s adjust process menu. No picture and sound Is input at Pin (71) of IC802 as specified? No S-VIDEO color Check S4701 and connection cable. Replace F3701 and F3702. No No No Check J3301, SC line and peripheral parts. Replace the fluorescent lamp and check the oscillation waveform again. Yes Are the oscillation waveforms No at the primary side of T751 and T752 as specified? Yes Is Pin (34) of IC1202 at “H”? Yes Does F3751 function? Fluorescent lamp Check Q751, Q752, T751, T752, Q753 and their peripheral parts. Yes Check the line, IC1202 and its peripheral parts. Yes Replace F3751. LC-10A2U TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE (Continued) No sound from headphone 14 Check the speakers and their peripheral parts. Yes Are inputs at Pins (5) and (8) as well as outputs at Pins (2) and (11), all of IC301, as specified? Yes Are inputs and outputs of IC303 as specified? Yes Are outputs at Pins (1) and (7) of IC903 as specified? Yes Is Pin (53) of IC2001 at “L”? No No No No Check the line in question, IC303 and its peripheral parts. Check IC303 and its peripheral parts. Check IC901, IC903 and their peripheral parts. Muting effect is on. Check the FSMU line. Check the headphone and its peripheral parts. Yes Is Pin (55) of IC2001 at “L”? No Check all the settings on the microprocessor’s adjust process menu. No sound from speakers No sound Check Q306, J3404 and their peripheral parts. Check the line in question. Yes Are outputs at Pins (1) and (7) of IC902 as specified? Yes Is Pin (52) of IC2001 at “L”? No sound from output line No No Check IC902 and its peripheral parts. Check the LMUTE line. Is input at Pin (60) of IC901 as specified? Yes Is output at Pin (16) of tuner as specified? TV sound failure No No Check IC901, Q3301, Q3204, Q3205 and their peripheral parts. Check the tuner and its peripheral parts. LC-10A2U TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE (Continued) LC-10A2U -MEMO- 15 LC-10A2U CHASSIS LAYOUT MAIN Unit (Side-A) J I H G F MAIN Unit (Side-B) E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U J TERMINAL Unit I H G F OPERATION Unit (Side-A) E OPERATION Unit (Side-B) D C LED Unit B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U BLOCK DIAGRAM J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U DESCRIPTION OF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE: PARTS MARKED WITH " å "( ) ARE INPORTANT FOR MAINTAINING THE SAFETY OF THE SET. BE SURE TO REPLACE THESE PARTS WITH SPECIFIED ONES FORMAINTAINING THE SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SET. AVIS DE SECURITE IMPORTANT: LES PIECES MARQUEES " å" ( ) SONT IMPORTANTES POUR MAINTENIR LA SECURITE DE L'APPAREIL. NE REMPLACER CES PIECES QUE PAR DES PIECES DONT LE NUMERO EST SPECIFIE POUR MAINTENIR LA SECURITE ET PROTEGER LE BON FONCTIONNEMENT DE L'APPAREIL. CAUTION: This circuit diagram is original one, therefore there may be a slight difference from yours. 1. When the exclusive-use AC adapter is used, the color bar signal of color bar generator for service is input to get the normal screen. When the audio is minimized, the voltage value is measured with the 20 kΩ/V tester. 2. When the exclusive-use AC adapter is used, the color density, lightness and color hue are set to the center position, and the signal of color bar generator for service is observed to get waveform. The wave form test point is indicated with the mark ( ) in the wiring diagram. [Item] 3. Indication of resistors and capacitors [Resistors] Unit Nonindication C S N W T : Nonindication … Ω, K…kΩ, M … MΩ Error : Nonindication … J… F… D… ±10% ±5% ±1% ±0.5% [Capacitor] Unit Nonndication ML PF film capacitor TA Styrol capacitor : Nonindication or µ … µF, P or p … pF 19 Resistors Carbon-film resistor Solid resistor Metal-oxide-film resistor Metal-film resistor Cement resistor Special resistor Capacitors Ceramic capacitor Mylar capacitor Polypropylene Tantalum capacitor LC-10A2U LC-10A2U Ë MAIN Unit -1/2 å AND SHADED COMPONENTS=SAFETY RELATED PARTS J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20-21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LC-10A2U LC-10A2U Ë MAIN Unit -2/2 å AND SHADED COMPONENTS=SAFETY RELATED PARTS J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 22-23 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LC-10A2U LC-10A2U Ë TERMINAL Unit å AND SHADED COMPONENTS=SAFETY RELATED PARTS J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 