60342 Get excited about our new packaging! We’re switching from plastic to paper-based packaging. That’s why you might find a mix of paper and plastic in our boxes! Nos nouveaux emballages vous emballeront ! Nous passons des emballages en plastique aux emballages à base de papier. C’est pourquoi vous pourriez trouver un mélange de papier et de plastique dans nos boîtes ! ¡Te presentamos nuestros nuevos empaques! Estamos sustituyendo las bolsas de plástico por bolsas con base de papel. ¡Por eso, puedes encontrar una mezcla de papel y de plástico en nuestras cajas! LEGO.com/sustainable-packaging Check for compatibility Kompatibilität prüfen Vérifier la compatibilité Controlla la compatibilità Comprueba tu compatibilidad Verificar a compatibilidade Ellenőrizd a kompatibilitást Pārbaudīt saderību Verificarea compatibilității 检查兼容性 LEGO.com/devicecheck 乐高®拼搭指引 Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Tencent and the Tencent logo are trademarks of Tencent Inc. 4 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8 2 3 4 9 1 2 2x 10 1 2 11 1 12 2 3 4 13 14 1 2 x3 15 2 16 2 1 17 3 18 4 5 19 6 20 7 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 25 12 26 13 27 14 28 15 29 16 30 17 31 18 32 19 33 20 34 21 35 22 36 23 37 24 38 4 25 26 4 4 1:1 39 27 40 4 28 4 29 4 4 4 1:1 41 30 42 31 32 43 33 44 34 45 35 46 36 47 48 49 2x 6240495 2x 6195273 1x 4651445 1x 6185327 1x 6283869 1x 4507049 2x 4218868 4x 6263446 1x 6060843 4 4x 366026 1x 6271874 1x 4258308 6x 6075213 1x 6391389 1x 4632767 1x 6170695 8x 4125278 1x 6268828 2x 6106516 12x 6387565 1x 6388073 2x 4667463 4x 6338339 1x 9341 4x 6390841 2x 4617860 2x 6313098 6x 6278987 4x 4211202 2x 6307618 1x 6254220 2x 243126 1x 6097174 1x 6305094 2x 4216615 1x 6308484 3x 6129995 1x 6174813 2x 6278548 2x 4512360 1x 4508143 1x 6064174 1x 4533101 1x 6410997 1x 4524098 4x 4288212 1x 6100077 2x 6151720 4x 4118828 2x 6326680 2x 4666579 2x 6247785 2x 6044722 1x 6392238 LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2022 The LEGO Group. 6415395 ">

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