24-25 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 LC-10A2U Ë RELAY Unit J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 26 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U Ë OPERATION and LED Unit J I H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 27 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES J I H G F E D C Main Unit (Side-A) B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 28 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U Main Unit (Side-B) 10 11 12 13 14 15 29 16 17 18 19 LC-10A2U J Relay Unit (Side-A) LED Unit (Side-A) I H G F E D C B Operation Unit (Side-A) A 1 2 3 4 Terminal Unit (Side-A) 5 6 30 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U J Relay Unit (Side-B) LED Unit (Side-B) I H G F E D C B Operation Unit (Side-B) A 1 2 3 4 Terminal Unit (Side-B) 5 6 31 7 8 9 10 LC-10A2U -MEMO- 32 LC-10A2U Ref. No. ★ LIST Description PARTS Part No. Code Ref. No. ★ Description LISTE DES PIECES Part No. Code PARTS REPLACEMENT CHANGE DES PIECES Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics identified in this manual: electrical components having such features are identified by “ å ” and shaded area in the Replacement Parts Lists and schematic diagrams. The use of a substitute replacement part which does not have the same safety characteristics as the factory recommended replacement parts shown in this service manual may create shock, fire or other hazards. Les pi`eces de rechange qui pr élelesentent ces caract éleristiques sp éleciales de s élecurit éle, sont identifi élees dans ce manuel : les pi`eces élelectriques qui pr élesentent ces particularit éles, sont rep éle élee par la marque å et sont hachur élees dans les listes de pi`eces et dans les diagrammes sch élematiques. La substitution d'une pi`ece de rechange par une autre qui ne pr é Lesente pas les m éoemes caract éLeristuques de s élecurit éle que la pi`ece recommand élee parl'usine et dans ce manuel de service, peut provoquer une élLelectrocution, un incendie ou toutautre sinistre. “ HOW TO ORDER REPLACEMENT PARTS” “ COMMENT COMMANDER LES PIECES DE RECHANGE” To have your order filled promptly and correctly, please furnish the following informations. 1. MODEL NUMBER 3. PART NO. in USA : Pour que votre commande soit rapidement et correctement remplie, veuillez fournir les renseignements suivants. 2. REF. NO. 4. DESCRIPTION 1. NUMERO DU MODELE 3. NO. DE PIECE Contact your nearest SHARP Parts Distributor to order. For location of SHARP Parts Distributor, Please call Toll-Free: 1-800-BE SHARP in CANADA : Contact SHARP Electronics of Canada Limited Phone (416) 890-2100 MARK★: SPARE PARTS-DELIVERY SECTION Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description MARK★: SPARE PARTS-DELIVERY SECTION Code Ref. No. J LCD Module Unit KLMP-0100CEZZ J Lamp Unit AZ PRINTED WIRING BOARD ASSEMBLIES (NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM) DUNTKA077FE03 DUNTKA142DE01 DUNTKA143DE01 DUNTKA144DE01 DUNTKA145DE01 – – – – – Main PWB Unit Terminal PWB Unit Operation PWB Unit LED PWB Unit Relay PWB Unit ★ Description Code INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DB LAMP UNIT å Part No. DUNTKA077FE03 MAIN PWB UNIT LCD MODULE UNIT RLCDT0054CEN2 2. NO. DE REF 4. DESCRIPTION — — — — — IC201 IC301 IC303 IC402 IC701 IC702 IC704 IC802 IC901 IC902 IC903 IC1101 IC1102 IC1103 IC1104 IC1105 IC1106 IC1107 IC1108 IC1109 IC1110 IC1201 IC1202 IC2001 IC2002 IC2003 IC2004 IC2005 VHiNJM2147M-1 VHiLA4227//-1 VHiNJM2283F-1 VHiNJM2235M-1 VHiAN8005M/-1 VHiNJM2377M-1 VHiBA033FP/-1 VHiVPC3230D-1 RH-iX3370CEZZ VHiNJM4560M-1 VHiNJM4560M-1 VHiMB8346BV-1 VHiNJM4565V-1 VHiNJM4565V-1 VHiNJM4565V-1 VHiBU4053V/-1 VHiNJM4580V-1 VHiNJM4580V-1 VHiNJM4580V-1 VHiNJM353M/-1 VHiBU4053V/-1 RH-iX3378CEZZ VHiPD485505-2 RH-iX3448CEN3 VHiPST529DM-1 VHiTC4W66F/-1 VHiBR24C08F-1 VHiBA7046F/-1 Q201 Q202 Q203 Q204 Q302 Q303 Q304 Q306 Q308 Q701 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VSFMY3/////-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SA1162Y/-1 VSDTC314TK/-1 VSDTC314TK/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VS2SA1162Y/-1 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J NJM2147M LA4227 NJM2283F NJM2235M AN8005M NJM2377M BA033FP VPC3230D IX3370CE NJM4560M NJM4560M MB8346BV NJM4565V NJM4565V NJM4565V BU4053V NJM4580V NJM4580V NJM4580V NJM353M BU4053V IX3378CE PD485505 IX3448CE PST529DM TC4W66F BR24C08F BA7046F AF AG AF AE AD AK AG BG AZ AG AG AN AF AF AF AE AE AE AE AG AE AY AY BK AE AE AF AF TRANSISTORS 33 J J J J J J J J J J 2SC2712Y 2SC2712Y FMY3 2SC2712Y 2SA1162Y DTC314TK DTC314TK DTC144EE DTC144EE 2SA1162Y AB AB AB AB AB AC AC AA AA AB LC-10A2U Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code DUNTKA077FE03 MAIN PWB UNIT(Continued) Q702 Q703 Q707 Q708 Q709 Q710 Q751 Q752 Q753 Q754 Q757 Q1101 Q1102 Q1201 Q2003 Q2004 Q2005 Q2006 VS2SK2503//-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSFMMT718//-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VS2SA1162Y/-1 VSFZT1053A/-1 VSFZT1053A/-1 VS2SA1162Y/-1 VSDTC114YE/-1 VSUPA606T//-1 VS2SA1729S/-1 VS2SC4520S/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSDTA144EE/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 2SK2503 2SC2712Y DTC144EE FMMT718 DTC144EE 2SA1162Y FZT1053A FZT1053A 2SA1162Y DTC114YE UPA606T 2SA1729S 2SC4520S DTC144EE 2SC2712Y DTC144EE DTA144EE DTC144EE AE AB AA AE AA AB AG AG AB AB AD AE AF AA AB AA AA AA D201 D702 D703 D704 D705 D706 D707 D709 D710 D712 D753 D754 D1101 D1201 D1202 VHDDAN222//-1 VHDSFPB56//2E VHD1SS250//1E VHD1SS250//1E VHDDAN222//-1 VHDSFPB74//2E VHDDAN222//-1 VHDDAN222//-1 VHDDAN222//-1 VHDDAN222//-1 VHDiMN10///-1 VHDiMN10///-1 VHD1SS250//1E VHDDAN222//-1 RH-EX0227CEZZ X801 X901 RCRSC0012CEZZ J Crystal, CRSC0012CE RCRSB0250GEZZ J Crystal, CRSB0250GE X2002 RFiLA0107CEZZ L701 L705 L706 L752 L803 L804 L805 L806 L807 L901 L902 L1202 L1203 L1204 L1205 RCiLC0130CEZZ RCiLC0057CEZZ RCiLC0130CEZZ RCiLC0110CEZZ VP-1M3R3JR93N RCiLC0055CEZZ RCiLC0055CEZZ VP-1M4R7J1R2N VP-1M4R7J1R2N VP-1M4R7J1R2N VP-1M101J7R7N VP-1M470J5R4N VP-1M220J2R9N VP-1M220J2R9N VP-1M220J2R9N DIODES J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J DAN222 SFPB56 1SS250 1SS250 DAN222 SFPB74 DAN222 DAN222 DAN222 DAN222 IMN10 IMN10 1SS250 DAN222 Zener, EX0227CE AA AC AB AB AA AD AA AA AA AA AB AB AB AA AB PACKAGED CIRCUITS AH AG FILTER J Filter, FiLA0107CE AD COILS J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Coil, CiLC0130CE Coil, CiLC0057CE Coil, CiLC0130CE Coil, CiLC0110CE Peaking, 3.3µH Coil, CiLC0055CE Coil, CiLC0055CE Peaking, 4.7µH Peaking, 4.7µH Peaking, 4.7µH Peaking, 100µH Peaking, 47µH Peaking, 22µH Peaking, 22µH Peaking, 22µH AG AD AG AF AB AD AD AB AB AB AC AC AC AC AC TRANSFORMERS å T701 å T751 å T752 RTRNZ0778CEZZ RTRNZ0764CEZZ RTRNZ0764CEZZ C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 VCKYTV1HF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1EF104Z J Transformer J Transformer J Transformer AM AM AM CAPACITORS J J J J J 0.1 0.1 1 1 0.1 50V 25V 10V 10V 25V Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic AA AA AB AB AA 34 Ref. No. Part No. ★ C206 C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C309 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C316 C317 C318 C319 C403 C404 C406 C408 C409 C411 C701 C702 C703 C704 C706 C707 C708 C710 C711 C712 C713 C716 C719 C721 C722 C728 C729 C731 C733 C734 C735 C736 C737 C738 C740 C741 C746 C747 C748 C749 C751 C752 C755 C757 C758 C759 C760 C761 C762 C763 C764 C765 C801 C802 C803 C804 C805 C806 C807 C808 VCKYCY1HF103Z VCEAPF1CN106M VCEAPF1CN107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1CN476M VCKYCY1EB223K VCEAPW1CN477M VCEAPF1HN225M VCEAPF1HN225M VCKYCY1EB223K VCEAPF1CN476M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1CN107M VCKYTV1CF105Z VCEA4U1CN228M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1HN105M VCEAPF1HN105M VCEAPF0JW226M VCKYTV1AB105K VCKYTV1AB105K VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH331J VCCCCY1HH331J VCCCCY1HH331J VCCCCY1HH471J VCKYTV1CF105Z VCEAPF1CN226M VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYCY1HB562K VCKYCY1CF334Z VCEAPF0JN226M VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYCY1EB103K VCEAPT1AN226M RC-EZ1176CEZZ VCKYTV1CF105Z RC-EZ0420CEZZ VCEASD1HN336M VCKYTV1HF104Z VCKYTV1HF104Z VCKYTV1CF105Z VCCCCY1HH181J RC-EZ0538CEZZ VCKYTV1CF105Z RC-EZ0416CEZZ RC-EZ0416CEZZ RC-EZ1339CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCEAPF1EN475M VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYTV1HB562K RC-EZ1339CEZZ RC-EZ1177CEZZ VCEA4U1CN228M RC-FZ0173CEZZ VCKYCY1HB103K VCKYCY1CB273K VCKYCY1CB273K VCEAPF0JN107M VCKYTV1HB103K VCKYTV1HB103K RC-FZ0174CEZZ VCKYCY1HB562K VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYTV1CF105Z VCEAPF1CN106M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH7R0D VCCCCY1HH7R0D RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1HB331K VCKYCY1HB331K J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Description 0.01 10 100 0.1 47 0.022 470 2.2 2.2 0.022 47 0.1 100 1 2200 0.1 1 1 22 1 1 0.1 330p 330p 330p 470p 1 22 1 5600p 0.33 22 1 0.01 22 100 1 100 33 0.1 0.1 1 180p 330 1 330 330 220 1 4.7 1 0.1 5600p 220 150 2200 0.1 0.01 0.027 0.027 100 0.01 0.01 0.12 5600p 1 1 10 0.1 7p 7p 1 1 330p 330p 50V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 16V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 50V Electrolytic 50V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 50V Electrolytic 50V Electrolytic 6.3V Electrolytic 10V Ceramic 10V Ceramic 25V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 6.3V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 25V Ceramic 10V Electrolytic 16V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 25V Electrolytic 50V Electrolytic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 6.3V Electrolytic 6.3V Electrolytic 16V Electrolytic 10V Electrolytic 25V Electrolytic 16V Ceramic 25V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 6.3V Electrolytic 16V Electrolytic 100V Film 50V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 6.3V Electrolytic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 100V Film 50V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 16V Ceramic 16V Electrolytic 25V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 10V Ceramic 10V Ceramic 50V Ceramic 50V Ceramic Code AA AD AD AA AD AA AE AD AD AA AD AA AD AB AE AA AD AD AB AD AD AA AA AA AA AA AB AD AB AA AA AD AB AA AD AK AB AE AD AA AA AB AA AE AB AD AD AD AB AC AB AA AA AD AH AE AG AA AA AA AD AA AA AG AA AB AB AD AA AA AA AB AB AA AA LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code DUNTKA077FE03 MAIN PWB UNIT(Continued) C809 C810 C811 C812 C813 C814 C815 C816 C817 C818 C819 C820 C821 C822 C825 C826 C827 C830 C831 C835 C839 C840 C841 C842 C844 C848 C874 C875 C876 C878 C879 C902 C905 C906 C909 C910 C911 C912 C913 C914 C915 C916 C917 C918 C919 C920 C921 C922 C923 C924 C925 C927 C928 C929 C930 C931 C932 C933 C935 C937 C938 C939 C940 C941 C942 C943 C944 C945 C946 C954 C955 C956 VCEAPK1CN107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1HB331K RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1HB102K VCKYTV1CF684Z VCKYTV1CF684Z VCKYTV1CF684Z RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPW1CN477M RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1CF224Z VCKYCY1CF224Z VCEAPF0GW107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1CF224Z VCKYCY1CF224Z VCKYCY1CF224Z VCKYCY1CF224Z VCEAPF0GW107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF0JW107M RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCEAPF0GW107M RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYTV1CF684Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1CW106M VCEAPF1CW106M VCKYCY1HB682K VCKYCY1HB682K VCEAPF1CW106M VCEAPF1CW106M VCKYCY1EF104Z RC-EZ0417CEZZ VCEAPF0JW336M VCKYCY1EF104Z RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1CW106M RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCCCCY1HH560J VCCCCY1HH560J VCCCCY1HH560J VCCCCY1HH5R0C VCCCCY1HH5R0C VCKYCY1EF104Z RC-EZ0417CEZZ VCEAPF1CW226M RC-EZ0417CEZZ RC-EZ0417CEZZ VCKYCY1HB561K VCKYCY1HB152K VCKYCY1HB152K VCKYCY1HB561K VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF1CW106M VCEAPF1HW225M VCEAPF1HW225M VCEAPF1CW106M VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYTV1CF105Z J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 100 0.1 330p 1 1 1000p 0.68 0.68 0.68 1 1 0.1 470 1 1 0.22 0.22 100 0.1 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 100 0.1 100 1 1 100 1 0.68 0.1 10 10 6800p 6800p 10 10 0.1 150 33 0.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.1 10 1 56p 56p 56p 5p 5p 0.1 150 22 150 150 560p 1500p 1500p 560p 0.1 10 2.2 2.2 10 1 1 16V 25V 50V 10V 10V 50V 16V 16V 16V 10V 10V 25V 16V 10V 10V 16V 16V 4V 25V 16V 16V 16V 16V 4V 25V 6.3V 10V 10V 4V 10V 16V 25V 16V 16V 50V 50V 16V 16V 25V 16V 6.3V 25V 10V 10V 10V 10V 10V 10V 25V 16V 10V 50V 50V 50V 50V 50V 25V 16V 16V 16V 16V 50V 50V 50V 50V 25V 16V 50V 50V 16V 16V 16V Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Part No. ★ C957 C958 C961 C962 C963 C964 C1101 C1102 C1103 C1104 C1105 C1106 C1107 C1108 C1109 C1110 C1111 C1112 C1113 C1114 C1115 C1116 C1117 C1118 C1119 C1120 C1122 C1123 C1124 C1202 C1203 C1204 C1205 C1206 C1207 C1209 C1210 C1211 C1212 C1213 C1214 C1215 C1217 C1218 C2001 C2002 C2003 C2006 C2007 C2009 C2010 C2015 C2016 C2017 C2018 C2019 C2020 C2021 C2022 C2023 C2024 VCEAPF1EW475M VCEAPF1EW475M VCKYCY1HB102K VCKYCY1HB102K VCKYCY1HB102K VCKYCY1HB102K VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH560J VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYTV1EF104Z VCKYTV1CF105Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH220J VCCCCY1HH220J VCEAPF1CN107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF0JW107M VCEAPF0GW107M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF0JW107M VCEAPF0GW107M RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCEAPF1CW226M VCEAPF1CN106M VCKYCY1HB102K VCCCCY1HH221J VCEAPF1HW105M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1HB561K VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1EF104Z VCCCCY1HH101J VCKYTV1AB105K VCKYCY1HB102K VCEAPF1AW476M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYTV1AB105K VCKYCY1HB222K J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF103F VRS-CY1JF102F VRS-CY1JF473F VRS-CY1JF103J VRS-CY1JF103F VRS-CY1JF622F VRS-CY1JF473F VRS-CY1JF123F VRS-CY1JF242F VRS-CY1JF332F VRS-CY1JF332F Ref. No. AD AA AA AB AB AA AB AB AB AB AB AA AE AB AB AA AA AC AA AA AA AA AA AC AA AC AB AB AC AB AB AA AB AB AA AA AB AB AA AD AB AA AB AB AB AB AB AB AA AB AB AA AA AA AA AA AA AD AB AD AD AA AA AA AA AA AB AB AB AB AB AB Description 4.7 4.7 1000p 1000p 1000p 1000p 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 56p 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 22p 22p 100 0.1 100 100 0.1 0.1 100 100 1 22 10 1000p 220p 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 560p 0.1 0.1 100p 1 1000p 47 0.1 1 2200p 25V 25V 50V 50V 50V 50V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 25V 50V 25V 16V 25V 16V 25V 25V 25V 25V 50V 50V 16V 25V 6.3V 4V 25V 25V 6.3V 4V 10V 16V 16V 50V 50V 50V 25V 25V 25V 25V 50V 25V 25V 50V 10V 50V 10V 25V 10V 50V Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Code AB AB AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AB AB AA AA AA AA AA AA AD AA AC AC AA AA AC AC AB AB AD AA AA AB AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AD AA AB AA AD AA RESISTORS 35 J J J J J J J J J J J J 1k 10k 1k 47k 10k 10k 6.2k 47k 12k 2.4k 3.3k 3.3k 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AC AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA R733 R734 R735 R736 R737 R738 R739 R740 R741 R742 R747 R748 R751 R752 R753 R754 R765 R766 R768 R770 R772 R773 R774 R801 R802 R803 R804 R806 R809 R810 R811 R812 R813 R814 R815 R816 R819 R826 R831 R832 R833 R834 R852 R860 R861 R901 R902 R903 R905 R909 R910 R911 R912 R913 R914 R915 R916 R917 R918 R919 R920 R921 R922 R923 R924 R925 R951 R954 R956 R957 R958 R959 R960 R961 R962 DUNTKA077FE03 MAIN PWB UNIT(Continued) R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R308 R309 R310 R311 R314 R315 R316 R317 R324 R327 R328 R329 R331 R401 R402 R403 R404 R405 R406 R407 R408 R409 R410 R411 R418 R420 R424 R430 R434 R435 R436 R437 R701 R702 R703 R704 R705 R706 R707 R708 R709 R711 R712 R713 R715 R716 R717 R718 R719 R720 R721 R722 R723 R724 R725 R726 R729 R731 R732 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No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. DUNTKA077FE03 MAIN PWB UNIT(Continued) R963 R964 R965 R966 R967 R968 R969 R1101 R1102 R1103 R1104 R1105 R1106 R1107 R1108 R1109 R1110 R1111 R1112 R1113 R1114 R1115 R1116 R1117 R1118 R1119 R1120 R1121 R1122 R1123 R1124 R1125 R1127 R1129 R1130 R1132 R1133 R1134 R1135 R1136 R1137 R1138 R1202 R1203 R1204 R1205 R1206 R1207 R1208 R1209 R1210 R1211 R1212 R1214 R1217 R1218 R1220 R1221 R1222 R1223 R1225 R1228 R1229 R1230 R1232 R1233 R1234 R1235 R1236 R2001 R2002 R2003 VRS-CY1JF223J VRS-CY1JF473J VRS-CY1JF473J VRS-CY1JF152J VRS-CY1JF152J VRS-CY1JF103J VRS-CY1JF103J VRS-CA1JF333J VRS-CA1JF103J VRS-CA1JF103J VRS-CA1JF333J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CA1JF333J VRS-CA1JF103J VRS-CA1JF103J VRS-CA1JF333J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF103F VRS-CA1JF333J VRS-CY1JF103F VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF104F VRS-CY1JF472F VRS-TW2ED1R5J VRS-CY1JF330J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF330J VRS-CY1JF472F VRS-TW2ED101J VRS-CY1JF3R9J VRS-CY1JF563F VRS-TW2ED1R5J VRS-CY1JF000J VRS-CY1JF223F VRS-CY1JF223F 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BLN-0006TA Balun, BLN-0090CE Balun, BLN-0006TA Balun, BLN-0076TA Plug, 11Pin Plug, 3Pin Plug, 3Pin Plug, 13Pin Plug, 5Pin Plug, 4Pin Socket, 50Pin Socket, 53Pin Socket, 20Pin AC AC AC AD AC AD AD AD AD AB AD AB AC AC AE AE AC AB AA AH AH AE DUNTKA142DE01 TERMINAL PWB UNIT TUNER TU3201 VTUVT2U5UF553 37 J VHF Tuner BC LC-10A2U Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code Ref. No. DUNTKA142DE01 TERMINAL PWB UNIT(Continued) TRANSISTORS Q3201 Q3202 Q3203 Q3204 Q3205 Q3301 Q3302 Q3303 Q3304 Q3401 Q3402 Q3403 Q3404 Q3405 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VSDTC314TK/-1 VSDTC314TK/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VS2SC2712Y/-1 VSDTC144EE/-1 VS2SK1467//-1 VS2SK1467//-1 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J D3301 D3401 D3402 D3403 VHDDE5SC4M/-1 RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-EX1271CEZZ L3201 L3202 L3401 VP-1M220J2R9N RCiLC0141CEZZ VP-1M101J7R7N C3201 C3202 C3203 C3204 C3205 C3207 C3208 C3209 C3301 C3302 C3303 C3304 C3305 C3306 C3308 C3311 C3312 C3313 C3314 C3315 C3402 C3403 C3404 C3405 C3406 C3407 VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEA4U0JN338M VCKYCY1HB103K VCKYCY1HB102K VCCCCY1HH330J VCCCCY1HH330J VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYCY1HB102K VCE9PF1AW106M VCE9PF1AW106M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCKYTV1CB105K VCKYTV1CB105K VCKYCY1HB102K VCEAPF1CW106M RC-EZ0417CEZZ RC-EZ0417CEZZ RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCKYTV1CB105K VCKYTV1CB105K VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPW1CN477M VCKYCY1EF104Z VCEAPF0JW336M RC-KZ1025CEZZ VCEAPF0JW226M R3201 R3202 R3203 R3204 R3205 R3206 R3207 R3208 R3209 R3301 R3302 R3303 R3304 R3305 R3306 VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CA1JF101J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF153J VRS-CY1JF332J VRS-CY1JF152J VRS-CY1JF331J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-TQ2BD750J VRS-CY1JF102J DTC144EE DTC144EE DTC144EE 2SC2712Y 2SC2712Y 2SC2712Y 2SC2712Y DTC314TK DTC314TK 2SC2712Y 2SC2712Y DTC144EE 2SK1467 2SK1467 AA AA AA AB AB AB AB AC AC AB AB AA AE AE DIODES J J J J DE5SC4M Zener, EX1271CE Zener, EX1271CE Zener, EX1271CE AF AB AB AB COILS J Peaking, 22µH J Coil, CiLC0141CE J Peaking, 100µH AC AF AC CAPACITORS J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J 0.1 3300 0.01 1000p 33p 33p 0.1 1000p 10 10 0.1 1 1 1000p 10 150 150 1 1 1 0.1 470 0.1 33 1 22 25V 6.3V 50V 50V 50V 50V 25V 50V 10V 10V 25V 16V 16V 50V 16V 16V 16V 10V 16V 16V 25V 16V 25V 6.3V 10V 6.3V Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Electrolytic Electrolytic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic Ceramic Electrolytic AA AE AA AA AA AA AA AA AE AE AA AC AC AA AB AD AD AB AC AC AA AE AA AB AB AB 1k 100 1k 1k 15k 3.3k 1.5k 330 1k 100k 100 100k 100 75 1k 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/8W 1/16W Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide R3307 R3308 R3309 R3310 R3313 R3314 R3315 R3316 R3319 R3320 R3321 R3323 R3324 R3326 R3327 R3328 R3329 R3330 R3331 R3332 R3333 R3334 R3401 R3402 R3404 R3405 R3409 R3410 R3411 R3412 R3413 R3414 R3415 R3416 R3417 R3701 R3702 R3703 VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-TQ2BD750J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF822J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-CY1JF562J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-TX2HF331J VRS-TX2HF331J VRS-CR3AD3R9J VRS-CR3AD3R9J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-TQ2BD750J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF000J VRS-CY1JF104J VRS-TQ2BD750J VRS-CY1JF680J VRS-CY1JF680J VRS-CY1JF223J VRS-CY1JF101J VRS-CY1JF562J VRS-CY1JF272J VRS-CY1JF750J VRS-TW2ED000J VRS-TW2ED000J VRS-CY1JF101J FH3701 FH3702 FH3703 FH3704 FH3751 FH3752 F3701 F3702 F3751 J3301 J3302 J3303 J3304 J3305 J3401 J3402 J3403 J3404 J3701 P3203 P3204 P3701 SC3401 QCNW-5562CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFSHD1002CEZZ QFS-B1621GEZZ QFS-B1621GEZZ QFS-B2521GEZZ QSOCD0406GEZZ QJAKJ0080CEZZ QJAKE0166CEZZ QJAKE0167CEZZ QJAKJ0080CEZZ QJAKJ0080CEZZ QJAKE0168CEZZ QJAKJ0080CEZZ QJAKJ0080CEZZ QJAKE0165CEZZ QPLGN0280GEZZ QPLGN0280GEZZ QPLGN1178GEZZ QSOCN0464FJZZ J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Description 100k 100 100k 1k 100 100 100 100k 75 100k 8.2k 100 1k 100k 100k 5.6k 100 330 330 3.9 3.9 1k 75 100 100 0 100k 75 68 68 22k 100 5.6k 2.7k 75 0 0 100 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/8W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/2W 1/2W 1W 1W 1/16W 1/8W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/8W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/4W 1/4W 1/16W Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Code AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AB AC AC AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AB AB AA MISCELLANEOUS PARTS å å å å å å å å å RESISTORS J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ★ Part No. AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Connecting Cord Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Fuse Holder Fuse, 1.6A Fuse, 1.6A Fuse, 2.5A Socket, AV Input 1 Jack, AV Output Jack, AV Input 1 Jack, AV Input 1 Jack, AV Input 2 Jack, AV Input 2 Jack, AV Input 1 Jack, AV Output Jack, Head Phone Jack, Power Input Plug, 2Pin Plug, 2Pin Plug, 11Pin Socket, 50Pin AL AA AA AA AA AA AA AD AD AD AF AF AE AE AF AF AE AF AF AE AB AB AC AH DUNTKA143DE01 OPERATION PWB UNIT DIODES D4016 D4017 D4018 38 RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-EX1283CEZZ J Zener, EX1271CE J Zener, EX1271CE J Zener, EX1283CE AB AB AB LC-10A2U Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code Ref. No. DUNTKA143DE01 OPERATION PWB UNIT(Continued) D4019 RH-EX1283CEZZ J Zener, EX1283CE C4001 C4002 VCCCCY1HH471J J 470p 50V Ceramic VCCCCY1HH471J J 470p 50V Ceramic R4080 R4081 R4082 R4083 R4084 R4085 R4086 VRS-CY1JF822J VRS-CY1JF123J VRS-CY1JF273J VRS-CY1JF563J VRS-CY1JF822J VRS-CY1JF123J VRS-CY1JF273J P4004 S4009 S4010 S4011 S4012 S4013 S4014 S4015 S4016 S4017 S4701 QPLGN0564TAZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-K0088GEZZ QSW-S0213CEZZ Part No. ★ Description Code SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES LANGU9053CE01 QACCD3093CEZZ QCNW-5730CEZZ RRMCG1559CESA TiNS-6926CEZZ UADP-0211CEZZ AB CAPACITORS AA AA J J J J J J Wall Mount Parts AC Cord Antenna Cable Infrared R-C Unit Operation Manual AC Adapter AS AZ AP AV AR BE RESISTORS J J J J J J J 8.2k 12k 27k 56k 8.2k 12k 27k 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide AA AA AA AA AA AA AA PACKING PARTS (NOT REPLACEMENT ITEM) MISCELLANEOUS PARTS J J J J J J J J J J J Plug, 5Pin Switch, Menu Switch, CH(+) Switch, CH(-) Switch, Mute Switch, Bright Switch, Vol(-) Switch, Vol(+) Switch, TV/Video Switch, Display Switch, Main Power SPAKC5419CEZZ AC AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AE SPAKC5420CEZZ SPAKC5421CEZZ SPAKF4002CEZZ SPAKP1000CEZZ SPAKX2056CEZZ SPAKX2060CEZZ SSAKA0160CEZZ TLABN0157CEZZ TLABK0001TAZZ DUNTKA144DE01 LED PWB UNIT TRANSISTORS Q4106 Q4107 VSDTC144EE/-1 VSUMG4/////-1 D4120 D4121 D4122 RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-EX1271CEZZ RH-PX0368CEZZ C4120 VCKYTV1CF105Z R4187 R4188 R4189 R4190 VRS-CY1JF331J VRS-CY1JF102J VRS-CY1JF472J VRS-CY1JF101J J DTC144EE J UMG4 AA AC DIODES AND LED’S J Zener, EX1271CE J Zener, EX1271CE J PhotoDiode AB AB AE CAPACITOR J 1 16V Ceramic AB RESISTORS J J J J 330 1k 4.7k 100 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W 1/16W Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide Metal Oxide AA AA AA AA MISCELLANEOUS PARTS PSLDM4450CEFW QCNW-5710CEZZ RMC4101 RRMCU0225CEZZ SC4102 QPLGN0464TAZZ J J J J Shield Connecting Cord Remote Receiver Plug, 4Pin AE AC AK AC DUNTKA145DE01 RELAY PWB UNIT MISCELLANEOUS PART SC1401 QSOCN0461FJZZ J Socket, 53Pin SC1402 QCNCW5028CEZZ J Connector, 50Pin AH AH 39 - Packing Case (LC-10A2U-S) - Packing Case (LC-10A2U-B) - Packing Case (LC-10A2U-W) - Packing Material - Wrapping Paper - Buffer Material - Buffer Material - Operation Manual Polyethylene Bag - No. Card - No. Label — — — — — — — — — — LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code CABINET PARTS LIST 1 CCABA2397CE01 1 CCABA2397CE03 1 CCABA2397CE04 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 Not Available GCOVA1850CEKA GCOVA1817CESA HBDGB3133CESH 1-4 HBDGB3133CESJ 1-4 HBDGB3133CESK 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 2 HDECA0200CESA LANGS0101CEFW LANGS0102CEFW LX-HZ3052CEFF VSP4030P-428D MSPRP0200CEFW PSPAP0052CEZZ PSPAG2002CEZZ PSPAG2003CEZZ PSPAH1002CEZZ PSPAH1003CEZZ PSPAH1004CEZZ CCABB2291CE02 2 CCABB2291CE01 2-1 2-2 Not Available GDAi-1084CESD 2-2 GDAi-1084CESK 2-3 2-4 JKNBP1166CEKA JBTN-2051CEKA 2-4 JBTN-2051CEKB 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-11 2-12 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 3 4 5 6 å7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 LANGF9600CEFW XBPSF30P10KS0 PZETZ0015CEZZ PMLT-0316CEZZ QCNW-4948CEZZ XEBSD30P08000 PMLT-0318CEZZ PMLT-0356CEZZ PSPAG2004CEZZ PSPAH1001CEZZ RLCDT0054CEN2 PSHEP0103CEZZ PSHEP0118CEZZ PSHEP0102CEZZ KLMP-0100CEZZ PGiDM0100CEZZ PSHEP0119CEZZ LHLDZ2141CEKZ PSLDM4602CEFW PZETK0101CEZZ PSPAG2000CEZZ PSLDM4577CEFW XEBSD30P08000 XEBSF30P12000 QCNW-5760CEZZ QCNW-5279CEZZ QCNW-5745CEZZ QCNW-5299CEZZ QCNW-5285CEZZ LANGQ9207CEFW J Front Cabinet Ass'y (LC-10A2U-S) J Front Cabinet Ass'y (LC-10A2U-B) J Front Cabinet Ass'y (LC-10A2U-W) - Front Cabinet J Cover, for R/C Receiver J Cover, for LED J Badge, "SHARP" (LC-10A2U-B) J Badge, "SHARP" (LC-10A2U-W) J Badge, "SHARP" (LC-10A2U-S) J Decoration Plate J Speaker Punching (R), x2 J Speaker Punching (L), x2 J Screw, for Speaker, x4 J Speaker, x2 J Spring, for Punching Earth J Spacer J Spacer, x4 J Spacer, x2 J Spacer, x2 J Spacer J Spacer J Rear Cabinet Ass'y (LC-10A2U-W) J Rear Cabinet Ass'y (LC-10A2U-B/S) - Rear Cabinet J Set Stand (LC-10A2U-B/S) J Set Stand (LC-10A2U-W) J Knob, Power J Button, Control (LC-10A2U-B/S) J Button, Control (LC-10A2U-W) J Set Stand Angle J Screw, x4 J Insulator, Set Stand J Absorber J Earth Cable J Screw J Absorber, x2 J Absorber J Spacer J Spacer J LCD Panel Ass'y J Wave Sheet J Diffusion Sheet J ITO Sheet J Lamp J Light Guide Plate J Reflection Sheet J Panel Holder J Shield J Insulator J Light Shielding Spacer J Shield J Screw, x13 J Screw, x5 J F (Female) to F J Key Cable J Main-Terminal FFC J Source FFC J RC/LED Cable J Fixing Metal Part No. ★ 28 30 32 34 35 36 PSPAP0051CEZZ QCNW-4941CEZZ PSPAG2001CEZZ XBBSD20P05000 LHLDW1173CEZZ HiNDP5532CEZZ J J J J J J 36 HiNDP5533CEZZ J 36 HiNDP5534CEZZ J 37 HiNDP5536CESA J 37 HiNDP5612CESB J 38 HiNDP5548CESA J 38 HiNDP5549CESA J 38 HiNDP5550CESA J 39 40 LX-NZ3047GEZZ HiNDP5536CESA J J 40 HiNDP5536CESB J 41 43 44 RCORF0064CEZZ J QCNW-5710CEZZ J QCNW-5538CEZZ J Ref. No. BE BE BF — AG AE AG AG AG AK AD AD AA AR AD AA AA AA AB AB AB BF BE — AX AY AE AH AL AG AB AG AB AC AA AB AB AB AD DB AR AK AU AZ AV AH AS AK AF AC AE AA AA AP AF AN AH AF AE 40 Description Spacer Gate FFC Spacer Screw Wire Holder Serial No. Label (LC-10A2U-S) Serial No. Label (LC-10A2U-W) Serial No. Label (LC-10A2U-B) Caution Indicator (LC-10A2U-B/S) Caution Indicator (LC-10A2U-W) Model Indicator (LC-10A2U-S) Model Indicator (LC-10A2U-W) Model Indicator (LC-10A2U-B) Nut Caution UL Indicator (LC-10A2U-B/S) Caution UL Indicator (LC-10A2U-W) Core Earth Wire Power Cable Code AB AE AE AA AD AD AD AD AG AG AF AF AF AA AG AG AL AC AG LC-10A2U Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. CABINET AND MECHANICAL PARTS Part No. ★ Ref. No. H 37 2-8 2-6 2-17 2 Code 2-2 2-4 2-1 Description 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-7 G 36 2-3 38 OPERATION Unit 39 35 2-12 A 23 44 12 24 F 17 2-11 2-5 TERMINAL Unit 16 16 22 11 13 16 15 A 10 E 9 16 MAIN Unit 8 7 6 35 5 D 3 4 30 1-16 1-13 1-12 27 C 26 1-1 1-7 LED Unit 1-8 25 16 41 28 RELAY Unit 1-10 1-6 1-9 34 32 1-3 1-7 1-8 16 B 1-14 1-6 1-4 1-11 1-9 1 1-2 1-14 1-15 A 1 2 3 4 41 1-5 5 6 43 LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Code No. Part No. PACKING OFRef.THE SET Description ★ Description Code ★SSAKA0160CEZZ (Operation Manual Polyethylene Bag) QCNW-5730CEZZ (Antenna Cable) TiNS-6926CEZZ (Operation Manual) Batteries (2 pcs.) UADP-0211CEZZ (AC Adapter) ★SPAKX2060CEZZ (Buffer Material) RRMCG1559CESA (Infrared R/C Unit) QACCD3093CEZZ (AC Cord) LANGU9053CE01 (Wall Mount Parts) ★SPAKX2056CEZZ (Buffer Material) ★SPAKP1000CEZZ (Wrapping Paper) ★SPAKF4002CEZZ (Packing Material) ★TLABN0157CEZZ (No. Card) ★TLABK0001TAZZ (No. Label) ★SPAKC5419CEZZ(LC-10A2U-S) ★SPAKC5420CEZZ(LC-10A2U-B) ★SPAKC5421CEZZ(LC-10A2U-W) (Packing Case) ★ Not Replacement Item 42 LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. 43 Part No. ★ Description Code LC-10A2U LC-10A2U Ref. No. Part No. ★ Description Code Ref. No. ★ Part No. Description Code COPYRIGHT C 2000 BY SHARP CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. SHARP CORPORATION AV Systems Group Quality & Reliability Control Center Yaita, Tochigi 329-2193, Japan TQ0882-S Apr. 2000 Printed in JAPAN NA. DS 44 ">

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